
Source file src/github.com/twitchyliquid64/golang-asm/objabi/funcid.go

Documentation: github.com/twitchyliquid64/golang-asm/objabi

     1  // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package objabi
     7  // A FuncID identifies particular functions that need to be treated
     8  // specially by the runtime.
     9  // Note that in some situations involving plugins, there may be multiple
    10  // copies of a particular special runtime function.
    11  // Note: this list must match the list in runtime/symtab.go.
    12  type FuncID uint8
    14  const (
    15  	FuncID_normal FuncID = iota // not a special function
    16  	FuncID_runtime_main
    17  	FuncID_goexit
    18  	FuncID_jmpdefer
    19  	FuncID_mcall
    20  	FuncID_morestack
    21  	FuncID_mstart
    22  	FuncID_rt0_go
    23  	FuncID_asmcgocall
    24  	FuncID_sigpanic
    25  	FuncID_runfinq
    26  	FuncID_gcBgMarkWorker
    27  	FuncID_systemstack_switch
    28  	FuncID_systemstack
    29  	FuncID_cgocallback_gofunc
    30  	FuncID_gogo
    31  	FuncID_externalthreadhandler
    32  	FuncID_debugCallV1
    33  	FuncID_gopanic
    34  	FuncID_panicwrap
    35  	FuncID_handleAsyncEvent
    36  	FuncID_asyncPreempt
    37  	FuncID_wrapper // any autogenerated code (hash/eq algorithms, method wrappers, etc.)
    38  )
    40  // Get the function ID for the named function in the named file.
    41  // The function should be package-qualified.
    42  func GetFuncID(name string, isWrapper bool) FuncID {
    43  	if isWrapper {
    44  		return FuncID_wrapper
    45  	}
    46  	switch name {
    47  	case "runtime.main":
    48  		return FuncID_runtime_main
    49  	case "runtime.goexit":
    50  		return FuncID_goexit
    51  	case "runtime.jmpdefer":
    52  		return FuncID_jmpdefer
    53  	case "runtime.mcall":
    54  		return FuncID_mcall
    55  	case "runtime.morestack":
    56  		return FuncID_morestack
    57  	case "runtime.mstart":
    58  		return FuncID_mstart
    59  	case "runtime.rt0_go":
    60  		return FuncID_rt0_go
    61  	case "runtime.asmcgocall":
    62  		return FuncID_asmcgocall
    63  	case "runtime.sigpanic":
    64  		return FuncID_sigpanic
    65  	case "runtime.runfinq":
    66  		return FuncID_runfinq
    67  	case "runtime.gcBgMarkWorker":
    68  		return FuncID_gcBgMarkWorker
    69  	case "runtime.systemstack_switch":
    70  		return FuncID_systemstack_switch
    71  	case "runtime.systemstack":
    72  		return FuncID_systemstack
    73  	case "runtime.cgocallback_gofunc":
    74  		return FuncID_cgocallback_gofunc
    75  	case "runtime.gogo":
    76  		return FuncID_gogo
    77  	case "runtime.externalthreadhandler":
    78  		return FuncID_externalthreadhandler
    79  	case "runtime.debugCallV1":
    80  		return FuncID_debugCallV1
    81  	case "runtime.gopanic":
    82  		return FuncID_gopanic
    83  	case "runtime.panicwrap":
    84  		return FuncID_panicwrap
    85  	case "runtime.handleAsyncEvent":
    86  		return FuncID_handleAsyncEvent
    87  	case "runtime.asyncPreempt":
    88  		return FuncID_asyncPreempt
    89  	case "runtime.deferreturn":
    90  		// Don't show in the call stack (used when invoking defer functions)
    91  		return FuncID_wrapper
    92  	case "runtime.runOpenDeferFrame":
    93  		// Don't show in the call stack (used when invoking defer functions)
    94  		return FuncID_wrapper
    95  	case "runtime.reflectcallSave":
    96  		// Don't show in the call stack (used when invoking defer functions)
    97  		return FuncID_wrapper
    98  	}
    99  	return FuncID_normal
   100  }

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