
Source file src/github.com/ugorji/go/codec/codec_test.go

Documentation: github.com/ugorji/go/codec

     1  // Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
     4  package codec
     7  //
     8  // function and variable/const names here fit a simple naming convention
     9  //
    10  // - each test is a doTestXXX(...). TestXXX calls doTestXXX.
    11  // - testXXX are helper functions.
    12  // - doTestXXX are test functions that take an extra arg of a handle.
    13  // - testXXX variables and constants are only used in tests.
    14  // - shared functions/vars/consts are testShared...
    15  // - fnBenchmarkXX and fnTestXXX can be used as needed.
    16  //
    17  // - each TestXXX must only call testSetup once.
    18  // - each test with a prefix __doTest is a dependent helper function,
    19  //   which MUST not call testSetup itself.
    20  //   doTestXXX or TestXXX may call it.
    22  // if we are testing in parallel,
    23  // then we don't want to share much state: testBytesFreeList, etc.
    25  import (
    26  	"bufio"
    27  	"bytes"
    28  	"encoding/gob"
    29  	"errors"
    30  	"fmt"
    31  	"io"
    32  	"io/ioutil"
    33  	"math"
    34  	"math/rand"
    35  	"net"
    36  	"net/rpc"
    37  	"os"
    38  	"os/exec"
    39  	"path/filepath"
    40  	"reflect"
    41  	"strconv"
    42  	"strings"
    43  	"sync/atomic"
    44  	"testing"
    45  	"time"
    46  )
    48  func init() {
    49  	testPreInitFns = append(testPreInitFns, testInit)
    50  }
    52  const testRecoverPanicToErr = !debugging
    54  // tests which check for errors will fail if testRecoverPanicToErr=false (debugging=true).
    55  // Consequently, skip them.
    56  var testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg = "tests checks for errors, and testRecoverPanicToErr=false"
    58  func testPanicToErr(h errDecorator, err *error) {
    59  	// Note: This method MUST be called directly from defer i.e. defer testPanicToErr ...
    60  	// else it seems the recover is not fully handled
    61  	if x := recover(); x != nil {
    62  		panicValToErr(h, x, err)
    63  	}
    64  }
    66  var testBytesFreeList bytesFreelist
    68  type testCustomStringT string
    70  // make these mapbyslice
    71  type testMbsT []interface{}
    72  type testMbsArr0T [0]interface{}
    73  type testMbsArr4T [4]interface{}
    74  type testMbsArr5T [5]interface{}
    75  type testMbsCustStrT []testCustomStringT
    77  func (testMbsT) MapBySlice()        {}
    78  func (*testMbsArr0T) MapBySlice()   {}
    79  func (*testMbsArr4T) MapBySlice()   {}
    80  func (testMbsArr5T) MapBySlice()    {}
    81  func (testMbsCustStrT) MapBySlice() {}
    83  // type testSelferRecur struct{}
    85  // func (s *testSelferRecur) CodecEncodeSelf(e *Encoder) {
    86  // 	e.MustEncode(s)
    87  // }
    88  // func (s *testSelferRecur) CodecDecodeSelf(d *Decoder) {
    89  // 	d.MustDecode(s)
    90  // }
    92  type testIntfMapI interface {
    93  	GetIntfMapV() string
    94  }
    96  type testIntfMapT1 struct {
    97  	IntfMapV string
    98  }
   100  func (x *testIntfMapT1) GetIntfMapV() string { return x.IntfMapV }
   102  type testIntfMapT2 struct {
   103  	IntfMapV string
   104  }
   106  func (x testIntfMapT2) GetIntfMapV() string { return x.IntfMapV }
   108  type testMissingFieldsMap struct {
   109  	m map[string]interface{}
   110  }
   112  func (mf *testMissingFieldsMap) CodecMissingField(field []byte, value interface{}) bool {
   113  	if mf.m == nil {
   114  		mf.m = map[string]interface{}{}
   115  	}
   117  	(mf.m)[string(field)] = value
   119  	return true
   120  }
   122  func (mf *testMissingFieldsMap) CodecMissingFields() map[string]interface{} {
   123  	return mf.m
   124  }
   126  var _ MissingFielder = (*testMissingFieldsMap)(nil)
   128  var testErrWriterErr = errors.New("testErrWriterErr")
   130  type testErrWriter struct{}
   132  func (x *testErrWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
   133  	return 0, testErrWriterErr
   134  }
   136  // ----
   138  type testVerifyFlag uint8
   140  const (
   141  	_ testVerifyFlag = 1 << iota
   142  	testVerifyMapTypeSame
   143  	testVerifyMapTypeStrIntf
   144  	testVerifyMapTypeIntfIntf
   145  	// testVerifySliceIntf
   146  	testVerifyForPython
   147  	testVerifyDoNil
   148  	testVerifyTimeAsInteger
   149  )
   151  func (f testVerifyFlag) isset(v testVerifyFlag) bool {
   152  	return f&v == v
   153  }
   155  // const testSkipRPCTests = false
   157  var (
   158  	testTableNumPrimitives int
   159  	testTableIdxTime       int
   160  	testTableNumMaps       int
   162  	// set this when running using bufio, etc
   163  	testSkipRPCTests = false
   165  	testSkipRPCTestsMsg = "testSkipRPCTests=true"
   166  )
   168  var (
   169  	skipVerifyVal interface{} = &(struct{}{})
   171  	testMapStrIntfTyp = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}(nil))
   173  	// For Go Time, do not use a descriptive timezone.
   174  	// It's unnecessary, and makes it harder to do a reflect.DeepEqual.
   175  	// The Offset already tells what the offset should be, if not on UTC and unknown zone name.
   176  	timeLoc        = time.FixedZone("", -8*60*60) // UTC-08:00 //time.UTC-8
   177  	timeToCompare1 = time.Date(2012, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2000, timeLoc).UTC()
   178  	timeToCompare2 = time.Date(1900, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2000, timeLoc).UTC()
   179  	timeToCompare3 = time.Unix(0, 270).UTC() // use value that must be encoded as uint64 for nanoseconds (for cbor/msgpack comparison)
   180  	//timeToCompare4 = time.Time{}.UTC() // does not work well with simple cbor time encoding (overflow)
   181  	timeToCompare4 = time.Unix(-2013855848, 4223).UTC()
   183  	table []interface{} // main items we encode
   184  	// will encode a float32 as float64, or large int as uint
   186  	testRpcServer = rpc.NewServer()
   187  	testRpcInt    = new(TestRpcInt)
   188  )
   190  func init() {
   191  	testRpcServer.Register(testRpcInt)
   192  }
   194  var wrapInt64Typ = reflect.TypeOf(wrapInt64(0))
   195  var wrapBytesTyp = reflect.TypeOf(wrapBytes(nil))
   197  var testUintToBytesTyp = reflect.TypeOf(testUintToBytes(0))
   198  var testSelfExtTyp = reflect.TypeOf((*TestSelfExtImpl)(nil)).Elem()
   199  var testSelfExt2Typ = reflect.TypeOf((*TestSelfExtImpl2)(nil)).Elem()
   201  func testByteBuf(in []byte) *bytes.Buffer {
   202  	return bytes.NewBuffer(in)
   203  }
   205  type TestABC struct {
   206  	A, B, C string
   207  }
   209  func (x *TestABC) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
   210  	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", x.A, x.B, x.C)), nil
   211  }
   212  func (x *TestABC) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
   213  	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", x.A, x.B, x.C)), nil
   214  }
   215  func (x *TestABC) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   216  	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s %s %s"`, x.A, x.B, x.C)), nil
   217  }
   219  func (x *TestABC) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
   220  	ss := strings.Split(string(data), " ")
   221  	x.A, x.B, x.C = ss[0], ss[1], ss[2]
   222  	return
   223  }
   224  func (x *TestABC) UnmarshalText(data []byte) (err error) {
   225  	return x.UnmarshalBinary(data)
   226  }
   227  func (x *TestABC) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {
   228  	return x.UnmarshalBinary(data[1 : len(data)-1])
   229  }
   231  type TestABC2 struct {
   232  	A, B, C string
   233  }
   235  func (x TestABC2) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
   236  	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", x.A, x.B, x.C)), nil
   237  }
   238  func (x *TestABC2) UnmarshalText(data []byte) (err error) {
   239  	ss := strings.Split(string(data), " ")
   240  	x.A, x.B, x.C = ss[0], ss[1], ss[2]
   241  	return
   242  	// _, err = fmt.Sscanf(string(data), "%s %s %s", &x.A, &x.B, &x.C)
   243  }
   245  type TestSimplish struct {
   246  	Ii int
   247  	Ss string
   248  	Ar [2]*TestSimplish
   249  	Sl []*TestSimplish
   250  	Mm map[string]*TestSimplish
   251  }
   253  type TestRpcABC struct {
   254  	A, B, C string
   255  }
   257  type TestRpcInt struct {
   258  	i int64
   259  }
   261  func (r *TestRpcInt) Update(n int, res *int) error {
   262  	atomic.StoreInt64(&r.i, int64(n))
   263  	*res = n
   264  	return nil
   265  }
   266  func (r *TestRpcInt) Square(ignore int, res *int) error {
   267  	i := int(atomic.LoadInt64(&r.i))
   268  	*res = i * i
   269  	return nil
   270  }
   271  func (r *TestRpcInt) Mult(n int, res *int) error {
   272  	*res = int(atomic.LoadInt64(&r.i)) * n
   273  	return nil
   274  }
   275  func (r *TestRpcInt) EchoStruct(arg TestRpcABC, res *string) error {
   276  	*res = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", arg)
   277  	return nil
   278  }
   279  func (r *TestRpcInt) Echo123(args []string, res *string) error {
   280  	*res = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", args)
   281  	return nil
   282  }
   284  type TestRawValue struct {
   285  	R Raw
   286  	I int
   287  }
   289  // ----
   291  type testUnixNanoTimeExt struct {
   292  	// keep timestamp here, so that do not incur interface-conversion costs
   293  	// ts int64
   294  }
   296  func (x *testUnixNanoTimeExt) WriteExt(v interface{}) []byte {
   297  	v2 := v.(*time.Time)
   298  	bs := make([]byte, 8)
   299  	bigenstd.PutUint64(bs, uint64(v2.UnixNano()))
   300  	return bs
   301  }
   302  func (x *testUnixNanoTimeExt) ReadExt(v interface{}, bs []byte) {
   303  	v2 := v.(*time.Time)
   304  	ui := bigenstd.Uint64(bs)
   305  	*v2 = time.Unix(0, int64(ui)).UTC()
   306  }
   308  type testUnixNanoTimeInterfaceExt struct{}
   310  func (x testUnixNanoTimeInterfaceExt) ConvertExt(v interface{}) interface{} {
   311  	v2 := v.(*time.Time) // structs are encoded by passing the ptr
   312  	return v2.UTC().UnixNano()
   313  }
   315  func (x testUnixNanoTimeInterfaceExt) UpdateExt(dest interface{}, v interface{}) {
   316  	tt := dest.(*time.Time)
   317  	*tt = time.Unix(0, v.(int64)).UTC()
   318  	// switch v2 := v.(type) {
   319  	// case int64:
   320  	// 	*tt = time.Unix(0, v2).UTC()
   321  	// case uint64:
   322  	// 	*tt = time.Unix(0, int64(v2)).UTC()
   323  	// //case float64:
   324  	// //case string:
   325  	// default:
   326  	// 	panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported format for time conversion: expecting int64/uint64; got %T", v))
   327  	// }
   328  }
   330  // ----
   332  type wrapInt64Ext int64
   334  func (x *wrapInt64Ext) WriteExt(v interface{}) []byte {
   335  	v2 := uint64(int64(v.(wrapInt64)))
   336  	bs := make([]byte, 8)
   337  	bigenstd.PutUint64(bs, v2)
   338  	return bs
   339  }
   340  func (x *wrapInt64Ext) ReadExt(v interface{}, bs []byte) {
   341  	v2 := v.(*wrapInt64)
   342  	ui := bigenstd.Uint64(bs)
   343  	*v2 = wrapInt64(int64(ui))
   344  }
   345  func (x *wrapInt64Ext) ConvertExt(v interface{}) interface{} {
   346  	return int64(v.(wrapInt64))
   347  }
   348  func (x *wrapInt64Ext) UpdateExt(dest interface{}, v interface{}) {
   349  	v2 := dest.(*wrapInt64)
   350  	*v2 = wrapInt64(v.(int64))
   351  }
   353  // ----
   355  type wrapBytesExt struct{}
   357  func (x *wrapBytesExt) WriteExt(v interface{}) []byte {
   358  	return ([]byte)(v.(wrapBytes))
   359  }
   360  func (x *wrapBytesExt) ReadExt(v interface{}, bs []byte) {
   361  	v2 := v.(*wrapBytes)
   362  	*v2 = wrapBytes(bs)
   363  }
   364  func (x *wrapBytesExt) ConvertExt(v interface{}) interface{} {
   365  	return ([]byte)(v.(wrapBytes))
   366  }
   367  func (x *wrapBytesExt) UpdateExt(dest interface{}, v interface{}) {
   368  	v2 := dest.(*wrapBytes)
   369  	// some formats (e.g. json) cannot nakedly determine []byte from string, so expect both
   370  	switch v3 := v.(type) {
   371  	case []byte:
   372  		*v2 = wrapBytes(v3)
   373  	case string:
   374  		*v2 = wrapBytes([]byte(v3))
   375  	default:
   376  		panic(errors.New("UpdateExt for wrapBytesExt expects string or []byte"))
   377  	}
   378  	// *v2 = wrapBytes(v.([]byte))
   379  }
   381  // ----
   383  // timeExt is an extension handler for time.Time, that uses binc model for encoding/decoding time.
   384  // we used binc model, as that is the only custom time representation that we designed ourselves.
   385  type timeBytesExt struct{}
   387  func (x timeBytesExt) WriteExt(v interface{}) (bs []byte) {
   388  	return bincEncodeTime(*(v.(*time.Time)))
   389  	// return bincEncodeTime(v.(time.Time))
   390  	// switch v2 := v.(type) {
   391  	// case time.Time:
   392  	// 	bs = bincEncodeTime(v2)
   393  	// case *time.Time:
   394  	// 	bs = bincEncodeTime(*v2)
   395  	// default:
   396  	// 	panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported format for time conversion: expecting time.Time; got %T", v2))
   397  	// }
   398  	// return
   399  }
   400  func (x timeBytesExt) ReadExt(v interface{}, bs []byte) {
   401  	tt, err := bincDecodeTime(bs)
   402  	if err != nil {
   403  		panic(err)
   404  	}
   405  	*(v.(*time.Time)) = tt
   406  }
   408  type timeInterfaceExt struct{}
   410  func (x timeInterfaceExt) ConvertExt(v interface{}) interface{} {
   411  	return timeBytesExt{}.WriteExt(v)
   412  }
   413  func (x timeInterfaceExt) UpdateExt(v interface{}, src interface{}) {
   414  	timeBytesExt{}.ReadExt(v, src.([]byte))
   415  }
   417  // ----
   418  type testUintToBytesExt struct{}
   420  func (x testUintToBytesExt) WriteExt(v interface{}) (bs []byte) {
   421  	z := uint32(v.(testUintToBytes))
   422  	if z == 0 {
   423  		return nil
   424  	}
   425  	return make([]byte, z)
   426  }
   427  func (x testUintToBytesExt) ReadExt(v interface{}, bs []byte) {
   428  	*(v.(*testUintToBytes)) = testUintToBytes(len(bs))
   429  }
   430  func (x testUintToBytesExt) ConvertExt(v interface{}) interface{} {
   431  	return x.WriteExt(v)
   432  }
   433  func (x testUintToBytesExt) UpdateExt(v interface{}, src interface{}) {
   434  	x.ReadExt(v, src.([]byte))
   435  }
   437  // ----
   439  func testSetupNoop() {}
   441  func testSetup(t *testing.T, h *Handle) (fn func()) {
   442  	return testSetupWithChecks(t, h, true)
   443  }
   445  // testSetup will ensure testInitAll is run, and then
   446  // return a function that should be deferred to run at the end
   447  // of the test.
   448  //
   449  // This function can track how much time a test took,
   450  // or recover from panic's and fail the test appropriately.
   451  func testSetupWithChecks(t *testing.T, h *Handle, allowParallel bool) (fn func()) {
   452  	testOnce.Do(testInitAll)
   453  	if allowParallel && testUseParallel {
   454  		t.Parallel()
   455  		if h != nil {
   456  			*h = testHandleCopy(*h)
   457  		}
   458  	}
   459  	// in case an error is seen, recover it here.
   460  	if testRecoverPanicToErr {
   461  		fnRecoverPanic := func() {
   462  			if x := recover(); x != nil {
   463  				var err error
   464  				panicValToErr(errDecoratorDef{}, x, &err)
   465  				t.Logf("recovered error: %v", err)
   466  				t.FailNow()
   467  			}
   468  		}
   469  		fn = fnRecoverPanic
   470  	}
   471  	if fn == nil {
   472  		fn = testSetupNoop
   473  	}
   474  	return
   475  }
   477  func testBasicHandle(h Handle) *BasicHandle { return h.getBasicHandle() }
   479  func testCodecEncode(ts interface{}, bsIn []byte, fn func([]byte) *bytes.Buffer, h Handle, useMust bool) (bs []byte, err error) {
   480  	return testSharedCodecEncode(ts, bsIn, fn, h, testBasicHandle(h), useMust)
   481  }
   483  func testCodecDecode(bs []byte, ts interface{}, h Handle, useMust bool) (err error) {
   484  	return testSharedCodecDecode(bs, ts, h, testBasicHandle(h), useMust)
   485  }
   487  func testCheckErr(t *testing.T, err error) {
   488  	if err != nil {
   489  		t.Logf("err: %v", err)
   490  		t.FailNow()
   491  	}
   492  }
   494  func testCheckEqual(t *testing.T, v1 interface{}, v2 interface{}, desc string) {
   495  	t.Helper()
   496  	if err := deepEqual(v1, v2); err != nil {
   497  		t.Logf("Not Equal: %s: %v", desc, err)
   498  		if testVerbose {
   499  			t.Logf("\tv1: %v, v2: %v", v1, v2)
   500  		}
   501  		t.FailNow()
   502  	}
   503  }
   505  func testInit() {
   506  	gob.Register(new(TestStrucFlex))
   508  	for _, v := range testHandles {
   509  		bh := testBasicHandle(v)
   510  		bh.clearInited() // so it is reinitialized next time around
   511  		// pre-fill them first
   512  		bh.EncodeOptions = testEncodeOptions
   513  		bh.DecodeOptions = testDecodeOptions
   514  		bh.RPCOptions = testRPCOptions
   515  		// bh.InterfaceReset = true
   516  		// bh.PreferArrayOverSlice = true
   517  		// modify from flag'ish things
   518  		bh.MaxInitLen = testMaxInitLen
   519  	}
   521  	var tTimeExt timeBytesExt
   522  	var tBytesExt wrapBytesExt
   523  	var tI64Ext wrapInt64Ext
   524  	var tUintToBytesExt testUintToBytesExt
   526  	// create legacy functions suitable for deprecated AddExt functionality,
   527  	// and use on some places for testSimpleH e.g. for time.Time and wrapInt64
   528  	var (
   529  		myExtEncFn = func(x BytesExt, rv reflect.Value) (bs []byte, err error) {
   530  			defer testPanicToErr(errDecoratorDef{}, &err)
   531  			bs = x.WriteExt(rv.Interface())
   532  			return
   533  		}
   534  		myExtDecFn = func(x BytesExt, rv reflect.Value, bs []byte) (err error) {
   535  			defer testPanicToErr(errDecoratorDef{}, &err)
   536  			x.ReadExt(rv.Interface(), bs)
   537  			return
   538  		}
   539  		timeExtEncFn      = func(rv reflect.Value) (bs []byte, err error) { return myExtEncFn(tTimeExt, rv) }
   540  		timeExtDecFn      = func(rv reflect.Value, bs []byte) (err error) { return myExtDecFn(tTimeExt, rv, bs) }
   541  		wrapInt64ExtEncFn = func(rv reflect.Value) (bs []byte, err error) { return myExtEncFn(&tI64Ext, rv) }
   542  		wrapInt64ExtDecFn = func(rv reflect.Value, bs []byte) (err error) { return myExtDecFn(&tI64Ext, rv, bs) }
   543  	)
   545  	chkErr := func(err error) {
   546  		if err != nil {
   547  			panic(err)
   548  		}
   549  	}
   551  	// time.Time is a native type, so extensions will have no effect.
   552  	// However, we add these here to ensure nothing happens.
   553  	chkErr(testSimpleH.AddExt(timeTyp, 1, timeExtEncFn, timeExtDecFn))
   554  	// testBincH.SetBytesExt(timeTyp, 1, timeExt{}) // time is builtin for binc
   555  	chkErr(testMsgpackH.SetBytesExt(timeTyp, 1, timeBytesExt{}))
   556  	chkErr(testCborH.SetInterfaceExt(timeTyp, 1, testUnixNanoTimeInterfaceExt{}))
   557  	// testJsonH.SetInterfaceExt(timeTyp, 1, &testUnixNanoTimeExt{})
   559  	// Add extensions for the testSelfExt
   560  	chkErr(testSimpleH.SetBytesExt(testSelfExtTyp, 78, SelfExt))
   561  	chkErr(testMsgpackH.SetBytesExt(testSelfExtTyp, 78, SelfExt))
   562  	chkErr(testBincH.SetBytesExt(testSelfExtTyp, 78, SelfExt))
   563  	chkErr(testJsonH.SetInterfaceExt(testSelfExtTyp, 78, SelfExt))
   564  	chkErr(testCborH.SetInterfaceExt(testSelfExtTyp, 78, SelfExt))
   566  	chkErr(testSimpleH.SetBytesExt(testSelfExt2Typ, 79, SelfExt))
   567  	chkErr(testMsgpackH.SetBytesExt(testSelfExt2Typ, 79, SelfExt))
   568  	chkErr(testBincH.SetBytesExt(testSelfExt2Typ, 79, SelfExt))
   569  	chkErr(testJsonH.SetInterfaceExt(testSelfExt2Typ, 79, SelfExt))
   570  	chkErr(testCborH.SetInterfaceExt(testSelfExt2Typ, 79, SelfExt))
   572  	// Now, add extensions for the type wrapInt64 and wrapBytes,
   573  	// so we can execute the Encode/Decode Ext paths.
