
Source file src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/func.go

Documentation: cmd/compile/internal/ssa

     1  // Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package ssa
     7  import (
     8  	"cmd/compile/internal/abi"
     9  	"cmd/compile/internal/base"
    10  	"cmd/compile/internal/ir"
    11  	"cmd/compile/internal/typecheck"
    12  	"cmd/compile/internal/types"
    13  	"cmd/internal/obj"
    14  	"cmd/internal/src"
    15  	"fmt"
    16  	"math"
    17  	"strings"
    18  )
    20  // A Func represents a Go func declaration (or function literal) and its body.
    21  // This package compiles each Func independently.
    22  // Funcs are single-use; a new Func must be created for every compiled function.
    23  type Func struct {
    24  	Config *Config     // architecture information
    25  	Cache  *Cache      // re-usable cache
    26  	fe     Frontend    // frontend state associated with this Func, callbacks into compiler frontend
    27  	pass   *pass       // current pass information (name, options, etc.)
    28  	Name   string      // e.g. NewFunc or (*Func).NumBlocks (no package prefix)
    29  	Type   *types.Type // type signature of the function.
    30  	Blocks []*Block    // unordered set of all basic blocks (note: not indexable by ID)
    31  	Entry  *Block      // the entry basic block
    33  	bid idAlloc // block ID allocator
    34  	vid idAlloc // value ID allocator
    36  	HTMLWriter     *HTMLWriter    // html writer, for debugging
    37  	PrintOrHtmlSSA bool           // true if GOSSAFUNC matches, true even if fe.Log() (spew phase results to stdout) is false.  There's an odd dependence on this in debug.go for method logf.
    38  	ruleMatches    map[string]int // number of times countRule was called during compilation for any given string
    39  	ABI0           *abi.ABIConfig // A copy, for no-sync access
    40  	ABI1           *abi.ABIConfig // A copy, for no-sync access
    41  	ABISelf        *abi.ABIConfig // ABI for function being compiled
    42  	ABIDefault     *abi.ABIConfig // ABI for rtcall and other no-parsed-signature/pragma functions.
    44  	scheduled   bool  // Values in Blocks are in final order
    45  	laidout     bool  // Blocks are ordered
    46  	NoSplit     bool  // true if function is marked as nosplit.  Used by schedule check pass.
    47  	dumpFileSeq uint8 // the sequence numbers of dump file. (%s_%02d__%s.dump", funcname, dumpFileSeq, phaseName)
    49  	// when register allocation is done, maps value ids to locations
    50  	RegAlloc []Location
    52  	// temporary registers allocated to rare instructions
    53  	tempRegs map[ID]*Register
    55  	// map from LocalSlot to set of Values that we want to store in that slot.
    56  	NamedValues map[LocalSlot][]*Value
    57  	// Names is a copy of NamedValues.Keys. We keep a separate list
    58  	// of keys to make iteration order deterministic.
    59  	Names []*LocalSlot
    60  	// Canonicalize root/top-level local slots, and canonicalize their pieces.
    61  	// Because LocalSlot pieces refer to their parents with a pointer, this ensures that equivalent slots really are equal.
    62  	CanonicalLocalSlots  map[LocalSlot]*LocalSlot
    63  	CanonicalLocalSplits map[LocalSlotSplitKey]*LocalSlot
    65  	// RegArgs is a slice of register-memory pairs that must be spilled and unspilled in the uncommon path of function entry.
    66  	RegArgs []Spill
    67  	// OwnAux describes parameters and results for this function.
    68  	OwnAux *AuxCall
    70  	freeValues *Value // free Values linked by argstorage[0].  All other fields except ID are 0/nil.
    71  	freeBlocks *Block // free Blocks linked by succstorage[0].b.  All other fields except ID are 0/nil.
    73  	cachedPostorder  []*Block   // cached postorder traversal
    74  	cachedIdom       []*Block   // cached immediate dominators
    75  	cachedSdom       SparseTree // cached dominator tree
    76  	cachedLoopnest   *loopnest  // cached loop nest information
    77  	cachedLineStarts *xposmap   // cached map/set of xpos to integers
    79  	auxmap    auxmap             // map from aux values to opaque ids used by CSE
    80  	constants map[int64][]*Value // constants cache, keyed by constant value; users must check value's Op and Type
    81  }
    83  type LocalSlotSplitKey struct {
    84  	parent *LocalSlot
    85  	Off    int64       // offset of slot in N
    86  	Type   *types.Type // type of slot
    87  }
    89  // NewFunc returns a new, empty function object.
