7 package base
10 var Debug DebugFlags
18 type DebugFlags struct {
19 Append int `help:"print information about append compilation"`
20 Checkptr int `help:"instrument unsafe pointer conversions\n0: instrumentation disabled\n1: conversions involving unsafe.Pointer are instrumented\n2: conversions to unsafe.Pointer force heap allocation" concurrent:"ok"`
21 Closure int `help:"print information about closure compilation"`
22 Defer int `help:"print information about defer compilation"`
23 DisableNil int `help:"disable nil checks" concurrent:"ok"`
24 DumpInlFuncProps string `help:"dump function properties from inl heuristics to specified file"`
25 DumpInlCallSiteScores int `help:"dump scored callsites during inlining"`
26 InlScoreAdj string `help:"set inliner score adjustments (ex: -d=inlscoreadj=panicPathAdj:10/passConstToNestedIfAdj:-90)"`
27 InlBudgetSlack int `help:"amount to expand the initial inline budget when new inliner enabled. Defaults to 80 if option not set." concurrent:"ok"`
28 DumpPtrs int `help:"show Node pointers values in dump output"`
29 DwarfInl int `help:"print information about DWARF inlined function creation"`
30 EscapeMutationsCalls int `help:"print extra escape analysis diagnostics about mutations and calls" concurrent:"ok"`
31 Export int `help:"print export data"`
32 Fmahash string `help:"hash value for use in debugging platform-dependent multiply-add use" concurrent:"ok"`
33 GCAdjust int `help:"log adjustments to GOGC" concurrent:"ok"`
34 GCCheck int `help:"check heap/gc use by compiler" concurrent:"ok"`
35 GCProg int `help:"print dump of GC programs"`
36 Gossahash string `help:"hash value for use in debugging the compiler"`
37 InlFuncsWithClosures int `help:"allow functions with closures to be inlined" concurrent:"ok"`
38 InlStaticInit int `help:"allow static initialization of inlined calls" concurrent:"ok"`
39 Libfuzzer int `help:"enable coverage instrumentation for libfuzzer"`
40 LoopVar int `help:"shared (0, default), 1 (private loop variables), 2, private + log"`
41 LoopVarHash string `help:"for debugging changes in loop behavior. Overrides experiment and loopvar flag."`
42 LocationLists int `help:"print information about DWARF location list creation"`
43 MaxShapeLen int `help:"hash shape names longer than this threshold (default 500)" concurrent:"ok"`
44 Nil int `help:"print information about nil checks"`
45 NoOpenDefer int `help:"disable open-coded defers" concurrent:"ok"`
46 NoRefName int `help:"do not include referenced symbol names in object file" concurrent:"ok"`
47 PCTab string `help:"print named pc-value table\nOne of: pctospadj, pctofile, pctoline, pctoinline, pctopcdata"`
48 Panic int `help:"show all compiler panics"`
49 Reshape int `help:"print information about expression reshaping"`
50 Shapify int `help:"print information about shaping recursive types"`
51 Slice int `help:"print information about slice compilation"`
52 SoftFloat int `help:"force compiler to emit soft-float code" concurrent:"ok"`
53 StaticCopy int `help:"print information about missed static copies" concurrent:"ok"`
54 SyncFrames int `help:"how many writer stack frames to include at sync points in unified export data"`
55 TypeAssert int `help:"print information about type assertion inlining"`
56 WB int `help:"print information about write barriers"`
57 ABIWrap int `help:"print information about ABI wrapper generation"`
58 MayMoreStack string `help:"call named function before all stack growth checks" concurrent:"ok"`
59 PGODebug int `help:"debug profile-guided optimizations"`
60 PGOHash string `help:"hash value for debugging profile-guided optimizations" concurrent:"ok"`
61 PGOInline int `help:"enable profile-guided inlining" concurrent:"ok"`
62 PGOInlineCDFThreshold string `help:"cumulative threshold percentage for determining call sites as hot candidates for inlining" concurrent:"ok"`
63 PGOInlineBudget int `help:"inline budget for hot functions" concurrent:"ok"`
64 PGODevirtualize int `help:"enable profile-guided devirtualization; 0 to disable, 1 to enable interface devirtualization, 2 to enable function devirtualization" concurrent:"ok"`
65 RangeFuncCheck int `help:"insert code to check behavior of range iterator functions" concurrent:"ok"`
66 WrapGlobalMapDbg int `help:"debug trace output for global map init wrapping"`
67 WrapGlobalMapCtl int `help:"global map init wrap control (0 => default, 1 => off, 2 => stress mode, no size cutoff)"`
68 ZeroCopy int `help:"enable zero-copy string->[]byte conversions" concurrent:"ok"`
70 ConcurrentOk bool
71 }
76 var DebugSSA func(phase, flag string, val int, valString string) string
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