   575  	chkErr(testSimpleH.SetBytesExt(wrapBytesTyp, 32, &tBytesExt))
   576  	chkErr(testMsgpackH.SetBytesExt(wrapBytesTyp, 32, &tBytesExt))
   577  	chkErr(testBincH.SetBytesExt(wrapBytesTyp, 32, &tBytesExt))
   578  	chkErr(testJsonH.SetInterfaceExt(wrapBytesTyp, 32, &tBytesExt))
   579  	chkErr(testCborH.SetInterfaceExt(wrapBytesTyp, 32, &tBytesExt))
   581  	chkErr(testSimpleH.SetBytesExt(testUintToBytesTyp, 33, &tUintToBytesExt))
   582  	chkErr(testMsgpackH.SetBytesExt(testUintToBytesTyp, 33, &tUintToBytesExt))
   583  	chkErr(testBincH.SetBytesExt(testUintToBytesTyp, 33, &tUintToBytesExt))
   584  	chkErr(testJsonH.SetInterfaceExt(testUintToBytesTyp, 33, &tUintToBytesExt))
   585  	chkErr(testCborH.SetInterfaceExt(testUintToBytesTyp, 33, &tUintToBytesExt))
   587  	chkErr(testSimpleH.AddExt(wrapInt64Typ, 16, wrapInt64ExtEncFn, wrapInt64ExtDecFn))
   588  	// chkErr(testSimpleH.SetBytesExt(wrapInt64Typ, 16, &tI64Ext))
   589  	chkErr(testMsgpackH.SetBytesExt(wrapInt64Typ, 16, &tI64Ext))
   590  	chkErr(testBincH.SetBytesExt(wrapInt64Typ, 16, &tI64Ext))
   591  	chkErr(testJsonH.SetInterfaceExt(wrapInt64Typ, 16, &tI64Ext))
   592  	chkErr(testCborH.SetInterfaceExt(wrapInt64Typ, 16, &tI64Ext))
   594  	// primitives MUST be an even number, so it can be used as a mapBySlice also.
   595  	primitives := []interface{}{
   596  		int8(-8),
   597  		int16(-1616),
   598  		int32(-32323232),
   599  		int64(-6464646464646464),
   600  		uint8(192),
   601  		uint16(1616),
   602  		uint32(32323232),
   603  		uint64(6464646464646464),
   604  		byte(192),
   605  		float32(-3232.0),
   606  		float64(-6464646464.0),
   607  		float32(3232.0),
   608  		float64(6464.0),
   609  		float64(6464646464.0),
   610  		complex64(complex(160.0, 0)),
   611  		complex128(complex(1616, 0)),
   612  		false,
   613  		true,
   614  		"null",
   615  		nil,
   616  		"some&day>some<day",
   617  		timeToCompare1,
   618  		"",
   619  		timeToCompare2,
   620  		"bytestring",
   621  		timeToCompare3,
   622  		"none",
   623  		timeToCompare4,
   624  	}
   626  	maps := []interface{}{
   627  		map[string]bool{
   628  			"true":  true,
   629  			"false": false,
   630  		},
   631  		map[string]interface{}{
   632  			"true":         "True",
   633  			"false":        false,
   634  			"uint16(1616)": uint16(1616),
   635  		},
   636  		//add a complex combo map in here. (map has list which has map)
   637  		//note that after the first thing, everything else should be generic.
   638  		map[string]interface{}{
   639  			"list": []interface{}{
   640  				int16(1616),
   641  				int32(32323232),
   642  				true,
   643  				float32(-3232.0),
   644  				map[string]interface{}{
   645  					"TRUE":  true,
   646  					"FALSE": false,
   647  				},
   648  				[]interface{}{true, false},
   649  			},
   650  			"int32": int32(32323232),
   651  			"bool":  true,
   652  			"LONG STRING": `
   653  1234567890 1234567890 
   654  1234567890 1234567890 
   655  1234567890 1234567890 
   657  abcdedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 
   659  abcdedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 
   661  '	a tab	'
   662  \a\b\c\d\e
   663  \b\f\n\r\t all literally
   664  ugorji
   665  `,
   666  			"SHORT STRING": "1234567890",
   667  		},
   668  		map[interface{}]interface{}{
   669  			true:       "true",
   670  			uint8(138): false,
   671  			false:      uint8(200),
   672  		},
   673  	}
   675  	testTableNumPrimitives = len(primitives)
   676  	testTableIdxTime = testTableNumPrimitives - 8
   677  	testTableNumMaps = len(maps)
   679  	table = []interface{}{}
   680  	table = append(table, primitives...)
   681  	table = append(table, primitives)
   682  	table = append(table, testMbsT(primitives))
   683  	table = append(table, maps...)
   684  	table = append(table, newTestStrucFlex(0, testNumRepeatString, false, !testSkipIntf, testMapStringKeyOnly))
   685  	// table = append(table, newTestStrucFlex(0, testNumRepeatString, true, !testSkipIntf, testMapStringKeyOnly))
   686  }
   688  func testTableVerify(f testVerifyFlag, h Handle) (av []interface{}) {
   689  	av = make([]interface{}, len(table))
   690  	lp := testTableNumPrimitives + 4
   691  	// doNil := f & testVerifyDoNil == testVerifyDoNil
   692  	// doPython := f & testVerifyForPython == testVerifyForPython
   693  	switch {
   694  	case f.isset(testVerifyForPython):
   695  		for i, v := range table {
   696  			if i == testTableNumPrimitives+1 || i > lp { // testTableNumPrimitives+1 is the mapBySlice
   697  				av[i] = skipVerifyVal
   698  				continue
   699  			}
   700  			av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, f, h)
   701  		}
   702  		// only do the python verify up to the maps, skipping the last 2 maps.
   703  		av = av[:testTableNumPrimitives+2+testTableNumMaps-2]
   704  	case f.isset(testVerifyDoNil):
   705  		for i, v := range table {
   706  			if i > lp {
   707  				av[i] = skipVerifyVal
   708  				continue
   709  			}
   710  			av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, f, h)
   711  		}
   712  	default:
   713  		for i, v := range table {
   714  			if i == lp {
   715  				av[i] = skipVerifyVal
   716  				continue
   717  			}
   718  			//av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, testVerifyMapTypeSame)
   719  			switch v.(type) {
   720  			case []interface{}:
   721  				av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, f, h)
   722  			case testMbsT:
   723  				av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, f, h)
   724  			case map[string]interface{}:
   725  				av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, f, h)
   726  			case map[interface{}]interface{}:
   727  				av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, f, h)
   728  			case time.Time:
   729  				av[i] = testVerifyVal(v, f, h)
   730  			default:
   731  				av[i] = v
   732  			}
   733  		}
   734  	}
   735  	return
   736  }
   738  func testVerifyValInt(v int64, isMsgp bool) (v2 interface{}) {
   739  	if isMsgp {
   740  		if v >= 0 && v <= 127 {
   741  			v2 = uint64(v)
   742  		} else {
   743  			v2 = int64(v)
   744  		}
   745  	} else if v >= 0 {
   746  		v2 = uint64(v)
   747  	} else {
   748  		v2 = int64(v)
   749  	}
   750  	return
   751  }
   753  func testVerifyVal(v interface{}, f testVerifyFlag, h Handle) (v2 interface{}) {
   754  	//for python msgpack,
   755  	//  - all positive integers are unsigned 64-bit ints
   756  	//  - all floats are float64
   757  	_, isMsgp := h.(*MsgpackHandle)
   758  	_, isCbor := h.(*CborHandle)
   759  	switch iv := v.(type) {
   760  	case int8:
   761  		v2 = testVerifyValInt(int64(iv), isMsgp)
   762  		// fmt.Printf(">>>> is msgp: %v, v: %T, %v ==> v2: %T, %v\n", isMsgp, v, v, v2, v2)
   763  	case int16:
   764  		v2 = testVerifyValInt(int64(iv), isMsgp)
   765  	case int32:
   766  		v2 = testVerifyValInt(int64(iv), isMsgp)
   767  	case int64:
   768  		v2 = testVerifyValInt(int64(iv), isMsgp)
   769  	case uint8:
   770  		v2 = uint64(iv)
   771  	case uint16:
   772  		v2 = uint64(iv)
   773  	case uint32:
   774  		v2 = uint64(iv)
   775  	case uint64:
   776  		v2 = uint64(iv)
   777  	case float32:
   778  		v2 = float64(iv)
   779  	case float64:
   780  		v2 = float64(iv)
   781  	case complex64:
   782  		v2 = float64(float32(real(iv)))
   783  	case complex128:
   784  		v2 = float64(real(iv))
   785  	case []interface{}:
   786  		m2 := make([]interface{}, len(iv))
   787  		for j, vj := range iv {
   788  			m2[j] = testVerifyVal(vj, f, h)
   789  		}
   790  		v2 = m2
   791  	case testMbsT:
   792  		m2 := make([]interface{}, len(iv))
   793  		for j, vj := range iv {
   794  			m2[j] = testVerifyVal(vj, f, h)
   795  		}
   796  		v2 = testMbsT(m2)
   797  	case map[string]bool:
   798  		switch {
   799  		case f.isset(testVerifyMapTypeSame):
   800  			m2 := make(map[string]bool)
   801  			for kj, kv := range iv {
   802  				m2[kj] = kv
   803  			}
   804  			v2 = m2
   805  		case f.isset(testVerifyMapTypeStrIntf):
   806  			m2 := make(map[string]interface{})
   807  			for kj, kv := range iv {
   808  				m2[kj] = kv
   809  			}
   810  			v2 = m2
   811  		case f.isset(testVerifyMapTypeIntfIntf):
   812  			m2 := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
   813  			for kj, kv := range iv {
   814  				m2[kj] = kv
   815  			}
   816  			v2 = m2
   817  		}
   818  	case map[string]interface{}:
   819  		switch {
   820  		case f.isset(testVerifyMapTypeSame):
   821  			m2 := make(map[string]interface{})
   822  			for kj, kv := range iv {
   823  				m2[kj] = testVerifyVal(kv, f, h)
   824  			}
   825  			v2 = m2
   826  		case f.isset(testVerifyMapTypeStrIntf):
   827  			m2 := make(map[string]interface{})
   828  			for kj, kv := range iv {
   829  				m2[kj] = testVerifyVal(kv, f, h)
   830  			}
   831  			v2 = m2
   832  		case f.isset(testVerifyMapTypeIntfIntf):
   833  			m2 := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
   834  			for kj, kv := range iv {
   835  				m2[kj] = testVerifyVal(kv, f, h)
   836  			}
   837  			v2 = m2
   838  		}
   839  	case map[interface{}]interface{}:
   840  		m2 := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
   841  		for kj, kv := range iv {
   842  			m2[testVerifyVal(kj, f, h)] = testVerifyVal(kv, f, h)
   843  		}
   844  		v2 = m2
   845  	case time.Time:
   846  		switch {
   847  		case f.isset(testVerifyTimeAsInteger):
   848  			if iv2 := iv.UnixNano(); iv2 >= 0 {
   849  				v2 = uint64(iv2)
   850  			} else {
   851  				v2 = int64(iv2)
   852  			}
   853  		case isMsgp:
   854  			v2 = iv.UTC()
   855  		case isCbor:
   856  			// fmt.Printf("%%%% cbor verifier\n")
   857  			v2 = iv.UTC().Round(time.Microsecond)
   858  		default:
   859  			v2 = v
   860  		}
   861  	default:
   862  		v2 = v
   863  	}
   864  	return
   865  }
   867  func testReleaseBytes(bs []byte) {
   868  	if !testUseParallel {
   869  		testBytesFreeList.put(bs)
   870  	}
   871  }
   873  func testGetBytes() (bs []byte) {
   874  	if !testUseParallel {
   875  		bs = testBytesFreeList.get(64)
   876  	}
   877  	return
   878  }
   880  func testHandleCopy(h Handle) (h2 Handle) {
   881  	switch v := h.(type) {
   882  	case *JsonHandle:
   883  		v2 := *v
   884  		h2 = &v2
   885  	case *CborHandle:
   886  		v2 := *v
   887  		h2 = &v2
   888  	case *MsgpackHandle:
   889  		v2 := *v
   890  		h2 = &v2
   891  	case *SimpleHandle:
   892  		v2 := *v
   893  		h2 = &v2
   894  	case *BincHandle:
   895  		v2 := *v
   896  		h2 = &v2
   897  	}
   898  	return
   899  }
   901  func testMarshal(v interface{}, h Handle) (bs []byte, err error) {
   902  	// return testCodecEncode(v, nil, testByteBuf, h)
   903  	return testCodecEncode(v, testGetBytes(), testByteBuf, h, false)
   904  }
   906  func testUnmarshal(v interface{}, data []byte, h Handle) (err error) {
   907  	return testCodecDecode(data, v, h, false)
   908  }
   910  func testMarshalErr(v interface{}, h Handle, t *testing.T, name string) (bs []byte) {
   911  	t.Helper()
   912  	bs, err := testCodecEncode(v, testGetBytes(), testByteBuf, h, true)
   913  	if err != nil {
   914  		t.Logf("%s: marshal failed: %v", name, err)
   915  		if testVerbose {
   916  			t.Logf("Error encoding %s: %v, Err: %v", name, v, err)
   917  		}
   918  		t.FailNow()
   919  	}
   920  	return
   921  }
   923  func testUnmarshalErr(v interface{}, data []byte, h Handle, t *testing.T, name string) {
   924  	t.Helper()
   925  	err := testCodecDecode(data, v, h, true)
   926  	if err != nil {
   927  		t.Logf("%s: unmarshal failed: %v", name, err)
   928  		if testVerbose {
   929  			t.Logf("Error Decoding into %s: %v, Err: %v", name, v, err)
   930  		}
   931  		t.FailNow()
   932  	}
   933  }
   935  func testDeepEqualErr(v1, v2 interface{}, t *testing.T, name string) {
   936  	t.Helper()
   937  	if err := deepEqual(v1, v2); err == nil {
   938  		if testVerbose {
   939  			t.Logf("%s: values equal", name)
   940  		}
   941  	} else {
   942  		t.Logf("%s: values not equal: %v", name, err)
   943  		if testVerbose {
   944  			t.Logf("%s: values not equal: %v. 1: %#v, 2: %#v", name, err, v1, v2)
   945  		}
   946  		t.FailNow()
   947  	}
   948  }
   950  func testReadWriteCloser(c io.ReadWriteCloser) io.ReadWriteCloser {
   951  	if testRpcBufsize <= 0 && rand.Int63()%2 == 0 {
   952  		return c
   953  	}
   954  	return struct {
   955  		io.Closer
   956  		*bufio.Reader
   957  		*bufio.Writer
   958  	}{c, bufio.NewReaderSize(c, testRpcBufsize), bufio.NewWriterSize(c, testRpcBufsize)}
   959  }
   961  // testCodecTableOne allows us test for different variations based on arguments passed.
   962  func testCodecTableOne(t *testing.T, testNil bool, h Handle,
   963  	vs []interface{}, vsVerify []interface{}) {
   964  	//if testNil, then just test for when a pointer to a nil interface{} is passed. It should work.
   965  	//Current setup allows us test (at least manually) the nil interface or typed interface.
   966  	if testVerbose {
   967  		t.Logf("================ TestNil: %v: %v entries ================\n", testNil, len(vs))
   968  	}
   970  	if mh, ok := h.(*MsgpackHandle); ok {
   971  		defer func(a, b bool) {
   972  			mh.RawToString = a
   973  			mh.PositiveIntUnsigned = b
   974  		}(mh.RawToString, mh.PositiveIntUnsigned)
   975  		mh.RawToString = true
   976  		mh.PositiveIntUnsigned = false
   977  	}
   979  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
   980  	for i, v0 := range vs {
   981  		if testVerbose {
   982  			t.Logf("..............................................")
   983  			t.Logf("         Testing: #%d:, %T, %#v\n", i, v0, v0)
   984  		}
   985  		// if a TestStrucFlex and we are doing a testNil,
   986  		// ensure the fields which are not encodeable are set to nil appropriately
   987  		// i.e. TestStrucFlex.{MstrUi64TSelf, mapMsu2wss}
   988  		var mapMstrUi64TSelf map[stringUint64T]*stringUint64T
   989  		var mapMsu2wss map[stringUint64T]wrapStringSlice
   990  		// TestStrucFlex.{Msp2ss, Mip2ss} have pointer keys.
   991  		// When we encode and the decode back into the same value,
   992  		// the length of this map will effectively double, because
   993  		// each pointer has equal underlying value, but are separate entries in the map.
   994  		//
   995  		// Best way to compare is to store them, and then compare them later if needed.
   996  		var mapMsp2ss map[*string][]string
   997  		var mapMip2ss map[*uint64][]string
   999  		tsflex, _ := v0.(*TestStrucFlex)
  1000  		if tsflex != nil {
  1001  			mapMstrUi64TSelf = tsflex.MstrUi64TSelf
  1002  			mapMsu2wss = tsflex.Msu2wss
  1003  			mapMsp2ss = tsflex.Msp2ss
  1004  			mapMip2ss = tsflex.Mip2ss
  1005  			if testNil {
  1006  				tsflex.MstrUi64TSelf = nil
  1007  				tsflex.Msu2wss = nil
  1008  			}
  1009  		}
  1010  		b0 := testMarshalErr(v0, h, t, "v0")
  1011  		var b1 = b0
  1012  		if len(b0) > 1024 {
  1013  			b1 = b0[:1024]
  1014  		}
  1015  		bytesorstr := "string"
  1016  		if h.isBinary() {
  1017  			bytesorstr = "bytes"
  1018  			if len(b0) > 256 {
  1019  				b1 = b0[:256]
  1020  			}
  1021  		}
  1022  		if testVerbose {
  1023  			t.Logf("         Encoded %s: type: %T, len/cap: %v/%v, %v, %s\n", bytesorstr, v0, len(b0), cap(b0), b1, "...")
  1024  		}
  1025  		// TestStrucFlex has many fields which will encode differently if SignedInteger - so skip
  1026  		if _, ok := v0.(*TestStrucFlex); ok && bh.SignedInteger {
  1027  			continue
  1028  		}
  1030  		var v1 interface{}
  1031  		var err error
  1033  		if tsflex != nil {
  1034  			if testNil {
  1035  				tsflex.MstrUi64TSelf = mapMstrUi64TSelf
  1036  				tsflex.Msu2wss = mapMsu2wss
  1037  			}
  1038  			tsflex.Msp2ss = nil
  1039  			tsflex.Mip2ss = nil
  1040  		}
  1042  		if testNil {
  1043  			err = testUnmarshal(&v1, b0, h)
  1044  		} else if v0 != nil {
  1045  			v0rt := reflect.TypeOf(v0) // ptr
  1046  			if v0rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
  1047  				err = testUnmarshal(v0, b0, h)
  1048  				v1 = v0
  1049  			} else {
  1050  				rv1 := reflect.New(v0rt)
  1051  				err = testUnmarshal(rv1.Interface(), b0, h)
  1052  				v1 = rv1.Elem().Interface()
  1053  				// v1 = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v1)).Interface()
  1054  			}
  1055  		}
  1057  		if tsflex != nil {
  1058  			// MARKER: consider compare tsflex.{Msp2ss, Mip2ss} to map{Msp2ss, Mip2ss}
  1059  			_, _ = mapMsp2ss, mapMip2ss
  1060  		}
  1062  		if testVerbose {
  1063  			t.Logf("         v1 returned: %T, %v %#v", v1, v1, v1)
  1064  		}
  1065  		// if v1 != nil {
  1066  		//	t.Logf("         v1 returned: %T, %#v", v1, v1)
  1067  		//	//we always indirect, because ptr to typed value may be passed (if not testNil)
  1068  		//	v1 = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v1)).Interface()
  1069  		// }
  1070  		if err != nil {
  1071  			t.Logf("-------- Error: %v", err)
  1072  			if testVerbose {
  1073  				t.Logf("-------- Partial return: %v", v1)
  1074  			}
  1075  			t.FailNow()
  1076  		}
  1077  		v0check := vsVerify[i]
  1078  		if v0check == skipVerifyVal || bh.SignedInteger {
  1079  			if testVerbose {
  1080  				t.Logf("        Nil Check skipped: Decoded: %T, %#v\n", v1, v1)
  1081  			}
  1082  			continue
  1083  		}
  1084  		if err = deepEqual(v0check, v1); err == nil {
  1085  			if testVerbose {
  1086  				t.Logf("++++++++ Before and After marshal matched\n")
  1087  			}
  1088  		} else {
  1089  			// t.Logf("-------- Before and After marshal do not match: Error: %v"+
  1090  			// 	" ====> GOLDEN: (%T) %#v, DECODED: (%T) %#v\n", err, v0check, v0check, v1, v1)
  1091  			t.Logf("-------- FAIL: Before and After marshal do not match: Error: %v", err)
  1092  			if testVerbose {
  1093  				t.Logf("    ....... GOLDEN:  (%T) %v %#v", v0check, v0check, v0check)
  1094  				t.Logf("    ....... DECODED: (%T) %v %#v", v1, v1, v1)
  1095  			}
  1096  			t.FailNow()
  1097  		}
  1098  		testReleaseBytes(b0)
  1099  	}
  1100  }
  1102  func doTestCodecTableOne(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1103  	// since this test modifies maps (and slices?), it should not be run in parallel,
  1104  	// else we may get "concurrent modification/range/set" errors.