    90  // Caller must reset cache before calling NewFunc.
    91  func (c *Config) NewFunc(fe Frontend, cache *Cache) *Func {
    92  	return &Func{
    93  		fe:     fe,
    94  		Config: c,
    95  		Cache:  cache,
    97  		NamedValues:          make(map[LocalSlot][]*Value),
    98  		CanonicalLocalSlots:  make(map[LocalSlot]*LocalSlot),
    99  		CanonicalLocalSplits: make(map[LocalSlotSplitKey]*LocalSlot),
   100  	}
   101  }
   103  // NumBlocks returns an integer larger than the id of any Block in the Func.
   104  func (f *Func) NumBlocks() int {
   105  	return f.bid.num()
   106  }
   108  // NumValues returns an integer larger than the id of any Value in the Func.
   109  func (f *Func) NumValues() int {
   110  	return f.vid.num()
   111  }
   113  // NameABI returns the function name followed by comma and the ABI number.
   114  // This is intended for use with GOSSAFUNC and HTML dumps, and differs from
   115  // the linker's "<1>" convention because "<" and ">" require shell quoting
   116  // and are not legal file names (for use with GOSSADIR) on Windows.
   117  func (f *Func) NameABI() string {
   118  	return FuncNameABI(f.Name, f.ABISelf.Which())
   119  }
   121  // FuncNameABI returns n followed by a comma and the value of a.
   122  // This is a separate function to allow a single point encoding
   123  // of the format, which is used in places where there's not a Func yet.
   124  func FuncNameABI(n string, a obj.ABI) string {
   125  	return fmt.Sprintf("%s,%d", n, a)
   126  }
   128  // newSparseSet returns a sparse set that can store at least up to n integers.
   129  func (f *Func) newSparseSet(n int) *sparseSet {
   130  	return f.Cache.allocSparseSet(n)
   131  }
   133  // retSparseSet returns a sparse set to the config's cache of sparse
   134  // sets to be reused by f.newSparseSet.
   135  func (f *Func) retSparseSet(ss *sparseSet) {
   136  	f.Cache.freeSparseSet(ss)
   137  }
   139  // newSparseMap returns a sparse map that can store at least up to n integers.
   140  func (f *Func) newSparseMap(n int) *sparseMap {
   141  	return f.Cache.allocSparseMap(n)
   142  }
   144  // retSparseMap returns a sparse map to the config's cache of sparse
   145  // sets to be reused by f.newSparseMap.
   146  func (f *Func) retSparseMap(ss *sparseMap) {
   147  	f.Cache.freeSparseMap(ss)
   148  }
   150  // newSparseMapPos returns a sparse map that can store at least up to n integers.
   151  func (f *Func) newSparseMapPos(n int) *sparseMapPos {
   152  	return f.Cache.allocSparseMapPos(n)
   153  }
   155  // retSparseMapPos returns a sparse map to the config's cache of sparse
   156  // sets to be reused by f.newSparseMapPos.
   157  func (f *Func) retSparseMapPos(ss *sparseMapPos) {
   158  	f.Cache.freeSparseMapPos(ss)
   159  }
   161  // newPoset returns a new poset from the internal cache
   162  func (f *Func) newPoset() *poset {
   163  	if len(f.Cache.scrPoset) > 0 {
   164  		po := f.Cache.scrPoset[len(f.Cache.scrPoset)-1]
   165  		f.Cache.scrPoset = f.Cache.scrPoset[:len(f.Cache.scrPoset)-1]
   166  		return po
   167  	}
   168  	return newPoset()
   169  }
   171  // retPoset returns a poset to the internal cache
   172  func (f *Func) retPoset(po *poset) {
   173  	f.Cache.scrPoset = append(f.Cache.scrPoset, po)
   174  }
   176  func (f *Func) localSlotAddr(slot LocalSlot) *LocalSlot {
   177  	a, ok := f.CanonicalLocalSlots[slot]
   178  	if !ok {
   179  		a = new(LocalSlot)
   180  		*a = slot // don't escape slot
   181  		f.CanonicalLocalSlots[slot] = a
   182  	}
   183  	return a
   184  }
   186  func (f *Func) SplitString(name *LocalSlot) (*LocalSlot, *LocalSlot) {
   187  	ptrType := types.NewPtr(types.Types[types.TUINT8])
   188  	lenType := types.Types[types.TINT]
   189  	// Split this string up into two separate variables.
