# Gonja
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`gonja` is [`pongo2`](https://github.com/flosch/pongo2) fork intended to be aligned on `Jinja` template syntax instead of the `Django` one.
Install/update using `go get` (no dependencies required by `gonja`):
go get github.com/noirbizarre/gonja
Please use the [issue tracker](https://github.com/noirbizarre/gonja/issues) if you're encountering any problems with gonja or if you need help with implementing tags or filters ([create a ticket!](https://github.com/noirbizarre/gonja/issues/new)).
## First impression of a template
Our admins and users
{# This is a short example to give you a quick overview of gonja's syntax. #}
{% macro user_details(user, is_admin=false) %}
= 40) || (user.karma > calc_avg_karma(userlist)+5) %}
class="karma-good"{% endif %}>
{{ user }}
This user registered {{ user.register_date|naturaltime }}.
The user's biography:
{{ user.biography|markdown|truncatewords_html:15 }}
read more
{% if is_admin %}
This user is an admin!
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
Our admins
{% for admin in adminlist %}
{{ user_details(admin, true) }}
{% endfor %}
Our members
{% for user in userlist %}
{{ user_details(user) }}
{% endfor %}
## Features (and new in gonja)
* Entirely rewritten from the ground-up.
* [Advanced C-like expressions](https://github.com/noirbizarre/gonja/blob/master/template_tests/expressions.tpl).
* [Complex function calls within expressions](https://github.com/noirbizarre/gonja/blob/master/template_tests/function_calls_wrapper.tpl).
* [Easy API to create new filters and tags](http://godoc.org/github.com/noirbizarre/gonja#RegisterFilter) ([including parsing arguments](http://godoc.org/github.com/noirbizarre/gonja#Parser))
* Additional features:
* Macros including importing macros from other files (see [template_tests/macro.tpl](https://github.com/noirbizarre/gonja/blob/master/template_tests/macro.tpl))
* [Template sandboxing](https://godoc.org/github.com/noirbizarre/gonja#TemplateSet) ([directory patterns](http://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#Match), banned tags/filters)
## How you can help
* Write [filters](https://github.com/noirbizarre/gonja/blob/master/builtins/filters.go#L3) / [statements](https://github.com/noirbizarre/gonja/blob/master/builtins/statements.go#L4)
* Write/improve code tests (use the following command to see what tests are missing: `go test -v -cover -covermode=count -coverprofile=cover.out && go tool cover -html=cover.out` or have a look on [gocover.io/github.com/noirbizarre/gonja](http://gocover.io/github.com/noirbizarre/gonja))
* Write/improve template tests (see the `testData/` directory)
* Write middleware, libraries and websites using gonja. :-)
# Documentation
For a documentation on how the templating language works you can [head over to the Jinja documentation](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com). gonja aims to be compatible with it.
You can access gonja's API documentation on [godoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/noirbizarre/gonja).
## Caveats
### Filters
* **format**: `format` does **not** take Python's string format syntax as a parameter, instead it takes Go's. Essentially `{{ 3.14|stringformat:"pi is %.2f" }}` is `fmt.Sprintf("pi is %.2f", 3.14)`.
* **escape** / **force_escape**: Unlike Jinja's behaviour, the `escape`-filter is applied immediately. Therefore there is no need for a `force_escape`-filter yet.
# API-usage examples
Please see the documentation for a full list of provided API methods.
## A tiny example (template string)
// Compile the template first (i. e. creating the AST)
tpl, err := gonja.FromString("Hello {{ name|capfirst }}!")
if err != nil {
// Now you can render the template with the given
// gonja.Context how often you want to.
out, err := tpl.Execute(gonja.Context{"name": "axel"})
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(out) // Output: Hello Axel!
## Example server-usage (template file)
package main
import (
// Pre-compiling the templates at application startup using the
// little Must()-helper function (Must() will panic if FromFile()
// or FromString() will return with an error - that's it).
// It's faster to pre-compile it anywhere at startup and only
// execute the template later.
var tpl = gonja.Must(gonja.FromFile("example.html"))
func examplePage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Execute the template per HTTP request
out, err := tpl.Execute(gonja.Context{"query": r.FormValue("query")})
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", examplePage)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
# Benchmark
The benchmarks have been run on the my machine (`Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz`) using the command:
go test -bench . -cpu 1,2,4,8
All benchmarks are compiling (depends on the benchmark) and executing the `testData/complex.tpl` template.
The results are:
BenchmarkFromCache 30000 41259 ns/op
BenchmarkFromCache-2 30000 42776 ns/op
BenchmarkFromCache-4 30000 44432 ns/op
BenchmarkFromFile 3000 437755 ns/op
BenchmarkFromFile-2 3000 472828 ns/op
BenchmarkFromFile-4 2000 519758 ns/op
BenchmarkExecute 30000 41984 ns/op
BenchmarkExecute-2 30000 48546 ns/op
BenchmarkExecute-4 20000 104469 ns/op
BenchmarkCompileAndExecute 3000 428425 ns/op
BenchmarkCompileAndExecute-2 3000 459058 ns/op
BenchmarkCompileAndExecute-4 3000 488519 ns/op
BenchmarkParallelExecute 30000 45262 ns/op
BenchmarkParallelExecute-2 100000 23490 ns/op
BenchmarkParallelExecute-4 100000 24206 ns/op
Benchmarked on August 18th 2019.