  1106  	defer testSetupWithChecks(t, &h, false)()
  1108  	numPrim, numMap, idxTime, idxMap := testTableNumPrimitives, testTableNumMaps, testTableIdxTime, testTableNumPrimitives+2
  1110  	tableVerify := testTableVerify(testVerifyMapTypeSame, h)
  1111  	tableTestNilVerify := testTableVerify(testVerifyDoNil|testVerifyMapTypeStrIntf, h)
  1112  	switch v := h.(type) {
  1113  	case *MsgpackHandle:
  1114  		oldWriteExt := v.WriteExt
  1115  		v.WriteExt = true
  1116  		testCodecTableOne(t, false, h, table, tableVerify)
  1117  		v.WriteExt = oldWriteExt
  1118  	case *JsonHandle:
  1119  		//skip []interface{} containing time.Time, as it encodes as a number, but cannot decode back to time.Time.
  1120  		//As there is no real support for extension tags in json, this must be skipped.
  1121  		testCodecTableOne(t, false, h, table[:numPrim], tableVerify[:numPrim])
  1122  		testCodecTableOne(t, false, h, table[idxMap:], tableVerify[idxMap:])
  1123  	default:
  1124  		testCodecTableOne(t, false, h, table, tableVerify)
  1125  	}
  1126  	// func TestMsgpackAll(t *testing.T) {
  1128  	// //skip []interface{} containing time.Time
  1129  	// testCodecTableOne(t, false, h, table[:numPrim], tableVerify[:numPrim])
  1130  	// testCodecTableOne(t, false, h, table[numPrim+1:], tableVerify[numPrim+1:])
  1131  	// func TestMsgpackNilStringMap(t *testing.T) {
  1132  	var oldMapType reflect.Type
  1133  	v := testBasicHandle(h)
  1135  	oldMapType, v.MapType = v.MapType, testMapStrIntfTyp
  1136  	// defer func() { v.MapType = oldMapType }()
  1137  	//skip time.Time, []interface{} containing time.Time, last map, and newStruc
  1138  	testCodecTableOne(t, true, h, table[:idxTime], tableTestNilVerify[:idxTime])
  1139  	testCodecTableOne(t, true, h, table[idxMap:idxMap+numMap-1], tableTestNilVerify[idxMap:idxMap+numMap-1]) // failing one for msgpack
  1140  	v.MapType = oldMapType
  1141  	// func TestMsgpackNilIntf(t *testing.T) {
  1143  	//do last map and newStruc
  1144  	idx2 := idxMap + numMap - 1
  1145  	testCodecTableOne(t, true, h, table[idx2:], tableTestNilVerify[idx2:])
  1146  	//testCodecTableOne(t, true, h, table[17:18], tableTestNilVerify[17:18]) // do we need this?
  1147  }
  1149  func doTestCodecMiscOne(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1150  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1151  	var err error
  1152  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  1153  	b := testMarshalErr(32, h, t, "32")
  1154  	// Cannot do this nil one, because faster type assertion decoding will panic
  1155  	// var i *int32
  1156  	// if err = testUnmarshal(b, i, nil); err == nil {
  1157  	// 	t.Logf("------- Expecting error because we cannot unmarshal to int32 nil ptr")
  1158  	// 	t.FailNow()
  1159  	// }
  1160  	var i2 int32
  1161  	testUnmarshalErr(&i2, b, h, t, "int32-ptr")
  1162  	if i2 != int32(32) {
  1163  		t.Logf("------- didn't unmarshal to 32: Received: %d", i2)
  1164  		t.FailNow()
  1165  	}
  1167  	// func TestMsgpackDecodePtr(t *testing.T) {
  1168  	ts := newTestStrucFlex(testDepth, testNumRepeatString, false, !testSkipIntf, testMapStringKeyOnly)
  1169  	testReleaseBytes(b)
  1170  	b = testMarshalErr(ts, h, t, "pointer-to-struct")
  1171  	if len(b) < 40 {
  1172  		t.Logf("------- Size must be > 40. Size: %d", len(b))
  1173  		t.FailNow()
  1174  	}
  1175  	var b1 = b
  1176  	if len(b1) > 256 {
  1177  		b1 = b1[:256]
  1178  	}
  1179  	if testVerbose {
  1180  		if h.isBinary() {
  1181  			t.Logf("------- b: size: %v, value: %v", len(b), b1)
  1182  		} else {
  1183  			t.Logf("------- b: size: %v, value: %s", len(b), b1)
  1184  		}
  1185  	}
  1187  	// ts2 := testEmptyTestStrucFlex()
  1188  	var ts2 = new(TestStrucFlex)
  1189  	// we initialize and start draining the chan, so that we can decode into it without it blocking due to no consumer
  1190  	ts2.Chstr = make(chan string, teststrucflexChanCap)
  1191  	go func() {
  1192  		for range ts2.Chstr {
  1193  		}
  1194  	}() // drain it
  1196  	testUnmarshalErr(ts2, b, h, t, "pointer-to-struct")
  1197  	if ts2.I64 != math.MaxInt64*2/3 {
  1198  		t.Logf("------- Unmarshal wrong. Expect I64 = 64. Got: %v", ts2.I64)
  1199  		t.FailNow()
  1200  	}
  1201  	close(ts2.Chstr)
  1202  	testReleaseBytes(b)
  1204  	// Note: These will not work with SliceElementReset or InterfaceReset=true, so handle that.
  1205  	defer func(a, b bool) {
  1206  		bh.SliceElementReset = a
  1207  		bh.InterfaceReset = b
  1208  	}(bh.SliceElementReset, bh.InterfaceReset)
  1210  	bh.SliceElementReset = false
  1211  	bh.InterfaceReset = false
  1213  	m := map[string]int{"A": 2, "B": 3}
  1214  	p := []interface{}{m}
  1215  	bs := testMarshalErr(p, h, t, "p")
  1217  	m2 := map[string]int{}
  1218  	p2 := []interface{}{m2}
  1219  	testUnmarshalErr(&p2, bs, h, t, "&p2")
  1221  	if m2["A"] != 2 || m2["B"] != 3 {
  1222  		t.Logf("FAIL: m2 not as expected: expecting: %v, got: %v", m, m2)
  1223  		t.FailNow()
  1224  	}
  1226  	testCheckEqual(t, p, p2, "p=p2")
  1227  	testCheckEqual(t, m, m2, "m=m2")
  1228  	if err = deepEqual(p, p2); err == nil {
  1229  		if testVerbose {
  1230  			t.Logf("p and p2 match")
  1231  		}
  1232  	} else {
  1233  		t.Logf("Not Equal: %v. p: %v, p2: %v", err, p, p2)
  1234  		t.FailNow()
  1235  	}
  1236  	if err = deepEqual(m, m2); err == nil {
  1237  		if testVerbose {
  1238  			t.Logf("m and m2 match")
  1239  		}
  1240  	} else {
  1241  		t.Logf("Not Equal: %v. m: %v, m2: %v", err, m, m2)
  1242  		t.FailNow()
  1243  	}
  1244  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  1246  	// func TestMsgpackDecodeStructSubset(t *testing.T) {
  1247  	// test that we can decode a subset of the stream
  1248  	mm := map[string]interface{}{"A": 5, "B": 99, "C": 333}
  1249  	bs = testMarshalErr(mm, h, t, "mm")
  1250  	type ttt struct {
  1251  		A uint8
  1252  		C int32
  1253  	}
  1254  	var t2 ttt
  1255  	testUnmarshalErr(&t2, bs, h, t, "t2")
  1256  	t3 := ttt{5, 333}
  1257  	testCheckEqual(t, t2, t3, "t2=t3")
  1258  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  1260  	// println(">>>>>")
  1261  	// test simple arrays, non-addressable arrays, slices
  1262  	type tarr struct {
  1263  		A int64
  1264  		B [3]int64
  1265  		C []byte
  1266  		D [3]byte
  1267  	}
  1268  	var tarr0 = tarr{1, [3]int64{2, 3, 4}, []byte{4, 5, 6}, [3]byte{7, 8, 9}}
  1269  	// test both pointer and non-pointer (value)
  1270  	for _, tarr1 := range []interface{}{tarr0, &tarr0} {
  1271  		bs = testMarshalErr(tarr1, h, t, "tarr1")
  1272  		if _, ok := h.(*JsonHandle); ok {
  1273  			if testVerbose {
  1274  				t.Logf("Marshal as: %s", bs)
  1275  			}
  1276  		}
  1277  		var tarr2 tarr
  1278  		testUnmarshalErr(&tarr2, bs, h, t, "tarr2")
  1279  		testCheckEqual(t, tarr0, tarr2, "tarr0=tarr2")
  1280  		testReleaseBytes(bs)
  1281  	}
  1283  	// test byte array, even if empty (msgpack only)
  1284  	if _, ok := h.(*MsgpackHandle); ok {
  1285  		type ystruct struct {
  1286  			Anarray []byte
  1287  		}
  1288  		var ya = ystruct{}
  1289  		testUnmarshalErr(&ya, []byte{0x91, 0x90}, h, t, "ya")
  1290  	}
  1292  	var tt1, tt2 time.Time
  1293  	tt2 = time.Now()
  1294  	bs = testMarshalErr(tt1, h, t, "zero-time-enc")
  1295  	testUnmarshalErr(&tt2, bs, h, t, "zero-time-dec")
  1296  	testDeepEqualErr(tt1, tt2, t, "zero-time-eq")
  1297  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  1299  	// test encoding a slice of byte (but not []byte) and decoding into a []byte
  1300  	var sw = []wrapUint8{'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'}
  1301  	var bw []byte // ("ABCDEFGHIJ")
  1302  	bs = testMarshalErr(sw, h, t, "wrap-bytes-enc")
  1303  	testUnmarshalErr(&bw, bs, h, t, "wrap-bytes-dec")
  1304  	testDeepEqualErr(bw, []byte("ABCDEFGHIJ"), t, "wrap-bytes-eq")
  1305  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  1306  }
  1308  func doTestCodecEmbeddedPointer(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1309  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1310  	type Z int
  1311  	type A struct {
  1312  		AnInt int
  1313  	}
  1314  	type B struct {
  1315  		*Z
  1316  		*A
  1317  		MoreInt int
  1318  	}
  1319  	var z Z = 4
  1320  	x1 := &B{&z, &A{5}, 6}
  1321  	bs := testMarshalErr(x1, h, t, "x1")
  1322  	var x2 = new(B)
  1323  	testUnmarshalErr(x2, bs, h, t, "x2")
  1324  	testCheckEqual(t, x1, x2, "x1=x2")
  1325  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  1326  }
  1328  func testCodecUnderlyingType(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1329  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1330  	// Manual Test.
  1331  	// Run by hand, with accompanying printf.statements in fast-path.go
  1332  	// to ensure that the fast functions are called.
  1333  	type T1 map[string]string
  1334  	v := T1{"1": "1s", "2": "2s"}
  1335  	var bs []byte
  1336  	var err error
  1337  	NewEncoderBytes(&bs, h).MustEncode(v)
  1338  	if err != nil {
  1339  		t.Logf("Error during encode: %v", err)
  1340  		t.FailNow()
  1341  	}
  1342  	var v2 T1
  1343  	NewDecoderBytes(bs, h).MustDecode(&v2)
  1344  	if err != nil {
  1345  		t.Logf("Error during decode: %v", err)
  1346  		t.FailNow()
  1347  	}
  1348  }
  1350  func doTestCodecChan(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1351  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1352  	// - send a slice []*int64 (sl1) into an chan (ch1) with cap > len(s1)
  1353  	// - encode ch1 as a stream array
  1354  	// - decode a chan (ch2), with cap > len(s1) from the stream array
  1355  	// - receive from ch2 into slice sl2
  1356  	// - compare sl1 and sl2
  1358  	{
  1359  		if testVerbose {
  1360  			t.Logf("*int64")
  1361  		}
  1362  		sl1 := make([]*int64, 4)
  1363  		for i := range sl1 {
  1364  			var j int64 = int64(i)
  1365  			sl1[i] = &j
  1366  		}
  1367  		ch1 := make(chan *int64, 4)
  1368  		for _, j := range sl1 {
  1369  			ch1 <- j
  1370  		}
  1371  		var bs []byte
  1372  		NewEncoderBytes(&bs, h).MustEncode(ch1)
  1373  		ch2 := make(chan *int64, 8)
  1374  		NewDecoderBytes(bs, h).MustDecode(&ch2)
  1375  		close(ch2)
  1376  		var sl2 []*int64
  1377  		for j := range ch2 {
  1378  			sl2 = append(sl2, j)
  1379  		}
  1380  		if err := deepEqual(sl1, sl2); err != nil {
  1381  			t.Logf("FAIL: Not Match: %v; len: %v, %v", err, len(sl1), len(sl2))
  1382  			if testVerbose {
  1383  				t.Logf("sl1: %#v, sl2: %#v", sl1, sl2)
  1384  			}
  1385  			t.FailNow()
  1386  		}
  1387  	}
  1389  	{
  1390  		if testVerbose {
  1391  			t.Logf("testBytesT []byte - input []byte")
  1392  		}
  1393  		type testBytesT []byte
  1394  		sl1 := make([]testBytesT, 4)
  1395  		for i := range sl1 {
  1396  			var j = []byte(strings.Repeat(strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10), i))
  1397  			sl1[i] = j
  1398  		}
  1399  		ch1 := make(chan testBytesT, 4)
  1400  		for _, j := range sl1 {
  1401  			ch1 <- j
  1402  		}
  1403  		var bs []byte
  1404  		NewEncoderBytes(&bs, h).MustEncode(ch1)
  1405  		ch2 := make(chan testBytesT, 8)
  1406  		NewDecoderBytes(bs, h).MustDecode(&ch2)
  1407  		close(ch2)
  1408  		var sl2 []testBytesT
  1409  		for j := range ch2 {
  1410  			// t.Logf(">>>> from chan: is nil? %v, %v", j == nil, j)
  1411  			sl2 = append(sl2, j)
  1412  		}
  1413  		if err := deepEqual(sl1, sl2); err != nil {
  1414  			t.Logf("FAIL: Not Match: %v; len: %v, %v", err, len(sl1), len(sl2))
  1415  			if testVerbose {
  1416  				t.Logf("sl1: %#v, sl2: %#v", sl1, sl2)
  1417  			}
  1418  			t.FailNow()
  1419  		}
  1420  	}
  1421  	{
  1422  		if testVerbose {
  1423  			t.Logf("testBytesT byte - input string/testBytesT")
  1424  		}
  1425  		type testBytesT byte
  1426  		sl1 := make([]testBytesT, 4)
  1427  		for i := range sl1 {
  1428  			var j = strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10)[0]
  1429  			sl1[i] = testBytesT(j)
  1430  		}
  1431  		ch1 := make(chan testBytesT, 4)
  1432  		for _, j := range sl1 {
  1433  			ch1 <- j
  1434  		}
  1435  		var bs []byte
  1436  		NewEncoderBytes(&bs, h).MustEncode(ch1)
  1437  		ch2 := make(chan testBytesT, 8)
  1438  		NewDecoderBytes(bs, h).MustDecode(&ch2)
  1439  		close(ch2)
  1440  		var sl2 []testBytesT
  1441  		for j := range ch2 {
  1442  			sl2 = append(sl2, j)
  1443  		}
  1444  		if err := deepEqual(sl1, sl2); err != nil {
  1445  			t.Logf("FAIL: Not Match: %v; len: %v, %v", err, len(sl1), len(sl2))
  1446  			t.FailNow()
  1447  		}
  1448  	}
  1450  	{
  1451  		if testVerbose {
  1452  			t.Logf("*[]byte")
  1453  		}
  1454  		sl1 := make([]byte, 4)
  1455  		for i := range sl1 {
  1456  			var j = strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10)[0]
  1457  			sl1[i] = byte(j)
  1458  		}
  1459  		ch1 := make(chan byte, 4)
  1460  		for _, j := range sl1 {
  1461  			ch1 <- j
  1462  		}
  1463  		var bs []byte
  1464  		NewEncoderBytes(&bs, h).MustEncode(ch1)
  1465  		ch2 := make(chan byte, 8)
  1466  		NewDecoderBytes(bs, h).MustDecode(&ch2)
  1467  		close(ch2)
  1468  		var sl2 []byte
  1469  		for j := range ch2 {
  1470  			sl2 = append(sl2, j)
  1471  		}
  1472  		if err := deepEqual(sl1, sl2); err != nil {
  1473  			t.Logf("FAIL: Not Match: %v; len: %v, %v", err, len(sl1), len(sl2))
  1474  			t.FailNow()
  1475  		}
  1476  	}
  1477  }
  1479  func doTestCodecRpcOne(t *testing.T, rr Rpc, h Handle, doRequest bool, exitSleepMs time.Duration) (port int) {
  1480  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1481  	if testSkipRPCTests {
  1482  		t.Skip(testSkipRPCTestsMsg)
  1483  	}
  1484  	if !testRecoverPanicToErr {
  1485  		t.Skip(testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg)
  1486  	}
  1488  	if mh, ok := h.(*MsgpackHandle); ok && mh.SliceElementReset {
  1489  		t.Skipf("skipping ... MsgpackRpcSpec does not handle SliceElementReset - needs investigation")
  1490  	}
  1492  	if jsonH, ok := h.(*JsonHandle); ok && !jsonH.TermWhitespace {
  1493  		jsonH.TermWhitespace = true
  1494  		defer func() { jsonH.TermWhitespace = false }()
  1495  	}
  1497  	// srv := rpc.NewServer()
  1498  	// srv.Register(testRpcInt)
  1499  	srv := testRpcServer
  1501  	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") // listen on ipv4 localhost
  1502  	testCheckErr(t, err)
  1503  	port = (ln.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)).Port
  1504  	if testVerbose {
  1505  		t.Logf("connFn: addr: %v, network: %v, port: %v", ln.Addr(), ln.Addr().Network(), port)
  1506  	}
  1507  	// var opts *DecoderOptions
  1508  	// opts := testDecOpts
  1509  	// opts.MapType = mapStrIntfTyp
  1510  	serverExitChan := make(chan bool, 1)
  1511  	var serverExitFlag uint64
  1512  	serverFn := func() {
  1513  		var conns []net.Conn
  1514  		var svrcodecs []rpc.ServerCodec
  1515  		defer func() {
  1516  			for i := range conns {
  1517  				svrcodecs[i].Close()
  1518  				conns[i].Close()
  1519  			}
  1520  			ln.Close()
  1521  			serverExitChan <- true
  1522  		}()
  1523  		for {
  1524  			conn1, err1 := ln.Accept()
  1525  			if atomic.LoadUint64(&serverExitFlag) == 1 {
  1526  				if conn1 != nil {
  1527  					conn1.Close()
  1528  				}
  1529  				break
  1530  			}
  1531  			if err1 != nil {
  1532  				// fmt.Printf("accept err1: %v\n", err1)
  1533  				if testVerbose {
  1534  					t.Logf("rpc error accepting connection: %v", err1)
  1535  				}
  1536  				continue
  1537  			}
  1538  			if conn1 != nil {
  1539  				sc := rr.ServerCodec(testReadWriteCloser(conn1), h)
  1540  				conns = append(conns, conn1)
  1541  				svrcodecs = append(svrcodecs, sc)
  1542  				go srv.ServeCodec(sc)
  1543  			}
  1544  		}
  1545  	}
  1547  	connFn := func() (bs net.Conn) {
  1548  		bs, err2 := net.Dial(ln.Addr().Network(), ln.Addr().String())
  1549  		testCheckErr(t, err2)
  1550  		return
  1551  	}
  1553  	exitFn := func() {
  1554  		if atomic.LoadUint64(&serverExitFlag) == 1 {
  1555  			return
  1556  		}
  1557  		atomic.StoreUint64(&serverExitFlag, 1)
  1558  		bs := connFn()
  1559  		defer bs.Close()
  1560  		<-serverExitChan
  1561  		// atomic.StoreUint64(&serverExitFlag, 0)
  1562  		// serverExitChan <- true
  1563  	}
  1565  	go serverFn()
  1567  	// runtime.Gosched()
  1569  	if exitSleepMs == 0 {
  1570  		defer exitFn()
  1571  	} else {
  1572  		go func() {
  1573  			time.Sleep(exitSleepMs)
  1574  			exitFn()
  1575  		}()
  1576  	}
  1578  	if doRequest {
  1579  		func() {
  1580  			bs := connFn()
  1581  			defer bs.Close()
  1582  			cc := rr.ClientCodec(testReadWriteCloser(bs), h)
  1583  			defer cc.Close()
  1584  			cl := rpc.NewClientWithCodec(cc)
  1585  			defer cl.Close()
  1586  			var up, sq, mult int
  1587  			var rstr string
  1588  			testCheckErr(t, cl.Call("TestRpcInt.Update", 5, &up))
  1589  			testCheckEqual(t, atomic.LoadInt64(&testRpcInt.i), int64(5), "testRpcInt.i=5")
  1590  			testCheckEqual(t, up, 5, "up=5")
  1591  			testCheckErr(t, cl.Call("TestRpcInt.Square", 1, &sq))
  1592  			testCheckEqual(t, sq, 25, "sq=25")
  1593  			testCheckErr(t, cl.Call("TestRpcInt.Mult", 20, &mult))
  1594  			testCheckEqual(t, mult, 100, "mult=100")
  1595  			testCheckErr(t, cl.Call("TestRpcInt.EchoStruct", TestRpcABC{"Aa", "Bb", "Cc"}, &rstr))
  1596  			testCheckEqual(t, rstr, fmt.Sprintf("%#v", TestRpcABC{"Aa", "Bb", "Cc"}), "rstr=")
  1597  			testCheckErr(t, cl.Call("TestRpcInt.Echo123", []string{"A1", "B2", "C3"}, &rstr))
  1598  			testCheckEqual(t, rstr, fmt.Sprintf("%#v", []string{"A1", "B2", "C3"}), "rstr=")
  1599  		}()
  1600  	}
  1601  	return
  1602  }
  1604  func doTestMapEncodeForCanonical(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1605  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1606  	// println("doTestMapEncodeForCanonical")
  1607  	v1 := map[stringUint64T]interface{}{
  1608  		stringUint64T{"a", 1}: 1,
  1609  		stringUint64T{"b", 2}: "hello",
  1610  		stringUint64T{"c", 3}: map[string]interface{}{
  1611  			"c/a": 1,
  1612  			"c/b": "world",
  1613  			"c/c": []int{1, 2, 3, 4},
  1614  			"c/d": map[string]interface{}{
  1615  				"c/d/a": "fdisajfoidsajfopdjsaopfjdsapofda",
  1616  				"c/d/b": "fdsafjdposakfodpsakfopdsakfpodsakfpodksaopfkdsopafkdopsa",
  1617  				"c/d/c": "poir02  ir30qif4p03qir0pogjfpoaerfgjp ofke[padfk[ewapf kdp[afep[aw",
  1618  				"c/d/d": "fdsopafkd[sa f-32qor-=4qeof -afo-erfo r-eafo 4e-  o r4-qwo ag",
  1619  				"c/d/e": "kfep[a sfkr0[paf[a foe-[wq  ewpfao-q ro3-q ro-4qof4-qor 3-e orfkropzjbvoisdb",
  1620  				"c/d/f": "",
  1621  			},
  1622  			"c/e": map[int]string{
  1623  				1:     "1",
  1624  				22:    "22",
  1625  				333:   "333",
  1626  				4444:  "4444",
  1627  				55555: "55555",
  1628  			},
  1629  			"c/f": map[string]int{
  1630  				"1":     1,
  1631  				"22":    22,
  1632  				"333":   333,
  1633  				"4444":  4444,
  1634  				"55555": 55555,
  1635  			},
  1636  			"c/g": map[bool]int{
  1637  				false: 0,
  1638  				true:  1,
  1639  			},
  1640  			"c/t": map[time.Time]int64{
  1641  				time.Date(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC): time.Date(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixNano(),
  1642  				time.Date(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC): time.Date(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixNano(),
  1643  				time.Date(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC): time.Date(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UnixNano(),
  1644  			},
  1645  		},
  1646  	}
  1647  	var v2 map[stringUint64T]interface{}
  1648  	var b1, b2, b3 []byte
  1650  	// encode v1 into b1, decode b1 into v2, encode v2 into b2, and compare b1 and b2.