   190  	p := f.SplitSlot(name, ".ptr", 0, ptrType)
   191  	l := f.SplitSlot(name, ".len", ptrType.Size(), lenType)
   192  	return p, l
   193  }
   195  func (f *Func) SplitInterface(name *LocalSlot) (*LocalSlot, *LocalSlot) {
   196  	n := name.N
   197  	u := types.Types[types.TUINTPTR]
   198  	t := types.NewPtr(types.Types[types.TUINT8])
   199  	// Split this interface up into two separate variables.
   200  	sfx := ".itab"
   201  	if n.Type().IsEmptyInterface() {
   202  		sfx = ".type"
   203  	}
   204  	c := f.SplitSlot(name, sfx, 0, u) // see comment in typebits.Set
   205  	d := f.SplitSlot(name, ".data", u.Size(), t)
   206  	return c, d
   207  }
   209  func (f *Func) SplitSlice(name *LocalSlot) (*LocalSlot, *LocalSlot, *LocalSlot) {
   210  	ptrType := types.NewPtr(name.Type.Elem())
   211  	lenType := types.Types[types.TINT]
   212  	p := f.SplitSlot(name, ".ptr", 0, ptrType)
   213  	l := f.SplitSlot(name, ".len", ptrType.Size(), lenType)
   214  	c := f.SplitSlot(name, ".cap", ptrType.Size()+lenType.Size(), lenType)
   215  	return p, l, c
   216  }
   218  func (f *Func) SplitComplex(name *LocalSlot) (*LocalSlot, *LocalSlot) {
   219  	s := name.Type.Size() / 2
   220  	var t *types.Type
   221  	if s == 8 {
   222  		t = types.Types[types.TFLOAT64]
   223  	} else {
   224  		t = types.Types[types.TFLOAT32]
   225  	}
   226  	r := f.SplitSlot(name, ".real", 0, t)
   227  	i := f.SplitSlot(name, ".imag", t.Size(), t)
   228  	return r, i
   229  }
   231  func (f *Func) SplitInt64(name *LocalSlot) (*LocalSlot, *LocalSlot) {
   232  	var t *types.Type
   233  	if name.Type.IsSigned() {
   234  		t = types.Types[types.TINT32]
   235  	} else {
   236  		t = types.Types[types.TUINT32]
   237  	}
   238  	if f.Config.BigEndian {
   239  		return f.SplitSlot(name, ".hi", 0, t), f.SplitSlot(name, ".lo", t.Size(), types.Types[types.TUINT32])
   240  	}
   241  	return f.SplitSlot(name, ".hi", t.Size(), t), f.SplitSlot(name, ".lo", 0, types.Types[types.TUINT32])
   242  }
   244  func (f *Func) SplitStruct(name *LocalSlot, i int) *LocalSlot {
   245  	st := name.Type
   246  	return f.SplitSlot(name, st.FieldName(i), st.FieldOff(i), st.FieldType(i))
   247  }
   248  func (f *Func) SplitArray(name *LocalSlot) *LocalSlot {
   249  	n := name.N
   250  	at := name.Type
   251  	if at.NumElem() != 1 {
   252  		base.FatalfAt(n.Pos(), "bad array size")
   253  	}
   254  	et := at.Elem()
   255  	return f.SplitSlot(name, "[0]", 0, et)
   256  }
   258  func (f *Func) SplitSlot(name *LocalSlot, sfx string, offset int64, t *types.Type) *LocalSlot {
   259  	lssk := LocalSlotSplitKey{name, offset, t}
   260  	if als, ok := f.CanonicalLocalSplits[lssk]; ok {
   261  		return als
   262  	}
   263  	// Note: the _ field may appear several times.  But
   264  	// have no fear, identically-named but distinct Autos are
   265  	// ok, albeit maybe confusing for a debugger.
   266  	ls := f.fe.SplitSlot(name, sfx, offset, t)
   267  	f.CanonicalLocalSplits[lssk] = &ls
   268  	return &ls
   269  }
   271  // newValue allocates a new Value with the given fields and places it at the end of b.Values.
