
Source file src/github.com/gin-contrib/sse/sse-decoder.go

Documentation: github.com/gin-contrib/sse

     1  // Copyright 2014 Manu Martinez-Almeida.  All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package sse
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"io"
    10  	"io/ioutil"
    11  )
    13  type decoder struct {
    14  	events []Event
    15  }
    17  func Decode(r io.Reader) ([]Event, error) {
    18  	var dec decoder
    19  	return dec.decode(r)
    20  }
    22  func (d *decoder) dispatchEvent(event Event, data string) {
    23  	dataLength := len(data)
    24  	if dataLength > 0 {
    25  		//If the data buffer's last character is a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character, then remove the last character from the data buffer.
    26  		data = data[:dataLength-1]
    27  		dataLength--
    28  	}
    29  	if dataLength == 0 && event.Event == "" {
    30  		return
    31  	}
    32  	if event.Event == "" {
    33  		event.Event = "message"
    34  	}
    35  	event.Data = data
    36  	d.events = append(d.events, event)
    37  }
    39  func (d *decoder) decode(r io.Reader) ([]Event, error) {
    40  	buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
    41  	if err != nil {
    42  		return nil, err
    43  	}
    45  	var currentEvent Event
    46  	var dataBuffer *bytes.Buffer = new(bytes.Buffer)
    47  	// TODO (and unit tests)
    48  	// Lines must be separated by either a U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN U+000A LINE FEED (CRLF) character pair,
    49  	// a single U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character,
    50  	// or a single U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) character.
    51  	lines := bytes.Split(buf, []byte{'\n'})
    52  	for _, line := range lines {
    53  		if len(line) == 0 {
    54  			// If the line is empty (a blank line). Dispatch the event.
    55  			d.dispatchEvent(currentEvent, dataBuffer.String())
    57  			// reset current event and data buffer
    58  			currentEvent = Event{}
    59  			dataBuffer.Reset()
    60  			continue
    61  		}
    62  		if line[0] == byte(':') {
    63  			// If the line starts with a U+003A COLON character (:), ignore the line.
    64  			continue
    65  		}
    67  		var field, value []byte
    68  		colonIndex := bytes.IndexRune(line, ':')
    69  		if colonIndex != -1 {
    70  			// If the line contains a U+003A COLON character character (:)
    71  			// Collect the characters on the line before the first U+003A COLON character (:),
    72  			// and let field be that string.
    73  			field = line[:colonIndex]
    74  			// Collect the characters on the line after the first U+003A COLON character (:),
    75  			// and let value be that string.
    76  			value = line[colonIndex+1:]
    77  			// If value starts with a single U+0020 SPACE character, remove it from value.
    78  			if len(value) > 0 && value[0] == ' ' {
    79  				value = value[1:]
    80  			}
    81  		} else {
    82  			// Otherwise, the string is not empty but does not contain a U+003A COLON character character (:)
    83  			// Use the whole line as the field name, and the empty string as the field value.
    84  			field = line
    85  			value = []byte{}
    86  		}
    87  		// The steps to process the field given a field name and a field value depend on the field name,
    88  		// as given in the following list. Field names must be compared literally,
    89  		// with no case folding performed.
    90  		switch string(field) {
    91  		case "event":
    92  			// Set the event name buffer to field value.
    93  			currentEvent.Event = string(value)
    94  		case "id":
    95  			// Set the event stream's last event ID to the field value.
    96  			currentEvent.Id = string(value)
    97  		case "retry":
    98  			// If the field value consists of only characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9),
    99  			// then interpret the field value as an integer in base ten, and set the event stream's reconnection time to that integer.
   100  			// Otherwise, ignore the field.
   101  			currentEvent.Id = string(value)
   102  		case "data":
   103  			// Append the field value to the data buffer,
   104  			dataBuffer.Write(value)
   105  			// then append a single U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character to the data buffer.
   106  			dataBuffer.WriteString("\n")
   107  		default:
   108  			//Otherwise. The field is ignored.
   109  			continue
   110  		}
   111  	}
   112  	// Once the end of the file is reached, the user agent must dispatch the event one final time.
   113  	d.dispatchEvent(currentEvent, dataBuffer.String())
   115  	return d.events, nil
   116  }

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