  1651  	// OR
  1652  	// encode v1 into b1, decode b1 into v2, encode v2 into b2 and b3, and compare b2 and b3.
  1653  	//   e.g. when doing cbor indefinite, we may haveto use out-of-band encoding
  1654  	//   where each key is encoded as an indefinite length string, which makes it not the same
  1655  	//   order as the strings were lexicographically ordered before.
  1657  	var cborIndef bool
  1658  	if ch, ok := h.(*CborHandle); ok {
  1659  		cborIndef = ch.IndefiniteLength
  1660  	}
  1662  	// if ch, ok := h.(*BincHandle); ok && ch.AsSymbols != 2 {
  1663  	// 	defer func(u uint8) { ch.AsSymbols = u }(ch.AsSymbols)
  1664  	// 	ch.AsSymbols = 2
  1665  	// }
  1667  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  1669  	defer func(c, si bool) {
  1670  		bh.Canonical = c
  1671  		bh.SignedInteger = si
  1672  	}(bh.Canonical, bh.SignedInteger)
  1673  	bh.Canonical = true
  1674  	// bh.SignedInteger = true
  1676  	e1 := NewEncoderBytes(&b1, h)
  1677  	e1.MustEncode(v1)
  1678  	d1 := NewDecoderBytes(b1, h)
  1679  	d1.MustDecode(&v2)
  1680  	// testDeepEqualErr(v1, v2, t, "huh?")
  1681  	e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&b2, h)
  1682  	e2.MustEncode(v2)
  1683  	var b1t, b2t = b1, b2
  1684  	if cborIndef {
  1685  		e2 = NewEncoderBytes(&b3, h)
  1686  		e2.MustEncode(v2)
  1687  		b1t, b2t = b2, b3
  1688  	}
  1690  	if !bytes.Equal(b1t, b2t) {
  1691  		t.Logf("Unequal bytes of length: %v vs %v", len(b1t), len(b2t))
  1692  		if testVerbose {
  1693  			t.Logf("Unequal bytes: \n\t%v \n\tVS \n\t%v", b1t, b2t)
  1694  		}
  1695  		t.FailNow()
  1696  	}
  1697  }
  1699  func doTestStdEncIntf(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1700  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1701  	args := [][2]interface{}{
  1702  		{&TestABC{"A", "BB", "CCC"}, new(TestABC)},
  1703  		{&TestABC2{"AAA", "BB", "C"}, new(TestABC2)},
  1704  	}
  1705  	for _, a := range args {
  1706  		var b []byte
  1707  		e := NewEncoderBytes(&b, h)
  1708  		e.MustEncode(a[0])
  1709  		d := NewDecoderBytes(b, h)
  1710  		d.MustDecode(a[1])
  1711  		if err := deepEqual(a[0], a[1]); err == nil {
  1712  			if testVerbose {
  1713  				t.Logf("++++ Objects match")
  1714  			}
  1715  		} else {
  1716  			t.Logf("---- FAIL: Objects do not match: y0: %v, y1: %v, err: %v", a[0], a[1], err)
  1717  			t.FailNow()
  1718  		}
  1719  	}
  1720  }
  1722  func doTestEncCircularRef(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1723  	if !testRecoverPanicToErr {
  1724  		t.Skip(testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg)
  1725  	}
  1726  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1727  	type T1 struct {
  1728  		S string
  1729  		B bool
  1730  		T interface{}
  1731  	}
  1732  	type T2 struct {
  1733  		S string
  1734  		T *T1
  1735  	}
  1736  	type T3 struct {
  1737  		S string
  1738  		T *T2
  1739  	}
  1740  	t1 := T1{"t1", true, nil}
  1741  	t2 := T2{"t2", &t1}
  1742  	t3 := T3{"t3", &t2}
  1743  	t1.T = &t3
  1745  	var bs []byte
  1746  	var err error
  1748  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  1749  	if !bh.CheckCircularRef {
  1750  		bh.CheckCircularRef = true
  1751  		defer func() { bh.CheckCircularRef = false }()
  1752  	}
  1753  	err = NewEncoderBytes(&bs, h).Encode(&t3)
  1754  	if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "circular reference found") {
  1755  		t.Logf("expect circular reference error, got: %v", err)
  1756  		t.FailNow()
  1757  	}
  1758  	if x := err.Error(); strings.Contains(x, "circular") || strings.Contains(x, "cyclic") {
  1759  		if testVerbose {
  1760  			t.Logf("error detected as expected: %v", x)
  1761  		}
  1762  	} else {
  1763  		t.Logf("FAIL: error detected was not as expected: %v", x)
  1764  		t.FailNow()
  1765  	}
  1766  }
  1768  // TestAnonCycleT{1,2,3} types are used to test anonymous cycles.
  1769  // They are top-level, so that they can have circular references.
  1770  type (
  1771  	TestAnonCycleT1 struct {
  1772  		S string
  1773  		TestAnonCycleT2
  1774  	}
  1775  	TestAnonCycleT2 struct {
  1776  		S2 string
  1777  		TestAnonCycleT3
  1778  	}
  1779  	TestAnonCycleT3 struct {
  1780  		*TestAnonCycleT1
  1781  	}
  1782  )
  1784  func doTestAnonCycle(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1785  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1786  	var x TestAnonCycleT1
  1787  	x.S = "hello"
  1788  	x.TestAnonCycleT2.S2 = "hello.2"
  1789  	x.TestAnonCycleT2.TestAnonCycleT3.TestAnonCycleT1 = &x
  1791  	// just check that you can get typeInfo for T1
  1792  	rt := reflect.TypeOf((*TestAnonCycleT1)(nil)).Elem()
  1793  	rtid := rt2id(rt)
  1794  	pti := testBasicHandle(h).getTypeInfo(rtid, rt)
  1795  	if testVerbose {
  1796  		t.Logf("[%s] pti: %v", h.Name(), pti)
  1797  	}
  1798  }
  1800  func doTestAllErrWriter(t *testing.T, hh ...Handle) {
  1801  	if !testRecoverPanicToErr {
  1802  		t.Skip(testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg)
  1803  	}
  1804  	defer testSetup(t, nil)()
  1805  	for _, h := range hh {
  1806  		if testUseParallel {
  1807  			h = testHandleCopy(h)
  1808  		}
  1809  		__doTestErrWriter(t, h)
  1810  	}
  1811  }
  1813  func __doTestErrWriter(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1814  	name := h.Name()
  1815  	var ew testErrWriter
  1816  	w := bufio.NewWriterSize(&ew, 4)
  1817  	enc := NewEncoder(w, h)
  1818  	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
  1819  		err := enc.Encode("ugorji")
  1820  		if ev, ok := err.(*codecError); ok {
  1821  			err = ev.Cause()
  1822  		}
  1823  		if err != testErrWriterErr {
  1824  			t.Logf("%s: expecting err: %v, received: %v", name, testErrWriterErr, err)
  1825  			t.FailNow()
  1826  		}
  1827  	}
  1828  }
  1830  func __doTestJsonLargeInteger(t *testing.T, v interface{}, ias uint8, jh *JsonHandle) {
  1831  	if testVerbose {
  1832  		t.Logf("Running TestJsonLargeInteger: v: %#v, ias: %c", v, ias)
  1833  	}
  1834  	oldIAS := jh.IntegerAsString
  1835  	defer func() { jh.IntegerAsString = oldIAS }()
  1836  	jh.IntegerAsString = ias
  1838  	var vu uint
  1839  	var vi int
  1840  	var vb bool
  1841  	var b []byte
  1842  	e := NewEncoderBytes(&b, jh)
  1843  	e.MustEncode(v)
  1844  	e.MustEncode(true)
  1845  	d := NewDecoderBytes(b, jh)
  1846  	// below, we validate that the json string or number was encoded,
  1847  	// then decode, and validate that the correct value was decoded.
  1848  	fnStrChk := func() {
  1849  		// check that output started with '"', and ended with '"true'
  1850  		// if !(len(b) >= 7 && b[0] == '"' && string(b[len(b)-7:]) == `" true `) {
  1851  		if !(len(b) >= 5 && b[0] == '"' && string(b[len(b)-5:]) == `"true`) {
  1852  			t.Logf("Expecting a JSON string, got: '%s'", b)
  1853  			t.FailNow()
  1854  		}
  1855  	}
  1857  	switch ias {
  1858  	case 'L':
  1859  		switch v2 := v.(type) {
  1860  		case int:
  1861  			v2n := int64(v2) // done to work with 32-bit OS
  1862  			if v2n > 1<<53 || (v2n < 0 && -v2n > 1<<53) {
  1863  				fnStrChk()
  1864  			}
  1865  		case uint:
  1866  			v2n := uint64(v2) // done to work with 32-bit OS
  1867  			if v2n > 1<<53 {
  1868  				fnStrChk()
  1869  			}
  1870  		}
  1871  	case 'A':
  1872  		fnStrChk()
  1873  	default:
  1874  		// check that output doesn't contain " at all
  1875  		for _, i := range b {
  1876  			if i == '"' {
  1877  				t.Logf("Expecting a JSON Number without quotation: got: %s", b)
  1878  				t.FailNow()
  1879  			}
  1880  		}
  1881  	}
  1882  	switch v2 := v.(type) {
  1883  	case int:
  1884  		d.MustDecode(&vi)
  1885  		d.MustDecode(&vb)
  1886  		// check that vb = true, and vi == v2
  1887  		if !(vb && vi == v2) {
  1888  			t.Logf("Expecting equal values from %s: got golden: %v, decoded: %v", b, v2, vi)
  1889  			t.FailNow()
  1890  		}
  1891  	case uint:
  1892  		d.MustDecode(&vu)
  1893  		d.MustDecode(&vb)
  1894  		// check that vb = true, and vi == v2
  1895  		if !(vb && vu == v2) {
  1896  			t.Logf("Expecting equal values from %s: got golden: %v, decoded: %v", b, v2, vu)
  1897  			t.FailNow()
  1898  		}
  1899  	}
  1900  }
  1902  func doTestRawValue(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1903  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1904  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  1905  	if !bh.Raw {
  1906  		bh.Raw = true
  1907  		defer func() { bh.Raw = false }()
  1908  	}
  1910  	var i, i2 int
  1911  	var v, v2 TestRawValue
  1912  	var bs, bs2 []byte
  1914  	i = 1234 //1234567890
  1915  	v = TestRawValue{I: i}
  1916  	e := NewEncoderBytes(&bs, h)
  1917  	e.MustEncode(v.I)
  1918  	if testVerbose {
  1919  		t.Logf(">>> raw: %v, %s\n", bs, bs)
  1920  	}
  1922  	v.R = Raw(bs)
  1923  	e.ResetBytes(&bs2)
  1924  	e.MustEncode(v)
  1926  	if testVerbose {
  1927  		t.Logf(">>> bs2: %v, %s\n", bs2, bs2)
  1928  	}
  1929  	d := NewDecoderBytes(bs2, h)
  1930  	d.MustDecode(&v2)
  1931  	d.ResetBytes(v2.R)
  1932  	if testVerbose {
  1933  		t.Logf(">>> v2.R: %v, %s\n", ([]byte)(v2.R), ([]byte)(v2.R))
  1934  	}
  1935  	d.MustDecode(&i2)
  1937  	if testVerbose {
  1938  		t.Logf(">>> Encoded %v, decoded %v\n", i, i2)
  1939  	}
  1940  	// t.Logf("Encoded %v, decoded %v", i, i2)
  1941  	if i != i2 {
  1942  		t.Logf("Error: encoded %v, decoded %v", i, i2)
  1943  		t.FailNow()
  1944  	}
  1945  }
  1947  // Comprehensive testing that generates data encoded from python handle (cbor, msgpack),
  1948  // and validates that our code can read and write it out accordingly.
  1949  // We keep this unexported here, and put actual test in ext_dep_test.go.
  1950  // This way, it can be excluded by excluding file completely.
  1951  func doTestPythonGenStreams(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  1952  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  1954  	// time0 := time.Now()
  1955  	// defer func() { xdebugf("python-gen-streams: %s: took: %v", h.Name(), time.Since(time0)) }()
  1957  	name := h.Name()
  1958  	if testVerbose {
  1959  		t.Logf("TestPythonGenStreams-%v", name)
  1960  	}
  1961  	tmpdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "golang-"+name+"-test")
  1962  	if err != nil {
  1963  		t.Logf("-------- Unable to create temp directory\n")
  1964  		t.FailNow()
  1965  	}
  1966  	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)
  1967  	if testVerbose {
  1968  		t.Logf("tmpdir: %v", tmpdir)
  1969  	}
  1970  	cmd := exec.Command("python", "test.py", "testdata", tmpdir)
  1971  	//cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader("some input")
  1972  	//cmd.Stdout = &out
  1973  	var cmdout []byte
  1974  	if cmdout, err = cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
  1975  		t.Logf("-------- Error running test.py testdata. Err: %v", err)
  1976  		t.Logf("         %v", string(cmdout))
  1977  		t.FailNow()
  1978  	}
  1980  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  1982  	defer func(tt reflect.Type) { bh.MapType = tt }(bh.MapType)
  1983  	defer func(b bool) { bh.RawToString = b }(bh.RawToString)
  1985  	// msgpack python needs Raw converted to string
  1986  	bh.RawToString = true
  1988  	oldMapType := bh.MapType
  1989  	tablePythonVerify := testTableVerify(testVerifyForPython|testVerifyTimeAsInteger|testVerifyMapTypeStrIntf, h)
  1990  	for i, v := range tablePythonVerify {
  1991  		// if v == uint64(0) && h is a *MsgpackHandle: v = int64(0)
  1992  		bh.MapType = oldMapType
  1993  		//load up the golden file based on number
  1994  		//decode it
  1995  		//compare to in-mem object
  1996  		//encode it again
  1997  		//compare to output stream
  1998  		if testVerbose {
  1999  			t.Logf("..............................................")