   272  func (f *Func) newValue(op Op, t *types.Type, b *Block, pos src.XPos) *Value {
   273  	var v *Value
   274  	if f.freeValues != nil {
   275  		v = f.freeValues
   276  		f.freeValues = v.argstorage[0]
   277  		v.argstorage[0] = nil
   278  	} else {
   279  		ID := f.vid.get()
   280  		if int(ID) < len(f.Cache.values) {
   281  			v = &f.Cache.values[ID]
   282  			v.ID = ID
   283  		} else {
   284  			v = &Value{ID: ID}
   285  		}
   286  	}
   287  	v.Op = op
   288  	v.Type = t
   289  	v.Block = b
   290  	if notStmtBoundary(op) {
   291  		pos = pos.WithNotStmt()
   292  	}
   293  	v.Pos = pos
   294  	b.Values = append(b.Values, v)
   295  	return v
   296  }
   298  // newValueNoBlock allocates a new Value with the given fields.
   299  // The returned value is not placed in any block.  Once the caller
   300  // decides on a block b, it must set b.Block and append
   301  // the returned value to b.Values.
   302  func (f *Func) newValueNoBlock(op Op, t *types.Type, pos src.XPos) *Value {
   303  	var v *Value
   304  	if f.freeValues != nil {
   305  		v = f.freeValues
   306  		f.freeValues = v.argstorage[0]
   307  		v.argstorage[0] = nil
   308  	} else {
   309  		ID := f.vid.get()
   310  		if int(ID) < len(f.Cache.values) {
   311  			v = &f.Cache.values[ID]
   312  			v.ID = ID
   313  		} else {
   314  			v = &Value{ID: ID}
   315  		}
   316  	}
   317  	v.Op = op
   318  	v.Type = t
   319  	v.Block = nil // caller must fix this.
   320  	if notStmtBoundary(op) {
   321  		pos = pos.WithNotStmt()
   322  	}
   323  	v.Pos = pos
   324  	return v
   325  }
   327  // LogStat writes a string key and int value as a warning in a
   328  // tab-separated format easily handled by spreadsheets or awk.
   329  // file names, lines, and function names are included to provide enough (?)
   330  // context to allow item-by-item comparisons across runs.
   331  // For example:
   332  // awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"} $3~/TIME/{sum+=$4} END{print "t(ns)=",sum}' t.log
   333  func (f *Func) LogStat(key string, args ...interface{}) {
   334  	value := ""
   335  	for _, a := range args {
   336  		value += fmt.Sprintf("\t%v", a)
   337  	}
   338  	n := "missing_pass"
   339  	if f.pass != nil {
   340  		n = strings.Replace(f.pass.name, " ", "_", -1)
   341  	}
   342  	f.Warnl(f.Entry.Pos, "\t%s\t%s%s\t%s", n, key, value, f.Name)
   343  }
   345  // unCacheLine removes v from f's constant cache "line" for aux,
   346  // resets v.InCache when it is found (and removed),
   347  // and returns whether v was found in that line.
   348  func (f *Func) unCacheLine(v *Value, aux int64) bool {
   349  	vv := f.constants[aux]
   350  	for i, cv := range vv {
   351  		if v == cv {
   352  			vv[i] = vv[len(vv)-1]
   353  			vv[len(vv)-1] = nil
   354  			f.constants[aux] = vv[0 : len(vv)-1]
   355  			v.InCache = false
   356  			return true
   357  		}
   358  	}
   359  	return false
   360  }
   362  // unCache removes v from f's constant cache.
   363  func (f *Func) unCache(v *Value) {
   364  	if v.InCache {
   365  		aux := v.AuxInt
   366  		if f.unCacheLine(v, aux) {
   367  			return
   368  		}
   369  		if aux == 0 {
   370  			switch v.Op {
   371  			case OpConstNil:
   372  				aux = constNilMagic
   373  			case OpConstSlice:
   374  				aux = constSliceMagic
   375  			case OpConstString:
   376  				aux = constEmptyStringMagic
   377  			case OpConstInterface:
   378  				aux = constInterfaceMagic
   379  			}
   380  			if aux != 0 && f.unCacheLine(v, aux) {
   381  				return
   382  			}
   383  		}
   384  		f.Fatalf("unCached value %s not found in cache, auxInt=0x%x, adjusted aux=0x%x", v.LongString(), v.AuxInt, aux)
   385  	}
   386  }
   388  // freeValue frees a value. It must no longer be referenced or have any args.
