
Package protorange

import "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protorange"

Overview ▾

Package protorange provides functionality to traverse a message value.

Example (DiscardUnknown)

Range through every message and clear the unknown fields.


// Populate the article with unknown fields.
m := &newspb.Article{}
    protopack.Tag{1000, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.String("Hello, world!"),
fmt.Println("has unknown fields?", len(m.ProtoReflect().GetUnknown()) > 0)

// Range through the message and clear all unknown fields.
fmt.Println("clear unknown fields")
protorange.Range(m.ProtoReflect(), func(proto protopath.Values) error {
    m, ok := proto.Index(-1).Value.Interface().(protoreflect.Message)
    if ok && len(m.GetUnknown()) > 0 {
    return nil
fmt.Println("has unknown fields?", len(m.ProtoReflect().GetUnknown()) > 0)


has unknown fields? true
clear unknown fields
has unknown fields? false

Example (FormatText)

Implement a basic text formatter by ranging through all populated values in a message in depth-first order.


m := &newspb.Article{
    Author:  "Brad Fitzpatrick",
    Date:    timestamppb.New(time.Date(2018, time.February, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
    Title:   "Go 1.10 is released",
    Content: "Happy Friday, happy weekend! Today the Go team is happy to announce the release of Go 1.10...",
    Status:  newspb.Article_PUBLISHED,
    Tags:    []string{"go1.10", "release"},
    Attachments: []*anypb.Any{{
        TypeUrl: "google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment",
        Value: mustMarshal(&newspb.KeyValueAttachment{
            Name: "checksums.txt",
            Data: map[string]string{
                "go1.10.src.tar.gz":         "07cbb9d0091b846c6aea40bf5bc0cea7",
                "go1.10.darwin-amd64.pkg":   "cbb38bb6ff6ea86279e01745984445bf",
                "go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz": "6b3d0e4a5c77352cf4275573817f7566",
                "go1.10.windows-amd64.msi":  "57bda02030f58f5d2bf71943e1390123",

// Print a message in a humanly readable format.
var indent []byte
    Stable: true,
    func(p protopath.Values) error {
        // Print the key.
        var fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor
        last := p.Index(-1)
        beforeLast := p.Index(-2)
        switch last.Step.Kind() {
        case protopath.FieldAccessStep:
            fd = last.Step.FieldDescriptor()
            fmt.Printf("%s%s: ", indent, fd.Name())
        case protopath.ListIndexStep:
            fd = beforeLast.Step.FieldDescriptor() // lists always appear in the context of a repeated field
            fmt.Printf("%s%d: ", indent, last.Step.ListIndex())
        case protopath.MapIndexStep:
            fd = beforeLast.Step.FieldDescriptor() // maps always appear in the context of a repeated field
            fmt.Printf("%s%v: ", indent, last.Step.MapIndex().Interface())
        case protopath.AnyExpandStep:
            fmt.Printf("%s[%v]: ", indent, last.Value.Message().Descriptor().FullName())
        case protopath.UnknownAccessStep:
            fmt.Printf("%s?: ", indent)

        // Starting printing the value.
        switch v := last.Value.Interface().(type) {
        case protoreflect.Message:
            indent = append(indent, '\t')
        case protoreflect.List:
            indent = append(indent, '\t')
        case protoreflect.Map:
            indent = append(indent, '\t')
        case protoreflect.EnumNumber:
            var ev protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor
            if fd != nil {
                ev = fd.Enum().Values().ByNumber(v)
            if ev != nil {
                fmt.Printf("%v\n", ev.Name())
            } else {
                fmt.Printf("%v\n", v)
        case string, []byte:
            fmt.Printf("%q\n", v)
            fmt.Printf("%v\n", v)
        return nil
    func(p protopath.Values) error {
        // Finish printing the value.
        last := p.Index(-1)
        switch last.Value.Interface().(type) {
        case protoreflect.Message:
            indent = indent[:len(indent)-1]
            fmt.Printf("%s}\n", indent)
        case protoreflect.List:
            indent = indent[:len(indent)-1]
            fmt.Printf("%s]\n", indent)
        case protoreflect.Map:
            indent = indent[:len(indent)-1]
            fmt.Printf("%s}\n", indent)
        return nil


	author: "Brad Fitzpatrick"
	date: {
		seconds: 1518739200
	title: "Go 1.10 is released"
	content: "Happy Friday, happy weekend! Today the Go team is happy to announce the release of Go 1.10..."
	attachments: [
		0: {
			[google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment]: {
				name: "checksums.txt"
				data: {
					go1.10.darwin-amd64.pkg: "cbb38bb6ff6ea86279e01745984445bf"
					go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz: "6b3d0e4a5c77352cf4275573817f7566"
					go1.10.src.tar.gz: "07cbb9d0091b846c6aea40bf5bc0cea7"
					go1.10.windows-amd64.msi: "57bda02030f58f5d2bf71943e1390123"
	tags: [
		0: "go1.10"
		1: "release"
	status: PUBLISHED

Example (PrintPaths)

Print the relative paths as Range iterates through a message in a depth-first order.