  2000  			t.Logf("         Testing: #%d: %T, %#v\n", i, v, v)
  2001  		}
  2002  		var bss []byte
  2003  		bss, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tmpdir, strconv.Itoa(i)+"."+name+".golden"))
  2004  		if err != nil {
  2005  			t.Logf("-------- Error reading golden file: %d. Err: %v", i, err)
  2006  			t.FailNow()
  2007  			continue
  2008  		}
  2009  		bh.MapType = testMapStrIntfTyp
  2011  		var v1 interface{}
  2012  		if err = testUnmarshal(&v1, bss, h); err != nil {
  2013  			t.Logf("-------- Error decoding stream: %d: Err: %v", i, err)
  2014  			t.FailNow()
  2015  			continue
  2016  		}
  2017  		if v == skipVerifyVal {
  2018  			continue
  2019  		}
  2020  		//no need to indirect, because we pass a nil ptr, so we already have the value
  2021  		//if v1 != nil { v1 = reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v1)).Interface() }
  2022  		if err = deepEqual(v, v1); err == nil {
  2023  			if testVerbose {
  2024  				t.Logf("++++++++ Objects match: %T, %v", v, v)
  2025  			}
  2026  		} else {
  2027  			t.Logf("-------- FAIL: Objects do not match: %v. Source: %T. Decoded: %T", err, v, v1)
  2028  			if testVerbose {
  2029  				t.Logf("--------   GOLDEN: %#v", v)
  2030  				// t.Logf("--------   DECODED: %#v <====> %#v", v1, reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v1)).Interface())
  2031  				t.Logf("--------   DECODED: %#v <====> %#v", v1, reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v1)).Interface())
  2032  			}
  2033  			t.FailNow()
  2034  		}
  2035  		bsb, err := testMarshal(v1, h)
  2036  		if err != nil {
  2037  			t.Logf("Error encoding to stream: %d: Err: %v", i, err)
  2038  			t.FailNow()
  2039  			continue
  2040  		}
  2041  		if err = deepEqual(bsb, bss); err == nil {
  2042  			if testVerbose {
  2043  				t.Logf("++++++++ Bytes match")
  2044  			}
  2045  		} else {
  2046  			xs := "--------"
  2047  			if reflect.ValueOf(v).Kind() == reflect.Map {
  2048  				xs = "        "
  2049  				if testVerbose {
  2050  					t.Logf("%s FAIL - bytes do not match, but it's a map (ok - dependent on ordering): %v", xs, err)
  2051  				}
  2052  			} else {
  2053  				t.Logf("%s FAIL - bytes do not match and is not a map (bad): %v", xs, err)
  2054  				t.FailNow()
  2055  			}
  2056  			if testVerbose {
  2057  				t.Logf("%s   FROM_FILE: %4d] %v", xs, len(bss), bss)
  2058  				t.Logf("%s     ENCODED: %4d] %v", xs, len(bsb), bsb)
  2059  			}
  2060  		}
  2061  		testReleaseBytes(bsb)
  2062  	}
  2063  	bh.MapType = oldMapType
  2064  }
  2066  // To test MsgpackSpecRpc, we test 3 scenarios:
  2067  //    - Go Client to Go RPC Service (contained within TestMsgpackRpcSpec)
  2068  //    - Go client to Python RPC Service (contained within doTestMsgpackRpcSpecGoClientToPythonSvc)
  2069  //    - Python Client to Go RPC Service (contained within doTestMsgpackRpcSpecPythonClientToGoSvc)
  2070  //
  2071  // This allows us test the different calling conventions
  2072  //    - Go Service requires only one argument
  2073  //    - Python Service allows multiple arguments
  2075  func doTestMsgpackRpcSpecGoClientToPythonSvc(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2076  	if testSkipRPCTests {
  2077  		t.Skip(testSkipRPCTestsMsg)
  2078  	}
  2079  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2081  	// openPorts are between 6700 and 6800
  2082  	r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
  2083  	openPort := strconv.FormatInt(6700+r.Int63n(99), 10)
  2084  	// openPort := "6792"
  2085  	cmd := exec.Command("python", "test.py", "rpc-server", openPort, "4")
  2086  	testCheckErr(t, cmd.Start())
  2087  	bs, err2 := net.Dial("tcp", ":"+openPort)
  2088  	maxSleepTime := 500 * time.Millisecond
  2089  	iterSleepTime := 5 * time.Millisecond
  2090  	for i := 0; i < int(maxSleepTime/iterSleepTime) && err2 != nil; i++ {
  2091  		time.Sleep(iterSleepTime) // time for python rpc server to start
  2092  		bs, err2 = net.Dial("tcp", ":"+openPort)
  2093  	}
  2094  	testCheckErr(t, err2)
  2095  	cc := MsgpackSpecRpc.ClientCodec(testReadWriteCloser(bs), h)
  2096  	cl := rpc.NewClientWithCodec(cc)
  2097  	defer cl.Close()
  2098  	var rstr string
  2099  	testCheckErr(t, cl.Call("EchoStruct", TestRpcABC{"Aa", "Bb", "Cc"}, &rstr))
  2100  	//testCheckEqual(t, rstr, "{'A': 'Aa', 'B': 'Bb', 'C': 'Cc'}")
  2101  	var mArgs MsgpackSpecRpcMultiArgs = []interface{}{"A1", "B2", "C3"}
  2102  	testCheckErr(t, cl.Call("Echo123", mArgs, &rstr))
  2103  	testCheckEqual(t, rstr, "1:A1 2:B2 3:C3", "rstr=")
  2104  	cmd.Process.Kill()
  2105  }
  2107  func doTestMsgpackRpcSpecPythonClientToGoSvc(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2108  	if testSkipRPCTests {
  2109  		t.Skip(testSkipRPCTestsMsg)
  2110  	}
  2111  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2112  	// seems 10ms is not enough for test run; set high to 1 second, and client will close when done
  2113  	exitSleepDur := 1000 * time.Millisecond
  2114  	port := doTestCodecRpcOne(t, MsgpackSpecRpc, h, false, exitSleepDur)
  2115  	cmd := exec.Command("python", "test.py", "rpc-client-go-service", strconv.Itoa(port))
  2116  	var cmdout []byte
  2117  	var err error
  2118  	if cmdout, err = cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
  2119  		t.Logf("-------- Error running test.py rpc-client-go-service. Err: %v", err)
  2120  		t.Logf("         %v", string(cmdout))
  2121  		t.FailNow()
  2122  	}
  2123  	testCheckEqual(t, string(cmdout),
  2124  		fmt.Sprintf("%#v\n%#v\n", []string{"A1", "B2", "C3"}, TestRpcABC{"Aa", "Bb", "Cc"}), "cmdout=")
  2125  }
  2127  func doTestSwallowAndZero(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2128  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2129  	v1 := newTestStrucFlex(testDepth, testNumRepeatString, false, false, testMapStringKeyOnly)
  2130  	var b1 []byte
  2132  	e1 := NewEncoderBytes(&b1, h)
  2133  	e1.MustEncode(v1)
  2134  	d1 := NewDecoderBytes(b1, h)
  2135  	d1.swallow()
  2136  	if d1.r().numread() != uint(len(b1)) {
  2137  		t.Logf("swallow didn't consume all encoded bytes: %v out of %v", d1.r().numread(), len(b1))
  2138  		t.FailNow()
  2139  	}
  2140  	setZero(v1)
  2141  	testDeepEqualErr(v1, &TestStrucFlex{}, t, "filled-and-zeroed")
  2142  }
  2144  func doTestRawExt(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2145  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2146  	var b []byte
  2147  	var v RawExt // interface{}
  2148  	_, isJson := h.(*JsonHandle)
  2149  	_, isCbor := h.(*CborHandle)
  2150  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  2151  	// isValuer := isJson || isCbor
  2152  	// _ = isValuer
  2153  	for _, r := range []RawExt{
  2154  		{Tag: 99, Value: "9999", Data: []byte("9999")},
  2155  	} {
  2156  		e := NewEncoderBytes(&b, h)
  2157  		e.MustEncode(&r)
  2158  		// fmt.Printf(">>>> rawext: isnil? %v, %d - %v\n", b == nil, len(b), b)
  2159  		d := NewDecoderBytes(b, h)
  2160  		d.MustDecode(&v)
  2161  		var r2 = r
  2162  		switch {
  2163  		case isJson:
  2164  			r2.Tag = 0
  2165  			r2.Data = nil
  2166  		case isCbor:
  2167  			r2.Data = nil
  2168  		default:
  2169  			r2.Value = nil
  2170  		}
  2171  		testDeepEqualErr(v, r2, t, "rawext-default")
  2172  		// switch h.(type) {
  2173  		// case *JsonHandle:
  2174  		// 	testDeepEqualErr(r.Value, v, t, "rawext-json")
  2175  		// default:
  2176  		// 	var r2 = r
  2177  		// 	if isValuer {
  2178  		// 		r2.Data = nil
  2179  		// 	} else {
  2180  		// 		r2.Value = nil
  2181  		// 	}
  2182  		// 	testDeepEqualErr(v, r2, t, "rawext-default")
  2183  		// }
  2184  	}
  2186  	// Add testing for Raw also
  2187  	if b != nil {
  2188  		b = b[:0]
  2189  	}
  2190  	oldRawMode := bh.Raw
  2191  	defer func() { bh.Raw = oldRawMode }()
  2192  	bh.Raw = true
  2194  	var v2 Raw
  2195  	for _, s := range []string{
  2196  		"goodbye",
  2197  		"hello",
  2198  	} {
  2199  		e := NewEncoderBytes(&b, h)
  2200  		e.MustEncode(&s)
  2201  		// fmt.Printf(">>>> rawext: isnil? %v, %d - %v\n", b == nil, len(b), b)
  2202  		var r Raw = make([]byte, len(b))
  2203  		copy(r, b)
  2204  		d := NewDecoderBytes(b, h)
  2205  		d.MustDecode(&v2)
  2206  		testDeepEqualErr(v2, r, t, "raw-default")
  2207  	}
  2209  }
  2211  // func doTestTimeExt(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2212  // 	var t = time.Now()
  2213  // 	// add time ext to the handle
  2214  // }
  2216  func doTestMapStructKey(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2217  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2218  	var b []byte
  2219  	var v interface{} // map[stringUint64T]wrapUint64Slice // interface{}
  2220  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  2221  	m := map[stringUint64T]wrapUint64Slice{
  2222  		stringUint64T{"55555", 55555}: []wrapUint64{12345},
  2223  		stringUint64T{"333", 333}:     []wrapUint64{123},
  2224  	}
  2225  	oldCanonical := bh.Canonical
  2226  	oldMapType := bh.MapType
  2227  	defer func() {
  2228  		bh.Canonical = oldCanonical
  2229  		bh.MapType = oldMapType
  2230  	}()
  2232  	bh.MapType = reflect.TypeOf((*map[stringUint64T]wrapUint64Slice)(nil)).Elem()
  2233  	for _, bv := range [2]bool{true, false} {
  2234  		b, v = nil, nil
  2235  		bh.Canonical = bv
  2236  		e := NewEncoderBytes(&b, h)
  2237  		e.MustEncode(m)
  2238  		d := NewDecoderBytes(b, h)
  2239  		d.MustDecode(&v)
  2240  		testDeepEqualErr(v, m, t, "map-structkey")
  2241  	}
  2242  }
  2244  func doTestDecodeNilMapValue(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2245  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2246  	type Struct struct {
  2247  		Field map[uint16]map[uint32]struct{}
  2248  	}
  2250  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  2251  	defer func(t reflect.Type) {
  2252  		bh.MapType = t
  2253  	}(bh.MapType)
  2255  	// this test expects that nil doesn't result in deleting entries
  2257  	_, isJsonHandle := h.(*JsonHandle)
  2259  	toEncode := Struct{Field: map[uint16]map[uint32]struct{}{
  2260  		1: nil,
  2261  	}}
  2263  	bs := testMarshalErr(toEncode, h, t, "-")
  2264  	if isJsonHandle && testVerbose {
  2265  		t.Logf("json encoded: %s\n", bs)
  2266  	}
  2268  	var decoded Struct
  2269  	testUnmarshalErr(&decoded, bs, h, t, "-")
  2270  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(decoded, toEncode) {
  2271  		t.Logf("Decoded value %#v != %#v", decoded, toEncode)
  2272  		t.FailNow()
  2273  	}
  2274  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  2276  	__doTestDecodeNilMapEntryValue(t, h)
  2277  }
  2279  func __doTestDecodeNilMapEntryValue(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2280  	type Entry struct{}
  2281  	type Entries struct {
  2282  		Map map[string]*Entry
  2283  	}
  2285  	c := Entries{
  2286  		Map: map[string]*Entry{
  2287  			"nil":   nil,
  2288  			"empty": &Entry{},
  2289  		},
  2290  	}
  2292  	bs, err := testMarshal(&c, h)
  2293  	if err != nil {
  2294  		t.Logf("failed to encode: %v", err)
  2295  		t.FailNow()
  2296  	}
  2298  	var f Entries
  2299  	err = testUnmarshal(&f, bs, h)
  2300  	if err != nil {
  2301  		t.Logf("failed to decode: %v", err)
  2302  		t.FailNow()
  2303  	}
  2305  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(c, f) {
  2306  		t.Logf("roundtrip encoding doesn't match\nexpected: %v\nfound:    %v\n\n"+
  2307  			"empty value: %#+v\nnil value:   %#+v",
  2308  			c, f, f.Map["empty"], f.Map["nil"])
  2309  		t.FailNow()
  2310  	}
  2311  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  2312  }
  2314  func doTestEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2315  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2316  	type Embedded struct {
  2317  		Field byte
  2318  	}
  2319  	type Struct struct {
  2320  		Field byte
  2321  		Embedded
  2322  	}
  2323  	toEncode := Struct{
  2324  		Field:    1,
  2325  		Embedded: Embedded{Field: 2},
  2326  	}
  2327  	_, isJsonHandle := h.(*JsonHandle)
  2328  	handle := testBasicHandle(h)
  2329  	oldMapType := handle.MapType
  2330  	defer func() { handle.MapType = oldMapType }()
  2332  	handle.MapType = reflect.TypeOf(map[interface{}]interface{}(nil))
  2334  	bs, err := testMarshal(toEncode, h)
  2335  	if err != nil {
  2336  		t.Logf("Error encoding: %v, Err: %v", toEncode, err)
  2337  		t.FailNow()
  2338  	}
  2340  	var decoded Struct
  2341  	err = testUnmarshal(&decoded, bs, h)
  2342  	if err != nil {
  2343  		t.Logf("Error decoding: %v", err)
  2344  		t.FailNow()
  2345  	}
  2347  	if decoded.Field != toEncode.Field {
  2348  		t.Logf("Decoded result %v != %v", decoded.Field, toEncode.Field) // hex to look at what was encoded
  2349  		if isJsonHandle {
  2350  			t.Logf("JSON encoded as: %s", bs) // hex to look at what was encoded
  2351  		}
  2352  		t.FailNow()
  2353  	}
  2354  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  2355  }
  2357  func doTestLargeContainerLen(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2358  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2360  	// This test can take a while if run multiple times in a loop, as it creates
  2361  	// large maps/slices. Use t.Short() appropriately to limit its execution time.
  2363  	// Note that this test does not make sense for formats which do not pre-record
  2364  	// the length, like json, or cbor with indefinite length.
  2365  	if _, ok := h.(*JsonHandle); ok {
  2366  		t.Skipf("skipping as json doesn't support prefixed lengths")
  2367  	}
  2368  	if c, ok := h.(*CborHandle); ok && c.IndefiniteLength {
  2369  		t.Skipf("skipping as cbor Indefinite Length doesn't use prefixed lengths")
  2370  	}
  2372  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  2374  	var sizes []int
  2375  	// sizes = []int{
  2376  	// 	0, 1,
  2377  	// 	math.MaxInt8, math.MaxInt8 + 4, math.MaxInt8 - 4,
  2378  	// 	math.MaxInt16, math.MaxInt16 + 4, math.MaxInt16 - 4,
  2379  	// 	math.MaxInt32, math.MaxInt32 - 4,
  2380  	// 	// math.MaxInt32 + 4, // bombs on 32-bit
  2381  	// 	// math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64 - 4, // bombs on 32-bit
  2383  	// 	math.MaxUint8, math.MaxUint8 + 4, math.MaxUint8 - 4,
  2384  	// 	math.MaxUint16, math.MaxUint16 + 4, math.MaxUint16 - 4,
  2385  	// 	// math.MaxUint32, math.MaxUint32 + 4, math.MaxUint32 - 4, // bombs on 32-bit
  2386  	// }
  2387  	sizes = []int{
  2388  		// ensure in ascending order (as creating mm below requires it)
  2389  		0,
  2390  		1,
  2391  		math.MaxInt8 + 4,
  2392  		math.MaxUint8 + 4,
  2393  	}
  2394  	if !testing.Short() {
  2395  		sizes = append(sizes, math.MaxUint16+4) // math.MaxInt16+4, math.MaxUint16+4
  2396  	}
  2398  	m := make(map[int][]struct{})
  2399  	for _, i := range sizes {
  2400  		m[i] = make([]struct{}, i)
  2401  	}
  2403  	bs := testMarshalErr(m, h, t, "-slices")
  2404  	var m2 = make(map[int][]struct{})
  2405  	testUnmarshalErr(m2, bs, h, t, "-slices")
  2406  	testDeepEqualErr(m, m2, t, "-slices")
  2408  	d, x := testSharedCodecDecoder(bs, h, bh)
  2409  	bs2 := d.d.nextValueBytes([]byte{})
  2410  	testSharedCodecDecoderAfter(d, x, bh)
  2411  	testDeepEqualErr(bs, bs2, t, "nextvaluebytes-slices")
  2412  	// if len(bs2) != 0 || len(bs2) != len(bs) { }
  2413  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  2415  	// requires sizes to be in ascending order
  2416  	mm := make(map[int]struct{})
  2417  	for _, i := range sizes {
  2418  		for j := len(mm); j < i; j++ {
  2419  			mm[j] = struct{}{}
  2420  		}
  2421  		bs = testMarshalErr(mm, h, t, "-map")
  2422  		var mm2 = make(map[int]struct{})
  2423  		testUnmarshalErr(mm2, bs, h, t, "-map")
  2424  		testDeepEqualErr(mm, mm2, t, "-map")
  2426  		d, x = testSharedCodecDecoder(bs, h, bh)
  2427  		bs2 = d.d.nextValueBytes([]byte{})
  2428  		testSharedCodecDecoderAfter(d, x, bh)
  2429  		testDeepEqualErr(bs, bs2, t, "nextvaluebytes-map")
  2430  		testReleaseBytes(bs)
  2431  	}
  2433  	// do same tests for large strings (encoded as symbols or not)
  2434  	// skip if 32-bit or not using unsafe mode
  2435  	if safeMode || (32<<(^uint(0)>>63)) < 64 {
  2436  		return
  2437  	}
  2439  	// now, want to do tests for large strings, which
  2440  	// could be encoded as symbols.
  2441  	// to do this, we create a simple one-field struct,
  2442  	// use use flags to switch from symbols to non-symbols
  2444  	hbinc, okbinc := h.(*BincHandle)
  2445  	if okbinc {
  2446  		oldAsSymbols := hbinc.AsSymbols
  2447  		defer func() { hbinc.AsSymbols = oldAsSymbols }()
  2448  	}
  2449  	inOutLen := math.MaxUint16 * 3 / 2
  2450  	if testing.Short() {
  2451  		inOutLen = math.MaxUint8 * 2 // math.MaxUint16 / 16
  2452  	}
  2453  	var out = make([]byte, 0, inOutLen)
  2454  	var in []byte = make([]byte, inOutLen)
  2455  	for i := range in {
  2456  		in[i] = 'A'
  2457  	}
  2459  	e := NewEncoder(nil, h)
  2461  	sizes = []int{
  2462  		0, 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 28, 32, 36,
  2463  		math.MaxInt8 - 4, math.MaxInt8, math.MaxInt8 + 4,
  2464  		math.MaxUint8, math.MaxUint8 + 4, math.MaxUint8 - 4,
  2465  	}
  2466  	if !testing.Short() {
  2467  		sizes = append(sizes,
  2468  			math.MaxInt16-4, math.MaxInt16, math.MaxInt16+4,
  2469  			math.MaxUint16, math.MaxUint16+4, math.MaxUint16-4)
  2470  	}
  2472  	for _, i := range sizes {
  2473  		var m1, m2 map[string]bool
  2474  		m1 = make(map[string]bool, 1)
  2475  		// var s1 = stringView(in[:i])
  2476  		var s1 = string(in[:i])
  2477  		// fmt.Printf("testcontainerlen: large string: i: %v, |%s|\n", i, s1)
  2478  		m1[s1] = true
  2480  		if okbinc {
  2481  			hbinc.AsSymbols = 2
  2482  		}
  2483  		out = out[:0]
  2484  		e.ResetBytes(&out)
  2485  		e.MustEncode(m1)
  2486  		// bs, _ = testMarshalErr(m1, h, t, "-")
  2487  		m2 = make(map[string]bool, 1)
  2488  		testUnmarshalErr(m2, out, h, t, "no-symbols-string")
  2489  		testDeepEqualErr(m1, m2, t, "no-symbols-string")
  2491  		d, x = testSharedCodecDecoder(out, h, bh)
  2492  		bs2 = d.d.nextValueBytes([]byte{})
  2493  		testSharedCodecDecoderAfter(d, x, bh)
  2494  		testDeepEqualErr(out, bs2, t, "nextvaluebytes-no-symbols-string")
  2496  		if okbinc {
  2497  			// now, do as symbols
  2498  			hbinc.AsSymbols = 1
  2499  			out = out[:0]
  2500  			e.ResetBytes(&out)
  2501  			e.MustEncode(m1)
  2502  			// bs, _ = testMarshalErr(m1, h, t, "-")
  2503  			m2 = make(map[string]bool, 1)
  2504  			testUnmarshalErr(m2, out, h, t, "symbols-string")
  2505  			testDeepEqualErr(m1, m2, t, "symbols-string")
  2507  			d, x = testSharedCodecDecoder(out, h, bh)
  2508  			bs2 = d.d.nextValueBytes([]byte{})
  2509  			testSharedCodecDecoderAfter(d, x, bh)
  2510  			testDeepEqualErr(out, bs2, t, "nextvaluebytes-symbols-string")
  2511  			hbinc.AsSymbols = 2
  2512  		}
  2513  	}
  2515  	// test out extensions with large output
  2516  	var xl, xl2 testUintToBytes
  2517  	xl = testUintToBytes(inOutLen)
  2518  	bs = testMarshalErr(xl, h, t, "-large-extension-bytes")
  2519  	testUnmarshalErr(&xl2, bs, h, t, "-large-extension-bytes")
  2520  	testDeepEqualErr(xl, xl2, t, "-large-extension-bytes")
  2522  	d, x = testSharedCodecDecoder(bs, h, bh)
  2523  	bs2 = d.d.nextValueBytes([]byte{})
  2524  	testSharedCodecDecoderAfter(d, x, bh)
  2525  	testDeepEqualErr(bs, bs2, t, "nextvaluebytes-large-extension-bytes")
  2527  	xl = testUintToBytes(0) // so it's WriteExt returns nil
  2528  	bs = testMarshalErr(xl, h, t, "-large-extension-bytes")
  2529  	testUnmarshalErr(&xl2, bs, h, t, "-large-extension-bytes")
  2530  	testDeepEqualErr(xl, xl2, t, "-large-extension-bytes")
  2531  }
  2533  func testRandomFillRV(v reflect.Value) {
  2534  	fneg := func() int64 {
  2535  		i := rand.Intn(2)
  2536  		if i == 1 {
  2537  			return 1
  2538  		}
  2539  		return -1
  2540  	}
  2542  	if v.Type() == timeTyp {
  2543  		v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(timeToCompare1))
  2544  		return
  2545  	}
  2547  	switch v.Kind() {
  2548  	case reflect.Invalid:
  2549  	case reflect.Ptr:
  2550  		if v.IsNil() {
  2551  			v.Set(reflect.New(v.Type().Elem()))
  2552  		}
  2553  		testRandomFillRV(v.Elem())
  2554  	case reflect.Interface:
  2555  		if v.IsNil() {
  2556  			v.Set(reflect.ValueOf("nothing"))
  2557  		} else {
  2558  			testRandomFillRV(v.Elem())
  2559  		}
  2560  	case reflect.Struct:
  2561  		for i, n := 0, v.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
  2562  			testRandomFillRV(v.Field(i))
  2563  		}
  2564  	case reflect.Slice:
  2565  		if v.IsNil() {
  2566  			v.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(v.Type(), 4, 4))
  2567  		}
  2568  		fallthrough
  2569  	case reflect.Array:
  2570  		for i, n := 0, v.Len(); i < n; i++ {
  2571  			testRandomFillRV(v.Index(i))
  2572  		}
  2573  	case reflect.Map:
  2574  		if v.IsNil() {
  2575  			v.Set(reflect.MakeMap(v.Type()))
  2576  		}
  2577  		if v.Len() == 0 {
  2578  			kt, vt := v.Type().Key(), v.Type().Elem()
  2579  			for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
  2580  				k0 := reflect.New(kt).Elem()
  2581  				v0 := reflect.New(vt).Elem()
  2582  				testRandomFillRV(k0)
  2583  				testRandomFillRV(v0)
  2584  				v.SetMapIndex(k0, v0)
  2585  			}
  2586  		} else {
  2587  			for _, k := range v.MapKeys() {
  2588  				testRandomFillRV(v.MapIndex(k))
  2589  			}
  2590  		}
  2591  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  2592  		v.SetInt(fneg() * rand.Int63n(127))
  2593  	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
  2594  		v.SetUint(uint64(rand.Int63n(255)))
  2595  	case reflect.Bool:
  2596  		v.SetBool(fneg() == 1)
  2597  	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
  2598  		v.SetFloat(float64(fneg()) * float64(rand.Float32()))
  2599  	case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
  2600  		v.SetComplex(complex(float64(fneg())*float64(rand.Float32()), 0))
  2601  	case reflect.String:
  2602  		// ensure this string can test the extent of json string decoding
  2603  		v.SetString(strings.Repeat(strconv.FormatInt(rand.Int63n(99), 10), rand.Intn(8)) +
  2604  			"- ABC \x41=\x42 \u2318 - \r \b \f - \u2028 and \u2029 .")