   389  func (f *Func) freeValue(v *Value) {
   390  	if v.Block == nil {
   391  		f.Fatalf("trying to free an already freed value")
   392  	}
   393  	if v.Uses != 0 {
   394  		f.Fatalf("value %s still has %d uses", v, v.Uses)
   395  	}
   396  	if len(v.Args) != 0 {
   397  		f.Fatalf("value %s still has %d args", v, len(v.Args))
   398  	}
   399  	// Clear everything but ID (which we reuse).
   400  	id := v.ID
   401  	if v.InCache {
   402  		f.unCache(v)
   403  	}
   404  	*v = Value{}
   405  	v.ID = id
   406  	v.argstorage[0] = f.freeValues
   407  	f.freeValues = v
   408  }
   410  // NewBlock allocates a new Block of the given kind and places it at the end of f.Blocks.
   411  func (f *Func) NewBlock(kind BlockKind) *Block {
   412  	var b *Block
   413  	if f.freeBlocks != nil {
   414  		b = f.freeBlocks
   415  		f.freeBlocks = b.succstorage[0].b
   416  		b.succstorage[0].b = nil
   417  	} else {
   418  		ID := f.bid.get()
   419  		if int(ID) < len(f.Cache.blocks) {
   420  			b = &f.Cache.blocks[ID]
   421  			b.ID = ID
   422  		} else {
   423  			b = &Block{ID: ID}
   424  		}
   425  	}
   426  	b.Kind = kind
   427  	b.Func = f
   428  	b.Preds = b.predstorage[:0]
   429  	b.Succs = b.succstorage[:0]
   430  	b.Values = b.valstorage[:0]
   431  	f.Blocks = append(f.Blocks, b)
   432  	f.invalidateCFG()
   433  	return b
   434  }
   436  func (f *Func) freeBlock(b *Block) {
   437  	if b.Func == nil {
   438  		f.Fatalf("trying to free an already freed block")
   439  	}
   440  	// Clear everything but ID (which we reuse).
   441  	id := b.ID
   442  	*b = Block{}
   443  	b.ID = id
   444  	b.succstorage[0].b = f.freeBlocks
   445  	f.freeBlocks = b
   446  }
   448  // NewValue0 returns a new value in the block with no arguments and zero aux values.
   449  func (b *Block) NewValue0(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type) *Value {
   450  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   451  	v.AuxInt = 0
   452  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:0]
   453  	return v
   454  }
   456  // NewValue0I returns a new value in the block with no arguments and an auxint value.
   457  func (b *Block) NewValue0I(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64) *Value {
   458  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   459  	v.AuxInt = auxint
   460  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:0]
   461  	return v
   462  }
   464  // NewValue0A returns a new value in the block with no arguments and an aux value.
   465  func (b *Block) NewValue0A(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, aux Aux) *Value {
   466  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   467  	v.AuxInt = 0
   468  	v.Aux = aux
   469  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:0]
   470  	return v
   471  }
   473  // NewValue0IA returns a new value in the block with no arguments and both an auxint and aux values.
   474  func (b *Block) NewValue0IA(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, aux Aux) *Value {
   475  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   476  	v.AuxInt = auxint
   477  	v.Aux = aux
   478  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:0]
   479  	return v
   480  }
   482  // NewValue1 returns a new value in the block with one argument and zero aux values.
   483  func (b *Block) NewValue1(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, arg *Value) *Value {
   484  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   485  	v.AuxInt = 0
   486  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:1]
   487  	v.argstorage[0] = arg
   488  	arg.Uses++
   489  	return v
   490  }
   492  // NewValue1I returns a new value in the block with one argument and an auxint value.
   493  func (b *Block) NewValue1I(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, arg *Value) *Value {
   494  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   495  	v.AuxInt = auxint
   496  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:1]
   497  	v.argstorage[0] = arg
   498  	arg.Uses++
   499  	return v
   500  }
   502  // NewValue1A returns a new value in the block with one argument and an aux value.
   503  func (b *Block) NewValue1A(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, aux Aux, arg *Value) *Value {
   504  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   505  	v.AuxInt = 0
   506  	v.Aux = aux
   507  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:1]
   508  	v.argstorage[0] = arg
   509  	arg.Uses++
   510  	return v
   511  }
   513  // NewValue1IA returns a new value in the block with one argument and both an auxint and aux values.