m := &newspb.Article{
    Author:  "Russ Cox",
    Date:    timestamppb.New(time.Date(2019, time.November, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
    Title:   "Go Turns 10",
    Content: "Happy birthday, Go! This weekend we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Go release...",
    Status:  newspb.Article_PUBLISHED,
    Tags:    []string{"community", "birthday"},
    Attachments: []*anypb.Any{{
        TypeUrl: "google.golang.org.BinaryAttachment",
        Value: mustMarshal(&newspb.BinaryAttachment{
            Name: "gopher-birthday.png",
            Data: []byte("<binary data>"),

// Traverse over all reachable values and print the path.
protorange.Range(m.ProtoReflect(), func(p protopath.Values) error {
    return nil



Example (SanitizeStrings)

Scan all protobuf string values for a sensitive word and replace it with a suitable alternative.


m := &newspb.Article{
    Author:  "Hermione Granger",
    Date:    timestamppb.New(time.Date(1998, time.May, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
    Title:   "Harry Potter vanquishes Voldemort once and for all!",
    Content: "In a final duel between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort earlier this evening...",
    Tags:    []string{"HarryPotter", "LordVoldemort"},
    Attachments: []*anypb.Any{{
        TypeUrl: "google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment",
        Value: mustMarshal(&newspb.KeyValueAttachment{
            Name: "aliases.txt",
            Data: map[string]string{
                "Harry Potter": "The Boy Who Lived",
                "Tom Riddle":   "Lord Voldemort",

protorange.Range(m.ProtoReflect(), func(p protopath.Values) error {
    const (
        sensitive   = "Voldemort"
        alternative = "[He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named]"

    // Check if there is a sensitive word to redact.
    last := p.Index(-1)
    s, ok := last.Value.Interface().(string)
    if !ok || !strings.Contains(s, sensitive) {
        return nil
    s = strings.Replace(s, sensitive, alternative, -1)

    // Store the redacted string back into the message.
    beforeLast := p.Index(-2)
    switch last.Step.Kind() {
    case protopath.FieldAccessStep:
        m := beforeLast.Value.Message()
        fd := last.Step.FieldDescriptor()
        m.Set(fd, protoreflect.ValueOfString(s))
    case protopath.ListIndexStep:
        ls := beforeLast.Value.List()
        i := last.Step.ListIndex()
        ls.Set(i, protoreflect.ValueOfString(s))
    case protopath.MapIndexStep:
        ms := beforeLast.Value.Map()
        k := last.Step.MapIndex()
        ms.Set(k, protoreflect.ValueOfString(s))
    return nil



  "author": "Hermione Granger",
  "date": "1998-05-02T00:00:00Z",
  "title": "Harry Potter vanquishes [He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named] once and for all!",
  "content": "In a final duel between Harry Potter and Lord [He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named] earlier this evening...",
  "tags": [
  "attachments": [
      "@type": "google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment",
      "name": "aliases.txt",
      "data": {
        "Harry Potter": "The Boy Who Lived",
        "Tom Riddle": "Lord [He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named]"


var (
    // Break breaks traversal of children in the current value.
    // It has no effect when traversing values that are not composite types
    // (e.g., messages, lists, and maps).
    Break = errors.New("break traversal of children in current value")

    // Terminate terminates the entire range operation.
    // All necessary Pop operations continue to be called.
    Terminate = errors.New("terminate range operation")

func Range

func Range(m protoreflect.Message, f func(protopath.Values) error) error

Range performs a depth-first traversal over reachable values in a message.

See Options.Range for details.

type Options

Options configures traversal of a message value tree.

type Options struct {
    // Stable specifies whether to visit message fields and map entries
    // in a stable ordering. If false, then the ordering is undefined and
    // may be non-deterministic.
    // Message fields are visited in ascending order by field number.
    // Map entries are visited in ascending order, where
    // boolean keys are ordered such that false sorts before true,
    // numeric keys are ordered based on the numeric value, and
    // string keys are lexicographically ordered by Unicode codepoints.
    Stable bool

    // Resolver is used for looking up types when expanding google.protobuf.Any
    // messages. If nil, this defaults to using protoregistry.GlobalTypes.
    // To prevent expansion of Any messages, pass an empty protoregistry.Types:
    //	Options{Resolver: (*protoregistry.Types)(nil)}
    Resolver interface {

func (Options) Range

func (o Options) Range(m protoreflect.Message, push, pop func(protopath.Values) error) error

Range performs a depth-first traversal over reachable values in a message. The first push and the last pop are to push/pop a protopath.Root step. If push or pop return any non-nil error (other than Break or Terminate), it terminates the traversal and is returned by Range.

The rules for traversing a message is as follows:

Mutations should only be made to the last value, otherwise the effects on traversal will be undefined. If the mutation is made to the last value during to a push, then the effects of the mutation will affect traversal. For example, if the last value is currently a message, and the push function populates a few fields in that message, then the newly modified fields will be traversed.

The protopath.Values provided to push functions is only valid until the corresponding pop call and the values provided to a pop call is only valid for the duration of the pop call itself.