  2605  	default:
  2606  		panic(fmt.Errorf("testRandomFillRV: unsupported type: %v", v.Kind()))
  2607  	}
  2608  }
  2610  func doTestTime(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2611  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2612  	name := h.Name()
  2613  	// test time which uses the time.go implementation (ie Binc)
  2614  	var tt, tt2 time.Time
  2615  	// time in 1990
  2616  	tt = time.Unix(20*366*24*60*60, 1000*900).In(time.FixedZone("UGO", -5*60*60))
  2617  	// fmt.Printf("time tt: %v\n", tt)
  2618  	b := testMarshalErr(tt, h, t, "time-"+name)
  2619  	testUnmarshalErr(&tt2, b, h, t, "time-"+name)
  2620  	// per go documentation, test time with .Equal not ==
  2621  	if !tt2.Equal(tt) {
  2622  		t.Logf("%s: values not equal: 1: %v, 2: %v", name, tt2, tt)
  2623  		t.FailNow()
  2624  	}
  2625  	// testDeepEqualErr(tt.UTC(), tt2, t, "time-"+name)
  2626  	testReleaseBytes(b)
  2627  }
  2629  func doTestUintToInt(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2630  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2631  	name := h.Name()
  2632  	var golden = [...]int64{
  2633  		0, 1, 22, 333, 4444, 55555, 666666,
  2634  		// msgpack ones
  2635  		24, 128,
  2636  		// standard ones
  2637  		math.MaxUint8, math.MaxUint8 + 4, math.MaxUint8 - 4,
  2638  		math.MaxUint16, math.MaxUint16 + 4, math.MaxUint16 - 4,
  2639  		math.MaxUint32, math.MaxUint32 + 4, math.MaxUint32 - 4,
  2640  		math.MaxInt8, math.MaxInt8 + 4, math.MaxInt8 - 4,
  2641  		math.MaxInt16, math.MaxInt16 + 4, math.MaxInt16 - 4,
  2642  		math.MaxInt32, math.MaxInt32 + 4, math.MaxInt32 - 4,
  2643  		math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64 - 4,
  2644  	}
  2645  	var i int64
  2646  	var ui, ui2 uint64
  2647  	var fi float64
  2648  	var b []byte
  2649  	for _, v := range golden {
  2650  		i = v
  2651  		ui = 0
  2652  		b = testMarshalErr(i, h, t, "int2uint-"+name)
  2653  		testUnmarshalErr(&ui, b, h, t, "int2uint-"+name)
  2654  		if ui != uint64(i) {
  2655  			t.Logf("%s: values not equal: %v, %v", name, ui, uint64(i))
  2656  			t.FailNow()
  2657  		}
  2658  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  2660  		ui = uint64(i)
  2661  		i = 0
  2662  		b = testMarshalErr(ui, h, t, "uint2int-"+name)
  2663  		testUnmarshalErr(&i, b, h, t, "uint2int-"+name)
  2664  		if i != int64(ui) {
  2665  			t.Logf("%s: values not equal: %v, %v", name, i, int64(ui))
  2666  			t.FailNow()
  2667  		}
  2668  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  2670  		if v == math.MaxInt64 {
  2671  			ui = uint64(-(v - 1))
  2672  		} else {
  2673  			ui = uint64(-v)
  2674  		}
  2676  		b = testMarshalErr(ui, h, t, "negint2uint-"+name)
  2677  		testUnmarshalErr(&ui2, b, h, t, "negint2uint-"+name)
  2678  		if ui2 != ui {
  2679  			t.Logf("%s: values not equal: %v, %v", name, ui2, ui)
  2680  			t.FailNow()
  2681  		}
  2682  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  2684  		fi = 0
  2685  		b = testMarshalErr(i, h, t, "int2float-"+name)
  2686  		testUnmarshalErr(&fi, b, h, t, "int2float-"+name)
  2687  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  2688  		if fi != float64(i) {
  2689  			t.Logf("%s: values not equal: %v, %v", name, fi, float64(i))
  2690  			t.FailNow()
  2691  		}
  2692  	}
  2693  }
  2695  func doTestDifferentMapOrSliceType(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2696  	if !testRecoverPanicToErr {
  2697  		t.Skip(testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg)
  2698  	}
  2699  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2701  	if mh, ok := h.(*MsgpackHandle); ok {
  2702  		defer func(b bool) { mh.RawToString = b }(mh.RawToString)
  2703  		mh.RawToString = true
  2704  	}
  2706  	name := h.Name()
  2708  	// - maptype, slicetype: diff from map[string]intf, map[intf]intf or []intf, etc
  2709  	//   include map[interface{}]string where some keys are []byte.
  2710  	//   To test, take a sequence of []byte and string, and decode into []string and []interface.
  2711  	//   Also, decode into map[string]string, map[string]interface{}, map[interface{}]string
  2713  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  2714  	defer func(oldM, oldS reflect.Type) { bh.MapType, bh.SliceType = oldM, oldS }(bh.MapType, bh.SliceType)
  2716  	// test for arrays first
  2717  	fnArr := func() {
  2718  		defer func(b1, b2 bool) { bh.StringToRaw, _ = b1, b2 }(bh.StringToRaw, false)
  2719  		bh.StringToRaw = false
  2720  		vi := []interface{}{
  2721  			"hello 1",
  2722  			float64(111.0),
  2723  			"hello 3",
  2724  			float64(333.0),
  2725  			"hello 5",
  2726  		}
  2728  		var mi, mi2 map[string]float64
  2729  		mi = make(map[string]float64)
  2731  		mi[vi[0].(string)] = vi[1].(float64)
  2732  		mi[vi[2].(string)] = vi[3].(float64)
  2734  		var v4a, v4a2 testMbsArr4T
  2735  		copy(v4a[:], vi)
  2737  		b := testMarshalErr(v4a, h, t, "-")
  2738  		testUnmarshalErr(&mi2, b, h, t, "-")
  2739  		testDeepEqualErr(mi2, mi, t, "-")
  2740  		testUnmarshalErr(&v4a2, b, h, t, "-")
  2741  		testDeepEqualErr(v4a2, v4a, t, "-")
  2742  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  2744  		var v0a, v0a2 testMbsArr0T
  2745  		copy(v0a[:], vi)
  2747  		mi2 = nil
  2748  		b = testMarshalErr(v0a, h, t, "-")
  2749  		testUnmarshalErr(&mi2, b, h, t, "-")
  2750  		testDeepEqualErr(mi2, map[string]float64{}, t, "-")
  2751  		testUnmarshalErr(&v0a2, b, h, t, "-")
  2752  		testDeepEqualErr(v0a2, v0a, t, "-")
  2753  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  2755  		{
  2756  			var v5a testMbsArr5T
  2757  			copy(v5a[:], vi)
  2758  			b, err := testMarshal(v5a, h)
  2759  			testReleaseBytes(b)
  2760  			if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "mapBySlice requires even slice length") {
  2761  				t.Logf("mapBySlice for odd length array fail: expected mapBySlice error, got: %v", err)
  2762  				t.FailNow()
  2763  			}
  2764  		}
  2765  	}
  2766  	fnArr()
  2768  	var b []byte
  2770  	var vi = []interface{}{
  2771  		"hello 1",
  2772  		[]byte("hello 2"),
  2773  		"hello 3",
  2774  		[]byte("hello 4"),
  2775  		"hello 5",
  2776  	}
  2778  	var vs []string
  2779  	var v2i, v2s testMbsT
  2780  	var v2ss testMbsCustStrT
  2782  	// encode it as a map or as a slice
  2783  	for i, v := range vi {
  2784  		vv, ok := v.(string)
  2785  		if !ok {
  2786  			vv = string(v.([]byte))
  2787  		}
  2788  		vs = append(vs, vv)
  2789  		v2i = append(v2i, v, strconv.FormatInt(int64(i+1), 10))
  2790  		v2s = append(v2s, vv, strconv.FormatInt(int64(i+1), 10))
  2791  		v2ss = append(v2ss, testCustomStringT(vv), testCustomStringT(strconv.FormatInt(int64(i+1), 10)))
  2792  	}
  2794  	var v2d interface{}
  2796  	// encode vs as a list, and decode into a list and compare
  2797  	var goldSliceS = []string{"hello 1", "hello 2", "hello 3", "hello 4", "hello 5"}
  2798  	var goldSliceI = []interface{}{"hello 1", "hello 2", "hello 3", "hello 4", "hello 5"}
  2799  	var goldSlice = []interface{}{goldSliceS, goldSliceI}
  2800  	for j, g := range goldSlice {
  2801  		bh.SliceType = reflect.TypeOf(g)
  2802  		name := fmt.Sprintf("slice-%s-%v", name, j+1)
  2803  		b = testMarshalErr(vs, h, t, name)
  2804  		v2d = nil
  2805  		// v2d = reflect.New(bh.SliceType).Elem().Interface()
  2806  		testUnmarshalErr(&v2d, b, h, t, name)
  2807  		testDeepEqualErr(v2d, goldSlice[j], t, name)
  2808  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  2809  	}
  2811  	// to ensure that we do not use fast-path for map[intf]string, use a custom string type (for goldMapIS).
  2812  	// this will allow us to test out the path that sees a []byte where a map has an interface{} type,
  2813  	// and convert it to a string for the decoded map key.
  2815  	// encode v2i as a map, and decode into a map and compare
  2816  	var goldMapSS = map[string]string{"hello 1": "1", "hello 2": "2", "hello 3": "3", "hello 4": "4", "hello 5": "5"}
  2817  	var goldMapSI = map[string]interface{}{"hello 1": "1", "hello 2": "2", "hello 3": "3", "hello 4": "4", "hello 5": "5"}
  2818  	var goldMapIS = map[interface{}]testCustomStringT{"hello 1": "1", "hello 2": "2", "hello 3": "3", "hello 4": "4", "hello 5": "5"}
  2819  	var goldMap = []interface{}{goldMapSS, goldMapSI, goldMapIS}
  2820  	for j, g := range goldMap {
  2821  		bh.MapType = reflect.TypeOf(g)
  2822  		name := fmt.Sprintf("map-%s-%v", name, j+1)
  2823  		// for formats that clearly differentiate binary from string, use v2i
  2824  		// else use the v2s (with all strings, no []byte)
  2825  		v2d = nil
  2826  		// v2d = reflect.New(bh.MapType).Elem().Interface()
  2827  		switch h.(type) {
  2828  		case *MsgpackHandle, *BincHandle, *CborHandle:
  2829  			b = testMarshalErr(v2i, h, t, name)
  2830  			testUnmarshalErr(&v2d, b, h, t, name)
  2831  			testDeepEqualErr(v2d, goldMap[j], t, name)
  2832  			testReleaseBytes(b)
  2833  		default:
  2834  			b = testMarshalErr(v2s, h, t, name)
  2835  			testUnmarshalErr(&v2d, b, h, t, name)
  2836  			testDeepEqualErr(v2d, goldMap[j], t, name)
  2837  			testReleaseBytes(b)
  2838  			b = testMarshalErr(v2ss, h, t, name)
  2839  			v2d = nil
  2840  			testUnmarshalErr(&v2d, b, h, t, name)
  2841  			testDeepEqualErr(v2d, goldMap[j], t, name)
  2842  			testReleaseBytes(b)
  2843  		}
  2844  	}
  2846  	// encode []byte and decode into one with len < cap.
  2847  	// get the slices > decDefSliceCap*2, so things like json can go much higher
  2848  	{
  2849  		var bs1 = []byte("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
  2850  		b := testMarshalErr(bs1, h, t, "enc-bytes")
  2852  		var bs2 = make([]byte, 32, 32)
  2853  		testUnmarshalErr(bs2, b, h, t, "dec-bytes")
  2854  		testDeepEqualErr(bs1, bs2[:len(bs1)], t, "cmp-enc-dec-bytes")
  2856  		testUnmarshalErr(&bs2, b, h, t, "dec-bytes-2")
  2857  		testDeepEqualErr(bs1, bs2, t, "cmp-enc-dec-bytes-2")
  2859  		bs2 = bs2[:2:4]
  2860  		testUnmarshalErr(&bs2, b, h, t, "dec-bytes-2")
  2861  		testDeepEqualErr(bs1, bs2, t, "cmp-enc-dec-bytes-2")
  2863  		bs2 = nil
  2864  		testUnmarshalErr(&bs2, b, h, t, "dec-bytes-2")
  2865  		testDeepEqualErr(bs1, bs2, t, "cmp-enc-dec-bytes-2")
  2867  		bs1 = []byte{}
  2868  		b = testMarshalErr(bs1, h, t, "enc-bytes")
  2870  		bs2 = nil
  2871  		testUnmarshalErr(&bs2, b, h, t, "dec-bytes-2")
  2872  		testDeepEqualErr(bs1, bs2, t, "cmp-enc-dec-bytes-2")
  2874  		type Ti32 int32
  2875  		v1 := []Ti32{
  2876  			9, 99, 999, 9999, 99999, 999999,
  2877  			9, 99, 999, 9999, 99999, 999999,
  2878  			9, 99, 999, 9999, 99999, 999999,
  2879  		}
  2880  		b = testMarshalErr(v1, h, t, "enc-Ti32")
  2882  		v2 := make([]Ti32, 20, 20)
  2883  		testUnmarshalErr(v2, b, h, t, "dec-Ti32")
  2884  		testDeepEqualErr(v1, v2[:len(v1)], t, "cmp-enc-dec-Ti32")
  2886  		testUnmarshalErr(&v2, b, h, t, "dec-Ti32-2")
  2887  		testDeepEqualErr(v1, v2, t, "cmp-enc-dec-Ti32-2")
  2889  		v2 = v2[:1:3]
  2890  		testUnmarshalErr(&v2, b, h, t, "dec-Ti32-2")
  2891  		testDeepEqualErr(v1, v2, t, "cmp-enc-dec-Ti32-2")
  2893  		v2 = nil
  2894  		testUnmarshalErr(&v2, b, h, t, "dec-Ti32-2")
  2895  		testDeepEqualErr(v1, v2, t, "cmp-enc-dec-Ti32-2")
  2897  		v1 = []Ti32{}
  2898  		b = testMarshalErr(v1, h, t, "enc-Ti32")
  2900  		v2 = nil
  2901  		testUnmarshalErr(&v2, b, h, t, "dec-Ti32-2")
  2902  		testDeepEqualErr(v1, v2, t, "cmp-enc-dec-Ti32-2")
  2903  	}
  2904  }
  2906  func doTestScalars(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  2907  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  2909  	if mh, ok := h.(*MsgpackHandle); ok {
  2910  		defer func(b bool) { mh.RawToString = b }(mh.RawToString)
  2911  		mh.RawToString = true
  2912  	}
  2914  	// for each scalar:
  2915  	// - encode its ptr
  2916  	// - encode it (non-ptr)
  2917  	// - check that bytes are same
  2918  	// - make a copy (using reflect)
  2919  	// - check that same
  2920  	// - set zero on it
  2921  	// - check that its equal to 0 value
  2922  	// - decode into new
  2923  	// - compare to original
  2925  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  2926  	if !bh.Canonical {
  2927  		bh.Canonical = true
  2928  		defer func() { bh.Canonical = false }()
  2929  	}
  2931  	var bzero = testMarshalErr(nil, h, t, "nil-enc")
  2933  	vi := []interface{}{
  2934  		int(0),
  2935  		int8(0),
  2936  		int16(0),
  2937  		int32(0),
  2938  		int64(0),
  2939  		uint(0),
  2940  		uint8(0),
  2941  		uint16(0),
  2942  		uint32(0),
  2943  		uint64(0),
  2944  		uintptr(0),
  2945  		float32(0),
  2946  		float64(0),
  2947  		bool(false),
  2948  		time.Time{},
  2949  		string(""),
  2950  		[]byte(nil),
  2951  	}
  2952  	for _, v := range fastpathAv {
  2953  		vi = append(vi, reflect.Zero(v.rt).Interface())
  2954  	}
  2955  	for _, v := range vi {
  2956  		rv := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(v)).Elem()
  2957  		testRandomFillRV(rv)
  2958  		v = rv.Interface()
  2960  		rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type())
  2961  		rv2.Elem().Set(rv)
  2962  		vp := rv2.Interface()
  2964  		var tname string
  2965  		switch rv.Kind() {
  2966  		case reflect.Map:
  2967  			tname = "map[" + rv.Type().Key().Name() + "]" + rv.Type().Elem().Name()
  2968  		case reflect.Slice:
  2969  			tname = "[]" + rv.Type().Elem().Name()
  2970  		default:
  2971  			tname = rv.Type().Name()
  2972  		}
  2974  		var b, b1, b2 []byte
  2975  		b1 = testMarshalErr(v, h, t, tname+"-enc")
  2976  		// store b1 into b, as b1 slice is reused for next marshal
  2977  		b = make([]byte, len(b1))
  2978  		copy(b, b1)
  2979  		b2 = testMarshalErr(vp, h, t, tname+"-enc-ptr")
  2980  		testDeepEqualErr(b1, b2, t, tname+"-enc-eq")
  2982  		// decode the nil value into rv2, and test that it is the zero value
  2983  		setZero(vp)
  2984  		testDeepEqualErr(rv2.Elem().Interface(), reflect.Zero(rv.Type()).Interface(), t, tname+"-enc-eq-zero-ref")
  2986  		testUnmarshalErr(vp, b, h, t, tname+"-dec")
  2987  		testDeepEqualErr(rv2.Elem().Interface(), v, t, tname+"-dec-eq")
  2989  		// test that we can decode an encoded nil into it
  2990  		testUnmarshalErr(vp, bzero, h, t, tname+"-dec-from-enc-nil")
  2991  		testDeepEqualErr(rv2.Elem().Interface(), reflect.Zero(rv.Type()).Interface(), t, tname+"-dec-from-enc-nil")
  2992  		testReleaseBytes(b1)
  2993  		testReleaseBytes(b2)
  2994  	}
  2996  	// test setZero for *Raw and reflect.Value
  2997  	var r0 Raw
  2998  	var r = Raw([]byte("hello"))
  2999  	setZero(&r)
  3000  	testDeepEqualErr(r, r0, t, "raw-zeroed")
  3002  	r = Raw([]byte("hello"))
  3003  	var rv = reflect.ValueOf(&r)
  3004  	setZero(rv)
  3005  	// note: we cannot test reflect.Value's because they might point to different pointers
  3006  	// and reflect.DeepEqual doesn't honor that.