   514  func (b *Block) NewValue1IA(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, aux Aux, arg *Value) *Value {
   515  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   516  	v.AuxInt = auxint
   517  	v.Aux = aux
   518  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:1]
   519  	v.argstorage[0] = arg
   520  	arg.Uses++
   521  	return v
   522  }
   524  // NewValue2 returns a new value in the block with two arguments and zero aux values.
   525  func (b *Block) NewValue2(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1 *Value) *Value {
   526  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   527  	v.AuxInt = 0
   528  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:2]
   529  	v.argstorage[0] = arg0
   530  	v.argstorage[1] = arg1
   531  	arg0.Uses++
   532  	arg1.Uses++
   533  	return v
   534  }
   536  // NewValue2A returns a new value in the block with two arguments and one aux values.
   537  func (b *Block) NewValue2A(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, aux Aux, arg0, arg1 *Value) *Value {
   538  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   539  	v.AuxInt = 0
   540  	v.Aux = aux
   541  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:2]
   542  	v.argstorage[0] = arg0
   543  	v.argstorage[1] = arg1
   544  	arg0.Uses++
   545  	arg1.Uses++
   546  	return v
   547  }
   549  // NewValue2I returns a new value in the block with two arguments and an auxint value.
   550  func (b *Block) NewValue2I(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, arg0, arg1 *Value) *Value {
   551  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   552  	v.AuxInt = auxint
   553  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:2]
   554  	v.argstorage[0] = arg0
   555  	v.argstorage[1] = arg1
   556  	arg0.Uses++
   557  	arg1.Uses++
   558  	return v
   559  }
   561  // NewValue2IA returns a new value in the block with two arguments and both an auxint and aux values.
   562  func (b *Block) NewValue2IA(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, aux Aux, arg0, arg1 *Value) *Value {
   563  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   564  	v.AuxInt = auxint
   565  	v.Aux = aux
   566  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:2]
   567  	v.argstorage[0] = arg0
   568  	v.argstorage[1] = arg1
   569  	arg0.Uses++
   570  	arg1.Uses++
   571  	return v
   572  }
   574  // NewValue3 returns a new value in the block with three arguments and zero aux values.
   575  func (b *Block) NewValue3(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1, arg2 *Value) *Value {
   576  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   577  	v.AuxInt = 0
   578  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:3]
   579  	v.argstorage[0] = arg0
   580  	v.argstorage[1] = arg1
   581  	v.argstorage[2] = arg2
   582  	arg0.Uses++
   583  	arg1.Uses++
   584  	arg2.Uses++
   585  	return v
   586  }
   588  // NewValue3I returns a new value in the block with three arguments and an auxint value.
   589  func (b *Block) NewValue3I(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, arg0, arg1, arg2 *Value) *Value {
   590  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   591  	v.AuxInt = auxint
   592  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:3]
   593  	v.argstorage[0] = arg0
   594  	v.argstorage[1] = arg1
   595  	v.argstorage[2] = arg2
   596  	arg0.Uses++
   597  	arg1.Uses++
   598  	arg2.Uses++
   599  	return v
   600  }
   602  // NewValue3A returns a new value in the block with three argument and an aux value.
   603  func (b *Block) NewValue3A(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, aux Aux, arg0, arg1, arg2 *Value) *Value {
   604  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   605  	v.AuxInt = 0
   606  	v.Aux = aux
   607  	v.Args = v.argstorage[:3]
   608  	v.argstorage[0] = arg0
   609  	v.argstorage[1] = arg1
   610  	v.argstorage[2] = arg2
   611  	arg0.Uses++
   612  	arg1.Uses++
   613  	arg2.Uses++
   614  	return v
   615  }
   617  // NewValue4 returns a new value in the block with four arguments and zero aux values.
   618  func (b *Block) NewValue4(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 *Value) *Value {
   619  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   620  	v.AuxInt = 0
   621  	v.Args = []*Value{arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3}
   622  	arg0.Uses++
   623  	arg1.Uses++
   624  	arg2.Uses++
   625  	arg3.Uses++
   626  	return v
   627  }
   629  // NewValue4I returns a new value in the block with four arguments and auxint value.
   630  func (b *Block) NewValue4I(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 *Value) *Value {
   631  	v := b.Func.newValue(op, t, b, pos)
   632  	v.AuxInt = auxint
   633  	v.Args = []*Value{arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3}
   634  	arg0.Uses++
   635  	arg1.Uses++
   636  	arg2.Uses++
   637  	arg3.Uses++
   638  	return v
   639  }
   641  // constVal returns a constant value for c.
   642  func (f *Func) constVal(op Op, t *types.Type, c int64, setAuxInt bool) *Value {
   643  	if f.constants == nil {
   644  		f.constants = make(map[int64][]*Value)
   645  	}
   646  	vv := f.constants[c]
   647  	for _, v := range vv {
   648  		if v.Op == op && v.Type.Compare(t) == types.CMPeq {
   649  			if setAuxInt && v.AuxInt != c {
   650  				panic(fmt.Sprintf("cached const %s should have AuxInt of %d", v.LongString(), c))
   651  			}
   652  			return v
   653  		}
   654  	}
   655  	var v *Value
   656  	if setAuxInt {
   657  		v = f.Entry.NewValue0I(src.NoXPos, op, t, c)
   658  	} else {
   659  		v = f.Entry.NewValue0(src.NoXPos, op, t)
   660  	}
   661  	f.constants[c] = append(vv, v)
   662  	v.InCache = true
   663  	return v
   664  }
   666  // These magic auxint values let us easily cache non-numeric constants
   667  // using the same constants map while making collisions unlikely.
   668  // These values are unlikely to occur in regular code and
   669  // are easy to grep for in case of bugs.
   670  const (
   671  	constSliceMagic       = 1122334455
   672  	constInterfaceMagic   = 2233445566
   673  	constNilMagic         = 3344556677
   674  	constEmptyStringMagic = 4455667788
   675  )
   677  // ConstBool returns an int constant representing its argument.
   678  func (f *Func) ConstBool(t *types.Type, c bool) *Value {
   679  	i := int64(0)
   680  	if c {
   681  		i = 1
   682  	}
   683  	return f.constVal(OpConstBool, t, i, true)
   684  }
   685  func (f *Func) ConstInt8(t *types.Type, c int8) *Value {
   686  	return f.constVal(OpConst8, t, int64(c), true)
   687  }
   688  func (f *Func) ConstInt16(t *types.Type, c int16) *Value {
   689  	return f.constVal(OpConst16, t, int64(c), true)
   690  }
   691  func (f *Func) ConstInt32(t *types.Type, c int32) *Value {
   692  	return f.constVal(OpConst32, t, int64(c), true)
   693  }
   694  func (f *Func) ConstInt64(t *types.Type, c int64) *Value {
   695  	return f.constVal(OpConst64, t, c, true)
   696  }
   697  func (f *Func) ConstFloat32(t *types.Type, c float64) *Value {
   698  	return f.constVal(OpConst32F, t, int64(math.Float64bits(float64(float32(c)))), true)
   699  }
   700  func (f *Func) ConstFloat64(t *types.Type, c float64) *Value {
   701  	return f.constVal(OpConst64F, t, int64(math.Float64bits(c)), true)
   702  }
   704  func (f *Func) ConstSlice(t *types.Type) *Value {
   705  	return f.constVal(OpConstSlice, t, constSliceMagic, false)
   706  }
   707  func (f *Func) ConstInterface(t *types.Type) *Value {
   708  	return f.constVal(OpConstInterface, t, constInterfaceMagic, false)
   709  }
   710  func (f *Func) ConstNil(t *types.Type) *Value {
   711  	return f.constVal(OpConstNil, t, constNilMagic, false)
   712  }
   713  func (f *Func) ConstEmptyString(t *types.Type) *Value {
   714  	v := f.constVal(OpConstString, t, constEmptyStringMagic, false)
   715  	v.Aux = StringToAux("")
   716  	return v
   717  }
   718  func (f *Func) ConstOffPtrSP(t *types.Type, c int64, sp *Value) *Value {
   719  	v := f.constVal(OpOffPtr, t, c, true)
   720  	if len(v.Args) == 0 {
   721  		v.AddArg(sp)
   722  	}
   723  	return v
   724  }
   726  func (f *Func) Frontend() Frontend                                  { return f.fe }
   727  func (f *Func) Warnl(pos src.XPos, msg string, args ...interface{}) { f.fe.Warnl(pos, msg, args...) }
   728  func (f *Func) Logf(msg string, args ...interface{})                { f.fe.Logf(msg, args...) }
   729  func (f *Func) Log() bool                                           { return f.fe.Log() }
   731  func (f *Func) Fatalf(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
   732  	stats := "crashed"
   733  	if f.Log() {
   734  		f.Logf("  pass %s end %s\n", f.pass.name, stats)
   735  		printFunc(f)
   736  	}
   737  	if f.HTMLWriter != nil {
   738  		f.HTMLWriter.WritePhase(f.pass.name, fmt.Sprintf("%s <span class=\"stats\">%s</span>", f.pass.name, stats))
   739  		f.HTMLWriter.flushPhases()
   740  	}
   741  	f.fe.Fatalf(f.Entry.Pos, msg, args...)