  3007  	// testDeepEqualErr(rv, reflect.ValueOf(&r0), t, "raw-reflect-zeroed")
  3008  	testDeepEqualErr(rv.Interface(), &r0, t, "raw-reflect-zeroed")
  3009  	testReleaseBytes(bzero)
  3010  }
  3012  func doTestIntfMapping(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3013  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3014  	name := h.Name()
  3015  	rti := reflect.TypeOf((*testIntfMapI)(nil)).Elem()
  3016  	defer func() { testBasicHandle(h).Intf2Impl(rti, nil) }()
  3018  	type T9 struct {
  3019  		I testIntfMapI
  3020  	}
  3022  	for i, v := range []testIntfMapI{
  3023  		// Use a valid string to test some extents of json string decoding
  3024  		&testIntfMapT1{"ABC \x41=\x42 \u2318 - \r \b \f - \u2028 and \u2029 ."},
  3025  		testIntfMapT2{"DEF"},
  3026  	} {
  3027  		if err := testBasicHandle(h).Intf2Impl(rti, reflect.TypeOf(v)); err != nil {
  3028  			t.Logf("Error mapping %v to %T", rti, v)
  3029  			t.FailNow()
  3030  		}
  3031  		var v1, v2 T9
  3032  		v1 = T9{v}
  3033  		b := testMarshalErr(v1, h, t, name+"-enc-"+strconv.Itoa(i))
  3034  		testUnmarshalErr(&v2, b, h, t, name+"-dec-"+strconv.Itoa(i))
  3035  		testDeepEqualErr(v1, v2, t, name+"-dec-eq-"+strconv.Itoa(i))
  3036  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  3037  	}
  3038  }
  3040  func doTestOmitempty(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3041  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3042  	name := h.Name()
  3043  	if testBasicHandle(h).StructToArray {
  3044  		t.Skipf("skipping OmitEmpty test when StructToArray=true")
  3045  	}
  3046  	type T1 struct {
  3047  		A int  `codec:"a"`
  3048  		B *int `codec:"b,omitempty"`
  3049  		C int  `codec:"c,omitempty"`
  3050  	}
  3051  	type T2 struct {
  3052  		A int `codec:"a"`
  3053  	}
  3054  	var v1 T1
  3055  	var v2 T2
  3056  	b1 := testMarshalErr(v1, h, t, name+"-omitempty")
  3057  	b2 := testMarshalErr(v2, h, t, name+"-no-omitempty-trunc")
  3058  	testDeepEqualErr(b1, b2, t, name+"-omitempty-cmp")
  3059  	testReleaseBytes(b1)
  3060  	testReleaseBytes(b2)
  3061  }
  3063  func doTestMissingFields(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3064  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3065  	name := h.Name()
  3066  	if codecgen {
  3067  		t.Skipf("skipping Missing Fields tests as it is not honored by codecgen")
  3068  	}
  3069  	if testBasicHandle(h).StructToArray {
  3070  		t.Skipf("skipping Missing Fields test when StructToArray=true")
  3071  	}
  3072  	// encode missingFielderT2, decode into missingFielderT1, encode it out again, decode into new missingFielderT2, compare
  3073  	v1 := missingFielderT2{S: "true seven eight", B: true, F: 777.0, I: -888}
  3074  	b1 := testMarshalErr(v1, h, t, name+"-missing-enc-2")
  3076  	var v2 missingFielderT1
  3077  	testUnmarshalErr(&v2, b1, h, t, name+"-missing-dec-1")
  3079  	b2 := testMarshalErr(&v2, h, t, name+"-missing-enc-1")
  3081  	var v3 missingFielderT2
  3082  	testUnmarshalErr(&v3, b2, h, t, name+"-missing-dec-2")
  3084  	testDeepEqualErr(v1, v3, t, name+"-missing-cmp-2")
  3086  	testReleaseBytes(b1)
  3087  	testReleaseBytes(b2)
  3089  	v4 := missingFielderT11{s1: "s111", S2: "S222"}
  3090  	b1 = testMarshalErr(v4, h, t, name+"-missing-enc-11")
  3091  	var m4 map[string]string
  3092  	testUnmarshalErr(&m4, b1, h, t, name+"-missing-dec-11")
  3093  	testDeepEqualErr(m4, map[string]string{"s1": "s111", "S2": "S222"}, t, name+"-missing-cmp-11")
  3095  	testReleaseBytes(b1)
  3097  	// test canonical interaction - with structs having some missing fields and some regular fields
  3098  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  3100  	defer func(c bool) {
  3101  		bh.Canonical = c
  3102  	}(bh.Canonical)
  3103  	bh.Canonical = true
  3105  	b1 = nil
  3107  	var s1 = struct {
  3108  		A int
  3109  		B int
  3110  		C int
  3111  	}{1, 2, 3}
  3113  	NewEncoderBytes(&b1, h).MustEncode(&s1)
  3115  	var s2 = struct {
  3116  		C int
  3117  		testMissingFieldsMap
  3118  	}{C: 3}
  3119  	s2.testMissingFieldsMap = testMissingFieldsMap{
  3120  		m: map[string]interface{}{
  3121  			"A": 1,
  3122  			"B": 2,
  3123  		},
  3124  	}
  3126  	for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
  3127  		b2 = nil
  3128  		NewEncoderBytes(&b2, h).MustEncode(&s2)
  3130  		if !bytes.Equal(b1, b2) {
  3131  			t.Fatalf("bytes differed:'%s' vs '%s'", b1, b2)
  3132  		}
  3133  	}
  3134  }
  3136  func doTestMaxDepth(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3137  	if !testRecoverPanicToErr {
  3138  		t.Skip(testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg)
  3139  	}
  3140  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3141  	name := h.Name()
  3142  	type T struct {
  3143  		I interface{} // value to encode
  3144  		M int16       // maxdepth
  3145  		S bool        // use swallow (decode into typed struct with only A1)
  3146  		E interface{} // error to find
  3147  	}
  3148  	type T1 struct {
  3149  		A1 *T1
  3150  	}
  3151  	var table []T
  3152  	var sfunc = func(n int) (s [1]interface{}, s1 *[1]interface{}) {
  3153  		s1 = &s
  3154  		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
  3155  			var s0 [1]interface{}
  3156  			s1[0] = &s0
  3157  			s1 = &s0
  3158  		}
  3160  		return
  3161  		// var s []interface{}
  3162  		// s = append(s, []interface{})
  3163  		// s[0] = append(s[0], []interface{})
  3164  		// s[0][0] = append(s[0][0], []interface{})
  3165  		// s[0][0][0] = append(s[0][0][0], []interface{})
  3166  		// s[0][0][0][0] = append(s[0][0][0][0], []interface{})
  3167  		// return s
  3168  	}
  3169  	var mfunc = func(n int) (m map[string]interface{}, mlast map[string]interface{}) {
  3170  		m = make(map[string]interface{})
  3171  		mlast = make(map[string]interface{})
  3172  		m["A0"] = mlast
  3173  		for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
  3174  			m0 := make(map[string]interface{})
  3175  			mlast["A"+strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10)] = m0
  3176  			mlast = m0
  3177  		}
  3179  		return
  3180  	}
  3181  	s, s1 := sfunc(5)
  3182  	m, _ := mfunc(5)
  3183  	m99, _ := mfunc(99)
  3185  	s1[0] = m
  3187  	table = append(table, T{s, 0, false, nil})
  3188  	table = append(table, T{s, 256, false, nil})
  3189  	table = append(table, T{s, 7, false, errMaxDepthExceeded})
  3190  	table = append(table, T{s, 15, false, nil})
  3191  	table = append(table, T{m99, 15, true, errMaxDepthExceeded})
  3192  	table = append(table, T{m99, 215, true, nil})
  3194  	defer func(n int16) {
  3195  		testBasicHandle(h).MaxDepth = n
  3196  	}(testBasicHandle(h).MaxDepth)
  3198  	for i, v := range table {
  3199  		testBasicHandle(h).MaxDepth = v.M
  3200  		b1 := testMarshalErr(v.I, h, t, name+"-maxdepth-enc"+strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10))
  3202  		var err error
  3203  		v.S = false // MARKER: 20200925: swallow doesn't track depth anymore
  3204  		if v.S {
  3205  			var v2 T1
  3206  			err = testUnmarshal(&v2, b1, h)
  3207  		} else {
  3208  			var v2 interface{}
  3209  			err = testUnmarshal(&v2, b1, h)
  3210  		}
  3211  		var err0 interface{} = err
  3212  		if err1, ok := err.(*codecError); ok {
  3213  			err0 = err1.err
  3214  		}
  3215  		if err0 != v.E {
  3216  			t.Logf("Unexpected error testing max depth for depth %d: expected %v, received %v", v.M, v.E, err)
  3217  			t.FailNow()
  3218  		}
  3220  		// decode into something that just triggers swallow
  3221  		testReleaseBytes(b1)
  3222  	}
  3223  }
  3225  func doTestMultipleEncDec(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3226  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3227  	name := h.Name()
  3228  	// encode a string multiple times.
  3229  	// decode it multiple times.
  3230  	// ensure we get the value each time
  3231  	var s1 = "ugorji"
  3232  	var s2 = "nwoke"
  3233  	var s11, s21 string
  3234  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  3235  	e := NewEncoder(&buf, h)
  3236  	e.MustEncode(s1)
  3237  	e.MustEncode(s2)
  3238  	d := NewDecoder(&buf, h)
  3239  	d.MustDecode(&s11)
  3240  	d.MustDecode(&s21)
  3241  	testDeepEqualErr(s1, s11, t, name+"-multiple-encode")
  3242  	testDeepEqualErr(s2, s21, t, name+"-multiple-encode")
  3243  }
  3245  func doTestSelfExt(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3246  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3247  	name := h.Name()
  3248  	var ts TestSelfExtImpl
  3249  	ts.S = "ugorji"
  3250  	ts.I = 5678
  3251  	ts.B = true
  3252  	var ts2 TestSelfExtImpl
  3254  	bs := testMarshalErr(&ts, h, t, name)
  3255  	testUnmarshalErr(&ts2, bs, h, t, name)
  3256  	testDeepEqualErr(&ts, &ts2, t, name)
  3257  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  3258  }
  3260  func doTestBytesEncodedAsArray(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3261  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3262  	name := h.Name()
  3263  	// Need to test edge case where bytes are encoded as an array
  3264  	// (not using optimized []byte native format)
  3266  	// encode []int8 (or int32 or any numeric type) with all positive numbers
  3267  	// decode it into []byte
  3268  	var in = make([]int32, 128)
  3269  	var un = make([]uint8, 128)
  3270  	for i := range in {
  3271  		in[i] = int32(i)
  3272  		un[i] = uint8(i)
  3273  	}
  3274  	var out []byte
  3275  	bs := testMarshalErr(&in, h, t, name)
  3276  	testUnmarshalErr(&out, bs, h, t, name)
  3278  	testDeepEqualErr(un, out, t, name)
  3279  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  3280  }
  3282  func doTestStrucEncDec(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3283  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3284  	name := h.Name()
  3286  	{
  3287  		var ts1 = newTestStruc(2, testNumRepeatString, false, !testSkipIntf, testMapStringKeyOnly)
  3288  		var ts2 TestStruc
  3289  		bs := testMarshalErr(ts1, h, t, name)
  3290  		testUnmarshalErr(&ts2, bs, h, t, name)
  3291  		testDeepEqualErr(ts1, &ts2, t, name)
  3292  		testReleaseBytes(bs)
  3293  	}
  3295  	// Note: We cannot use TestStrucFlex because it has omitempty values,
  3296  	// Meaning that sometimes, encoded and decoded will not be same.
  3297  	// {
  3298  	// 	var ts1 = newTestStrucFlex(2, testNumRepeatString, false, !testSkipIntf, testMapStringKeyOnly)
  3299  	// 	var ts2 TestStrucFlex
  3300  	// 	bs := testMarshalErr(ts1, h, t, name)
  3301  	// 	fmt.Printf("\n\n%s\n\n", bs)
  3302  	// 	testUnmarshalErr(&ts2, bs, h, t, name)
  3303  	// 	testDeepEqualErr(ts1, &ts2, t, name)
  3304  	// }
  3305  }
  3307  func doTestStructKeyType(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3308  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3309  	name := h.Name()
  3311  	mh, mok := h.(*MsgpackHandle)
  3313  	bch, bcok := h.(*BincHandle)
  3315  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  3316  	s2a := bh.StructToArray
  3317  	bh.StructToArray = false
  3318  	ir := bh.InterfaceReset
  3319  	bh.InterfaceReset = false
  3320  	var mfx bool
  3321  	if mok {
  3322  		mfx = mh.NoFixedNum
  3323  		mh.NoFixedNum = false
  3324  	}
  3325  	var bcsym uint8
  3326  	if bcok {
  3327  		bcsym = bch.AsSymbols
  3328  		bch.AsSymbols = 2 // MARKER: should be 0 but binc symbols do not work well
  3329  	}
  3330  	defer func() {
  3331  		bh.StructToArray = s2a
  3332  		bh.InterfaceReset = ir
  3333  		if mok {
  3334  			mh.NoFixedNum = mfx
  3335  		}
  3336  		if bcok {
  3337  			bch.AsSymbols = bcsym
  3338  		}
  3339  	}()
  3341  	var bs1, bs2 []byte
  3343  	var m = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
  3345  	fn := func(v interface{}) {
  3346  		v1 := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(v)).Elem().Interface()
  3347  		bs1 = testMarshalErr(v, h, t, "")
  3348  		testUnmarshalErr(&v1, bs1, h, t, "")
  3349  		testDeepEqualErr(v, v1, t, name+"")
  3350  		bs2 = testMarshalErr(m, h, t, "")
  3351  		// if _, ok := h.(*JsonHandle); ok {
  3352  		// 	xdebugf("bs1: %s, bs2: %s", bs1, bs2)
  3353  		// }
  3354  		// if bcok {
  3355  		// 	xdebug2f("-------------")
  3356  		// 	xdebugf("v: %#v, m: %#v", v, m)
  3357  		// 	xdebugf("bs1: %v", bs1)
  3358  		// 	xdebugf("bs2: %v", bs2)
  3359  		// 	xdebugf("bs1==bs2: %v", bytes.Equal(bs1, bs2))
  3360  		// 	testDeepEqualErr(bs1, bs2, t, name+"")
  3361  		// 	xdebug2f("-------------")
  3362  		// 	return
  3363  		// }
  3364  		testDeepEqualErr(bs1, bs2, t, name+"")
  3365  		testReleaseBytes(bs1)
  3366  		testReleaseBytes(bs2)
  3367  	}
  3369  	fnclr := func() {
  3370  		for k := range m {
  3371  			delete(m, k)
  3372  		}
  3373  	}
  3375  	m["F"] = 90
  3376  	fn(&testStrucKeyTypeT0{F: 90})
  3377  	fnclr()
  3379  	m["FFFF"] = 100
  3380  	fn(&testStrucKeyTypeT1{F: 100})
  3381  	fnclr()
  3383  	m[int64(-1)] = 200
  3384  	fn(&testStrucKeyTypeT2{F: 200})
  3385  	fnclr()
  3387  	m[int64(1)] = 300
  3388  	fn(&testStrucKeyTypeT3{F: 300})
  3389  	fnclr()
  3391  	m[float64(2.5)] = 400
  3392  	fn(&testStrucKeyTypeT4{F: 400})
  3393  	fnclr()
  3394  }
  3396  func doTestRawToStringToRawEtc(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3397  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3398  	// name := h.Name()
  3400  	// Tests:
  3401  	// - RawToString
  3402  	// - StringToRaw
  3403  	// - MapValueReset
  3404  	// - DeleteOnMapValue (skipped - no longer supported)
  3406  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  3408  	r2s := bh.RawToString
  3409  	s2r := bh.StringToRaw
  3410  	can := bh.Canonical
  3411  	mvr := bh.MapValueReset
  3413  	mh, mok := h.(*MsgpackHandle)
  3415  	_, jok := h.(*JsonHandle)
  3417  	defer func() {
  3418  		bh.RawToString = r2s
  3419  		bh.StringToRaw = s2r
  3420  		bh.Canonical = can
  3421  		bh.MapValueReset = mvr
  3422  	}()
  3424  	bh.Canonical = false
  3426  	var bs1, bs2 []byte
  3428  	// encode: StringToRaw
  3429  	// decode: RawToString
  3431  	// compare encoded v1 to encoded v2, while setting StringToRaw to b
  3432  	fne := func(v1, v2 interface{}, b bool) {
  3433  		bh.StringToRaw = b
  3434  		bs1 = testMarshalErr(v1, h, t, "")
  3435  		// bs1 = []byte(string(bs1))
  3436  		bs2 = testMarshalErr(v2, h, t, "")
  3437  		testDeepEqualErr(bs1, bs2, t, "")
  3438  		testReleaseBytes(bs1)
  3439  		testReleaseBytes(bs2)
  3440  	}
  3442  	// encoded v1, decode naked and compare to v2
  3443  	fnd := func(v1, v2 interface{}, bs2r, br2s, bwext bool) {
  3444  		bh.RawToString = br2s
  3445  		bh.StringToRaw = bs2r
  3446  		if mok {
  3447  			mh.RawToString = bwext
  3448  		}
  3449  		bs1 = testMarshalErr(v1, h, t, "")
  3450  		var vn interface{}
  3451  		testUnmarshalErr(&vn, bs1, h, t, "")
  3452  		testDeepEqualErr(vn, v2, t, "")
  3453  		testReleaseBytes(bs1)
  3454  	}
  3456  	sv0 := "value"
  3457  	bv0 := []byte(sv0)
  3459  	sv1 := sv0
  3460  	bv1 := []byte(sv1)
  3462  	m1 := map[string]*string{"key": &sv1}
  3463  	m2 := map[string]*[]byte{"key": &bv1}
  3465  	// m3 := map[[3]byte]string{[3]byte{'k', 'e', 'y'}: sv0}
  3466  	m4 := map[[3]byte][]byte{[3]byte{'k', 'e', 'y'}: bv0}
  3467  	m5 := map[string][]byte{"key": bv0}
  3468  	// m6 := map[string]string{"key": sv0}
  3470  	m7 := map[interface{}]interface{}{"key": sv0}
  3471  	m8 := map[interface{}]interface{}{"key": bv0}
  3473  	// StringToRaw=true
  3474  	fne(m1, m4, true)
  3476  	// StringToRaw=false
  3477  	// compare encoded m2 to encoded m5
  3478  	fne(m2, m5, false)
  3480  	// json doesn't work well with StringToRaw and RawToString
  3481  	// when dealing with interfaces, because it cannot decipher
  3482  	// that a string should be treated as base64.
  3483  	if jok {
  3484  		goto MAP_VALUE_RESET
  3485  	}
  3487  	// if msgpack, always set WriteExt = RawToString
  3489  	// StringToRaw=true (RawToString=true)
  3490  	// encoded m1, decode naked and compare to m5
  3491  	fnd(m2, m7, true, true, true)
  3493  	// StringToRaw=true (RawToString=false)
  3494  	// encoded m1, decode naked and compare to m6
  3495  	fnd(m1, m8, true, false, false)
  3497  	// StringToRaw=false, RawToString=true
  3498  	// encode m1, decode naked, and compare to m6
  3499  	fnd(m2, m7, false, true, true)
  3502  	// set MapValueReset, and then decode i
  3503  	sv2 := "value-new"
  3504  	m9 := map[string]*string{"key": &sv2}
  3506  	bs1 = testMarshalErr(m1, h, t, "")
  3508  	bh.MapValueReset = false
  3509  	testUnmarshalErr(&m9, bs1, h, t, "")
  3510  	// if !(m9["key"] == m1["key"]
  3511  	testDeepEqualErr(sv2, "value", t, "")
  3512  	testDeepEqualErr(&sv2, m9["key"], t, "")
  3514  	sv2 = "value-new"
  3515  	m9["key"] = &sv2
  3516  	bh.MapValueReset = true
  3517  	testUnmarshalErr(&m9, bs1, h, t, "")
  3518  	testDeepEqualErr(sv2, "value-new", t, "")
  3519  	testDeepEqualErr("value", *(m9["key"]), t, "")
  3521  	// t1 = struct {
  3522  	// 	key string
  3523  	// }{ key: sv0 }
  3524  	// t2 := struct {
  3525  	// 	key []byte
  3526  	// }{ key: bv1 }
  3527  	testReleaseBytes(bs1)
  3529  }
  3531  // -----------------
  3533  func doTestJsonDecodeNonStringScalarInStringContext(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3534  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3535  	var b = `{"s.true": "true", "b.true": true, "s.false": "false", "b.false": false, "s.10": "10", "i.10": 10, "i.-10": -10}`
  3536  	var golden = map[string]string{"s.true": "true", "b.true": "true", "s.false": "false", "b.false": "false", "s.10": "10", "i.10": "10", "i.-10": "-10"}
  3538  	var m map[string]string
  3539  	d := NewDecoderBytes([]byte(b), h)
  3540  	d.MustDecode(&m)
  3541  	if err := deepEqual(golden, m); err == nil {
  3542  		if testVerbose {
  3543  			t.Logf("++++ match: decoded: %#v", m)
  3544  		}
  3545  	} else {
  3546  		t.Logf("---- mismatch: %v ==> golden: %#v, decoded: %#v", err, golden, m)
  3547  		t.FailNow()
  3548  	}
  3550  	jh := h.(*JsonHandle)
  3552  	oldMapKeyAsString := jh.MapKeyAsString
  3553  	oldPreferFloat := jh.PreferFloat
  3554  	oldSignedInteger := jh.SignedInteger
  3555  	oldHTMLCharAsIs := jh.HTMLCharsAsIs
  3556  	oldMapType := jh.MapType
  3558  	defer func() {
  3559  		jh.MapKeyAsString = oldMapKeyAsString
  3560  		jh.PreferFloat = oldPreferFloat
  3561  		jh.SignedInteger = oldSignedInteger
  3562  		jh.HTMLCharsAsIs = oldHTMLCharAsIs
  3563  		jh.MapType = oldMapType
  3564  	}()
  3566  	jh.MapType = mapIntfIntfTyp
  3567  	jh.HTMLCharsAsIs = false
  3568  	jh.MapKeyAsString = true
  3569  	jh.PreferFloat = false
  3570  	jh.SignedInteger = false
  3572  	// Also test out decoding string values into naked interface
  3573  	b = `{"true": true, "false": false, null: null, "7700000000000000000": 7700000000000000000}`
  3574  	const num = 7700000000000000000 // 77
  3575  	var golden2 = map[interface{}]interface{}{
  3576  		true:  true,
  3577  		false: false,
  3578  		nil:   nil,
  3579  		// uint64(num):uint64(num),
  3580  	}
  3582  	fn := func() {
  3583  		d.ResetBytes([]byte(b))
  3584  		var mf interface{}
  3585  		d.MustDecode(&mf)
  3586  		if err := deepEqual(golden2, mf); err != nil {
  3587  			t.Logf("---- mismatch: %v ==> golden: %#v, decoded: %#v", err, golden2, mf)
  3588  			t.FailNow()
  3589  		}
  3590  	}
  3592  	golden2[uint64(num)] = uint64(num)
  3593  	fn()
  3594  	delete(golden2, uint64(num))
  3596  	jh.SignedInteger = true
  3597  	golden2[int64(num)] = int64(num)
  3598  	fn()
  3599  	delete(golden2, int64(num))
  3600  	jh.SignedInteger = false
  3602  	jh.PreferFloat = true
  3603  	golden2[float64(num)] = float64(num)
  3604  	fn()
  3605  	delete(golden2, float64(num))
  3606  	jh.PreferFloat = false
  3607  }
  3609  func doTestJsonEncodeIndent(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3610  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3611  	v := TestSimplish{
  3612  		Ii: -794,
  3613  		Ss: `A Man is
  3614  after the new line
  3615  	after new line and tab
  3616  `,
  3617  	}
  3618  	v2 := v
  3619  	v.Mm = make(map[string]*TestSimplish)
  3620  	for i := 0; i < len(v.Ar); i++ {
  3621  		v3 := v2
  3622  		v3.Ii += (i * 4)
  3623  		v3.Ss = fmt.Sprintf("%d - %s", v3.Ii, v3.Ss)
  3624  		if i%2 == 0 {
  3625  			v.Ar[i] = &v3
  3626  		}
  3627  		// v3 = v2
  3628  		v.Sl = append(v.Sl, &v3)
  3629  		v.Mm[strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10)] = &v3
  3630  	}
  3631  	jh := h.(*JsonHandle)
  3633  	oldcan := jh.Canonical
  3634  	oldIndent := jh.Indent
  3635  	oldS2A := jh.StructToArray
  3636  	defer func() {
  3637  		jh.Canonical = oldcan
  3638  		jh.Indent = oldIndent
  3639  		jh.StructToArray = oldS2A
  3640  	}()
  3641  	jh.Canonical = true
  3642  	jh.Indent = -1
  3643  	jh.StructToArray = false
  3644  	var bs []byte
  3645  	NewEncoderBytes(&bs, jh).MustEncode(&v)
  3646  	txt1Tab := string(bs)
  3647  	bs = nil
  3648  	jh.Indent = 120
  3649  	NewEncoderBytes(&bs, jh).MustEncode(&v)
  3650  	txtSpaces := string(bs)
  3651  	// fmt.Printf("\n-----------\n%s\n------------\n%s\n-------------\n", txt1Tab, txtSpaces)
  3653  	goldenResultTab := `{
  3654  	"Ar": [
  3655  		{
  3656  			"Ar": [
  3657  				null,
  3658  				null
  3659  			],
  3660  			"Ii": -794,
  3661  			"Mm": null,
  3662  			"Sl": null,
  3663  			"Ss": "-794 - A Man is\nafter the new line\n\tafter new line and tab\n"
  3664  		},
  3665  		null
  3666  	],
  3667  	"Ii": -794,
  3668  	"Mm": {
  3669  		"0": {
  3670  			"Ar": [
  3671  				null,
  3672  				null
  3673  			],
  3674  			"Ii": -794,
  3675  			"Mm": null,
  3676  			"Sl": null,
  3677  			"Ss": "-794 - A Man is\nafter the new line\n\tafter new line and tab\n"
  3678  		},
  3679  		"1": {
  3680  			"Ar": [
  3681  				null,
  3682  				null
  3683  			],
  3684  			"Ii": -790,
  3685  			"Mm": null,
  3686  			"Sl": null,
  3687  			"Ss": "-790 - A Man is\nafter the new line\n\tafter new line and tab\n"
  3688  		}
  3689  	},
  3690  	"Sl": [
  3691  		{
  3692  			"Ar": [
  3693  				null,
  3694  				null
  3695  			],
  3696  			"Ii": -794,
  3697  			"Mm": null,
  3698  			"Sl": null,
  3699  			"Ss": "-794 - A Man is\nafter the new line\n\tafter new line and tab\n"
  3700  		},
  3701  		{
  3702  			"Ar": [
  3703  				null,
  3704  				null
  3705  			],
  3706  			"Ii": -790,
  3707  			"Mm": null,
  3708  			"Sl": null,
  3709  			"Ss": "-790 - A Man is\nafter the new line\n\tafter new line and tab\n"
  3710  		}
  3711  	],
  3712  	"Ss": "A Man is\nafter the new line\n\tafter new line and tab\n"
  3713  }`
  3715  	if txt1Tab != goldenResultTab {
  3716  		t.Logf("decoded indented with tabs != expected: \nexpected: %s\nencoded: %s", goldenResultTab, txt1Tab)
  3717  		t.FailNow()
  3718  	}
  3719  	if txtSpaces != strings.Replace(goldenResultTab, "\t", strings.Repeat(" ", 120), -1) {
  3720  		t.Logf("decoded indented with spaces != expected: \nexpected: %s\nencoded: %s", goldenResultTab, txtSpaces)
  3721  		t.FailNow()
  3722  	}
  3723  }
  3725  func doTestPreferArrayOverSlice(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3726  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3727  	// encode a slice, decode it with PreferArrayOverSlice
  3728  	// if codecgen, skip the test (as codecgen doesn't work with PreferArrayOverSlice)
  3729  	if codecgen {
  3730  		t.Skip("skipping ... prefer array over slice is not supported in codecgen mode")
  3731  	}
  3732  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  3733  	paos := bh.PreferArrayOverSlice
  3734  	styp := bh.SliceType
  3735  	defer func() {
  3736  		bh.PreferArrayOverSlice = paos
  3737  		bh.SliceType = styp
  3738  	}()
  3739  	bh.PreferArrayOverSlice = true
  3740  	bh.SliceType = reflect.TypeOf(([]bool)(nil))
  3742  	s2 := [4]bool{true, false, true, false}
  3743  	s := s2[:]
  3744  	var v interface{}
  3745  	bs := testMarshalErr(s, h, t, t.Name())
  3746  	testUnmarshalErr(&v, bs, h, t, t.Name())
  3747  	testDeepEqualErr(s2, v, t, t.Name())
  3748  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  3749  }
  3751  func doTestZeroCopyBytes(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3752  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3753  	// jsonhandle and cborhandle with indefiniteLength do not support inline bytes, so skip them.