   742  }
   744  // postorder returns the reachable blocks in f in a postorder traversal.
   745  func (f *Func) postorder() []*Block {
   746  	if f.cachedPostorder == nil {
   747  		f.cachedPostorder = postorder(f)
   748  	}
   749  	return f.cachedPostorder
   750  }
   752  func (f *Func) Postorder() []*Block {
   753  	return f.postorder()
   754  }
   756  // Idom returns a map from block ID to the immediate dominator of that block.
   757  // f.Entry.ID maps to nil. Unreachable blocks map to nil as well.
   758  func (f *Func) Idom() []*Block {
   759  	if f.cachedIdom == nil {
   760  		f.cachedIdom = dominators(f)
   761  	}
   762  	return f.cachedIdom
   763  }
   765  // Sdom returns a sparse tree representing the dominator relationships
   766  // among the blocks of f.
   767  func (f *Func) Sdom() SparseTree {
   768  	if f.cachedSdom == nil {
   769  		f.cachedSdom = newSparseTree(f, f.Idom())
   770  	}
   771  	return f.cachedSdom
   772  }
   774  // loopnest returns the loop nest information for f.
   775  func (f *Func) loopnest() *loopnest {
   776  	if f.cachedLoopnest == nil {
   777  		f.cachedLoopnest = loopnestfor(f)
   778  	}
   779  	return f.cachedLoopnest
   780  }
   782  // invalidateCFG tells f that its CFG has changed.
   783  func (f *Func) invalidateCFG() {
   784  	f.cachedPostorder = nil
   785  	f.cachedIdom = nil
   786  	f.cachedSdom = nil
   787  	f.cachedLoopnest = nil
   788  }
   790  // DebugHashMatch returns
   791  //
   792  //	base.DebugHashMatch(this function's package.name)
   793  //
   794  // for use in bug isolation.  The return value is true unless
   795  // environment variable GOSSAHASH is set, in which case "it depends".
   796  // See [base.DebugHashMatch] for more information.
   797  func (f *Func) DebugHashMatch() bool {
   798  	if !base.HasDebugHash() {
   799  		return true
   800  	}
   801  	sym := f.fe.Func().Sym()
   802  	return base.DebugHashMatchPkgFunc(sym.Pkg.Path, sym.Name)
   803  }
   805  func (f *Func) spSb() (sp, sb *Value) {
   806  	initpos := src.NoXPos // These are originally created with no position in ssa.go; if they are optimized out then recreated, should be the same.
   807  	for _, v := range f.Entry.Values {
   808  		if v.Op == OpSB {
   809  			sb = v
   810  		}
   811  		if v.Op == OpSP {
   812  			sp = v
   813  		}
   814  		if sb != nil && sp != nil {
   815  			return
   816  		}
   817  	}
   818  	if sb == nil {
   819  		sb = f.Entry.NewValue0(initpos.WithNotStmt(), OpSB, f.Config.Types.Uintptr)
   820  	}
   821  	if sp == nil {
   822  		sp = f.Entry.NewValue0(initpos.WithNotStmt(), OpSP, f.Config.Types.Uintptr)
   823  	}
   824  	return
   825  }
   827  // useFMA allows targeted debugging w/ GOFMAHASH
   828  // If you have an architecture-dependent FP glitch, this will help you find it.
   829  func (f *Func) useFMA(v *Value) bool {
   830  	if !f.Config.UseFMA {
   831  		return false
   832  	}
   833  	if base.FmaHash == nil {
   834  		return true
   835  	}
   836  	return base.FmaHash.MatchPos(v.Pos, nil)
   837  }
   839  // NewLocal returns a new anonymous local variable of the given type.
   840  func (f *Func) NewLocal(pos src.XPos, typ *types.Type) *ir.Name {
   841  	return typecheck.TempAt(pos, f.fe.Func(), typ) // Note: adds new auto to fn.Dcl list
   842  }

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