  3754  	if _, ok := h.(*JsonHandle); ok {
  3755  		t.Skipf("skipping ... zero copy bytes not supported by json handle")
  3756  	}
  3757  	if ch, ok := h.(*CborHandle); ok && ch.IndefiniteLength {
  3758  		t.Skipf("skipping ... zero copy bytes not supported by cbor handle with IndefiniteLength=true")
  3759  	}
  3761  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  3762  	zc := bh.ZeroCopy
  3763  	defer func() {
  3764  		bh.ZeroCopy = zc
  3765  	}()
  3766  	bh.ZeroCopy = true
  3768  	s := []byte("hello")
  3769  	var v []byte
  3770  	bs := testMarshalErr(s, h, t, t.Name())
  3772  	// Note: this test only works for decoding from []byte, so cannot use testUnmarshalErr
  3773  	NewDecoderBytes(bs, h).MustDecode(&v)
  3774  	// testUnmarshalErr(&v, bs, h, t, t.Name())
  3776  	// validate that bs and s points into the bs stream
  3777  	for i := range bs {
  3778  		if &bs[i] == &v[0] {
  3779  			return
  3780  		}
  3781  	}
  3783  	// if not match, then a failure happened.
  3784  	if len(bs) > 0 && len(v) > 0 {
  3785  		t.Logf("%s: ZeroCopy=true, but decoded (%p) is not slice of input: (%p)", h.Name(), &v[0], &bs[0])
  3786  	} else {
  3787  		t.Logf("%s: ZeroCopy=true, but decoded OR input slice is empty: %v, %v", h.Name(), v, bs)
  3788  	}
  3789  	testReleaseBytes(bs)
  3790  	t.FailNow()
  3791  }
  3793  func doTestNextValueBytes(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3794  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3796  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  3798  	// - encode uint, int, float, bool, struct, map, slice, string - all separated by nil
  3799  	// - use nextvaluebytes to grab he's got each one, and decode it, and compare
  3800  	var inputs = []interface{}{
  3801  		uint64(7777),
  3802  		int64(9999),
  3803  		float64(12.25),
  3804  		true,
  3805  		false,
  3806  		map[string]uint64{"1": 1, "22": 22, "333": 333, "4444": 4444},
  3807  		[]string{"1", "22", "333", "4444"},
  3808  		// use *TestStruc, not *TestStrucFlex, as *TestStrucFlex is harder to compare with deep equal
  3809  		// Remember: *TestStruc was separated for this reason, affording comparing against other libraries
  3810  		newTestStruc(testDepth, testNumRepeatString, false, false, true),
  3811  		"1223334444",
  3812  	}
  3813  	var out []byte
  3815  	for i, v := range inputs {
  3816  		_ = i
  3817  		bs := testMarshalErr(v, h, t, "nextvaluebytes")
  3818  		out = append(out, bs...)
  3819  		bs2 := testMarshalErr(nil, h, t, "nextvaluebytes")
  3820  		out = append(out, bs2...)
  3821  		testReleaseBytes(bs)
  3822  		testReleaseBytes(bs2)
  3823  	}
  3824  	// out = append(out, []byte("----")...)
  3826  	var valueBytes = make([][]byte, len(inputs)*2)
  3828  	d, oldReadBufferSize := testSharedCodecDecoder(out, h, testBasicHandle(h))
  3829  	for i := 0; i < len(inputs)*2; i++ {
  3830  		valueBytes[i] = d.d.nextValueBytes([]byte{})
  3831  		// bs := d.d.nextValueBytes([]byte{})
  3832  		// valueBytes[i] = make([]byte, len(bs))
  3833  		// copy(valueBytes[i], bs)
  3834  	}
  3835  	if testUseIoEncDec >= 0 {
  3836  		bh.ReaderBufferSize = oldReadBufferSize
  3837  	}
  3839  	defer func(b bool) { bh.InterfaceReset = b }(bh.InterfaceReset)
  3840  	bh.InterfaceReset = false
  3842  	var result interface{}
  3843  	for i := 0; i < len(inputs); i++ {
  3844  		// result = reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(inputs[i])).Elem().Interface()
  3845  		result = reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf(inputs[i])).Interface()
  3846  		testUnmarshalErr(&result, valueBytes[i*2], h, t, "nextvaluebytes")
  3847  		testDeepEqualErr(inputs[i], result, t, "nextvaluebytes-1")
  3848  		result = nil
  3849  		testUnmarshalErr(&result, valueBytes[(i*2)+1], h, t, "nextvaluebytes")
  3850  		testDeepEqualErr(nil, result, t, "nextvaluebytes-2")
  3851  	}
  3852  }
  3854  func doTestNumbers(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3855  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  3856  	__doTestIntegers(t, h)
  3857  	__doTestFloats(t, h)
  3858  	__doTestIntegerFloatConversions(t, h)
  3859  }
  3861  func __doTestIntegers(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3862  	// handle SignedInteger=true|false
  3863  	// decode into an interface{}
  3865  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  3867  	oldSignedInteger := bh.SignedInteger
  3868  	var oldPreferFloat bool
  3869  	var oldNoFixedNum bool
  3870  	jh, jok := h.(*JsonHandle)
  3871  	mh, mok := h.(*MsgpackHandle)
  3872  	if jok {
  3873  		oldPreferFloat = jh.PreferFloat
  3874  	}
  3875  	if mok {
  3876  		oldNoFixedNum = mh.NoFixedNum
  3877  		mh.NoFixedNum = true
  3878  	}
  3880  	defer func() {
  3881  		bh.SignedInteger = oldSignedInteger
  3882  		if jok {
  3883  			jh.PreferFloat = oldPreferFloat
  3884  		}
  3885  		if mok {
  3886  			mh.NoFixedNum = oldNoFixedNum
  3887  		}
  3888  	}()
  3890  	// var vi int64
  3891  	// var ui uint64
  3892  	var ii interface{}
  3894  	for _, v := range testUintsToParse {
  3895  		if jok {
  3896  			jh.PreferFloat = false
  3897  		}
  3898  		b := testMarshalErr(v, h, t, "test-integers")
  3899  		ii = nil
  3900  		bh.SignedInteger = true
  3901  		testUnmarshalErr(&ii, b, h, t, "test-integers")
  3902  		testDeepEqualErr(ii, int64(v), t, "test-integers-signed")
  3903  		ii = nil
  3904  		bh.SignedInteger = false
  3905  		testUnmarshalErr(&ii, b, h, t, "test-integers")
  3906  		testDeepEqualErr(ii, uint64(v), t, "test-integers-unsigned")
  3907  		ii = nil
  3908  		if jok {
  3909  			jh.PreferFloat = true
  3910  			testUnmarshalErr(&ii, b, h, t, "test-integers")
  3911  			testDeepEqualErr(ii, float64(v), t, "test-integers-float")
  3912  		}
  3913  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  3914  	}
  3915  }
  3917  var testUintsToParse = []uint64{
  3918  	// Note: use large integers, as some formats store small integers in an agnostic
  3919  	// way, where its not clear if signed or unsigned.
  3920  	2,
  3921  	2048,
  3922  	1<<63 - 4,
  3923  	1800000000e-2,
  3924  	18000000e+2,
  3925  	4.56e+4, // tests float32 exact parsing
  3926  	4.56e+16,
  3927  }
  3929  var testFloatsToParse = []float64{
  3930  	3,
  3931  	math.NaN(),
  3932  	math.Inf(1),
  3933  	math.Inf(-1),
  3934  	4.56e+4,  // tests float32 exact parsing
  3935  	4.56e+18, // float32 parsing - exp > 10
  3936  	4.56e+10,
  3937  	4.56e+30,
  3938  	1.01234567890123456789e+30,
  3939  	1.32e+5,
  3940  	1.32e-5,
  3941  	0e+01234567890123456789,
  3942  	1.7976931348623157e308,
  3943  	-1.7976931348623157e+308,
  3944  	1e308,
  3945  	1e-308,
  3946  	1.694649e-317,
  3947  	// 1e-4294967296,
  3948  	2.2250738585072012e-308,
  3949  	4.630813248087435e+307,
  3950  	1.00000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203125,
  3951  	1.00000000000000033306690738754696212708950042724609375,
  3952  }
  3954  func __doTestFloats(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  3955  	_, jok := h.(*JsonHandle)
  3957  	f64s := testFloatsToParse
  3958  	const unusedVal = 9999 // use this as a marker
  3960  	// marshall it, unmarshal it, compare to original
  3961  	// Note: JSON encodes NaN, inf, -inf as null, which is decoded as zero value (ie 0).
  3962  	for _, f64 := range f64s {
  3963  		{
  3964  			f := f64
  3965  			var w float64 = unusedVal
  3966  			b := testMarshalErr(f, h, t, "test-floats-enc")
  3967  			testUnmarshalErr(&w, b, h, t, "test-floats-dec")
  3968  			// we only check json for float64, as it doesn't differentiate
  3969  			if (jok && (math.IsNaN(f64) || math.IsInf(f64, 0)) && w != 0) ||
  3970  				(!jok && w != f && !math.IsNaN(float64(f))) {
  3971  				t.Logf("error testing float64: %v, decoded as: %v", f, w)
  3972  				t.FailNow()
  3973  			}
  3974  			var wi interface{}
  3975  			testUnmarshalErr(&wi, b, h, t, "test-floats-dec")
  3976  			if (jok && (math.IsNaN(f64) || math.IsInf(f64, 0)) && wi != nil) ||
  3977  				(!jok && wi.(float64) != f && !math.IsNaN(float64(f))) {
  3978  				t.Logf("error testing float64: %v, decoded as: %v", f, wi)
  3979  				t.FailNow()
  3980  			}
  3981  			testReleaseBytes(b)
  3982  		}
  3983  		{
  3984  			f := float32(f64)
  3985  			var w float32 = unusedVal
  3986  			b := testMarshalErr(f, h, t, "test-floats-enc")
  3987  			// xdebug2f("test float: of %v, encoded as: %s", f, b)
  3988  			testUnmarshalErr(&w, b, h, t, "test-floats-dec")
  3989  			if (jok && (math.IsNaN(f64) || math.IsInf(f64, 0)) && w != 0) ||
  3990  				(!jok && w != f && !math.IsNaN(float64(f))) {
  3991  				t.Logf("error testing float32: %v, decoded as: %v", f, w)
  3992  				t.FailNow()
  3993  			}
  3994  			testReleaseBytes(b)
  3995  		}
  3996  	}
  3997  }
  3999  func __doTestIntegerFloatConversions(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  4000  	if !testRecoverPanicToErr {
  4001  		t.Skip(testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg)
  4002  	}
  4003  	type tI struct{ N int }
  4004  	type tU struct{ N uint }
  4005  	type tF struct{ N float64 }
  4007  	type elem struct {
  4008  		in  interface{}
  4009  		out interface{}
  4010  		err string
  4011  	}
  4012  	tests := []elem{
  4013  		// good
  4014  		{tI{5}, tF{5.0}, ""},
  4015  		{tU{5}, tF{5.0}, ""},
  4016  		{tF{5.0}, tU{5}, ""},
  4017  		{tF{5.0}, tI{5}, ""},
  4018  		{tF{-5.0}, tI{-5}, ""},
  4019  		// test negative number into unsigned integer
  4020  		{tI{-5}, tU{5}, "error"},
  4021  		{tF{-5.0}, tU{5}, "error"},
  4022  		// test fractional float into integer
  4023  		{tF{-5.7}, tU{5}, "error"},
  4024  		{tF{-5.7}, tI{5}, "error"},
  4025  	}
  4026  	for _, v := range tests {
  4027  		r := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(v.out))
  4028  		b := testMarshalErr(v.in, h, t, "")
  4029  		err := testUnmarshal(r.Interface(), b, h)
  4030  		if v.err == "" {
  4031  			testDeepEqualErr(err, nil, t, "")
  4032  			testDeepEqualErr(r.Elem().Interface(), v.out, t, "")
  4033  		} else if err == nil {
  4034  			t.Logf("expecting an error but didn't receive any, with in: %v, out: %v, expecting err matching: %v", v.in, v.out, v.err)
  4035  			t.FailNow()
  4036  		}
  4037  	}
  4038  }
  4040  func doTestStructFieldInfoToArray(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  4041  	if !testRecoverPanicToErr {
  4042  		t.Skip(testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg)
  4043  	}
  4044  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  4045  	bh := testBasicHandle(h)
  4047  	defer func(b bool) { bh.CheckCircularRef = b }(bh.CheckCircularRef)
  4048  	bh.CheckCircularRef = true
  4050  	var vs = Sstructsmall{A: 99}
  4051  	var vb = Sstructbig{
  4052  		A:         77,
  4053  		B:         true,
  4054  		c:         "ccc 3 ccc",
  4055  		Ssmallptr: &vs,
  4056  		Ssmall:    vs,
  4057  	}
  4058  	vb.Sptr = &vb
  4060  	vba := SstructbigToArray{
  4061  		A:         vb.A,
  4062  		B:         vb.B,
  4063  		c:         vb.c,
  4064  		Ssmallptr: vb.Ssmallptr,
  4065  		Ssmall:    vb.Ssmall,
  4066  		Sptr:      vb.Sptr,
  4067  	}
  4069  	var b []byte
  4070  	var err error
  4071  	if !codecgen {
  4072  		// codecgen doesn't support CheckCircularRef, and these types are codecgen'ed
  4073  		b, err = testMarshal(&vba, h)
  4074  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  4075  		if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "circular reference found") {
  4076  			t.Logf("expect circular reference error, got: %v", err)
  4077  			t.FailNow()
  4078  		}
  4079  	}
  4081  	vb2 := vb
  4082  	vb.Sptr = nil // so we stop having the circular reference error
  4083  	vba.Sptr = &vb2
  4085  	var ss []interface{}
  4087  	// bh.CheckCircularRef = false
  4088  	b = testMarshalErr(&vba, h, t, "-")
  4089  	testUnmarshalErr(&ss, b, h, t, "-")
  4090  	testDeepEqualErr(ss[1], true, t, "-")
  4091  	testReleaseBytes(b)
  4092  }
  4094  func doTestDesc(t *testing.T, h Handle, m map[byte]string) {
  4095  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  4096  	for k, v := range m {
  4097  		if s := h.desc(k); s != v {
  4098  			t.Logf("error describing descriptor: '%q' i.e. 0x%x, expected '%s', got '%s'", k, k, v, s)
  4099  			t.FailNow()
  4100  		}
  4101  	}
  4102  }
  4104  func TestAtomic(t *testing.T) {
  4105  	defer testSetup(t, nil)()
  4106  	// load, store, load, confirm
  4107  	if true {
  4108  		var a atomicTypeInfoSlice
  4109  		l := a.load()
  4110  		if l != nil {
  4111  			t.Logf("atomic fail: %T, expected load return nil, received: %v", a, l)
  4112  			t.FailNow()
  4113  		}
  4114  		l = append(l, rtid2ti{})
  4115  		a.store(l)
  4116  		l = a.load()
  4117  		if len(l) != 1 {
  4118  			t.Logf("atomic fail: %T, expected load to have length 1, received: %d", a, len(l))
  4119  			t.FailNow()
  4120  		}
  4121  	}
  4122  	if true {
  4123  		var a atomicRtidFnSlice
  4124  		l := a.load()
  4125  		if l != nil {
  4126  			t.Logf("atomic fail: %T, expected load return nil, received: %v", a, l)
  4127  			t.FailNow()
  4128  		}
  4129  		l = append(l, codecRtidFn{})
  4130  		a.store(l)
  4131  		l = a.load()
  4132  		if len(l) != 1 {
  4133  			t.Logf("atomic fail: %T, expected load to have length 1, received: %d", a, len(l))
  4134  			t.FailNow()
  4135  		}
  4136  	}
  4137  	if true {
  4138  		var a atomicClsErr
  4139  		l := a.load()
  4140  		if l.err != nil {
  4141  			t.Logf("atomic fail: %T, expected load return clsErr = nil, received: %v", a, l.err)
  4142  			t.FailNow()
  4143  		}
  4144  		l.err = io.EOF
  4145  		a.store(l)
  4146  		l = a.load()
  4147  		if l.err != io.EOF {
  4148  			t.Logf("atomic fail: %T, expected clsErr = io.EOF, received: %v", a, l.err)
  4149  			t.FailNow()
  4150  		}
  4151  	}
  4152  }
  4154  // -----------
  4156  func doTestJsonLargeInteger(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  4157  	if !testRecoverPanicToErr {
  4158  		t.Skip(testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg)
  4159  	}
  4160  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  4161  	jh := h.(*JsonHandle)
  4162  	for _, i := range []uint8{'L', 'A', 0} {
  4163  		for _, j := range []interface{}{
  4164  			int64(1 << 60),
  4165  			-int64(1 << 60),
  4166  			0,
  4167  			1 << 20,
  4168  			-(1 << 20),
  4169  			uint64(1 << 60),
  4170  			uint(0),
  4171  			uint(1 << 20),
  4172  			int64(1840000e-2),
  4173  			uint64(1840000e+2),
  4174  		} {
  4175  			__doTestJsonLargeInteger(t, j, i, jh)
  4176  		}
  4177  	}
  4179  	oldIAS := jh.IntegerAsString
  4180  	defer func() { jh.IntegerAsString = oldIAS }()
  4181  	jh.IntegerAsString = 0
  4183  	type tt struct {
  4184  		s           string
  4185  		canI, canUi bool
  4186  		i           int64
  4187  		ui          uint64
  4188  	}
  4190  	var i int64
  4191  	var ui uint64
  4192  	var err error
  4193  	var d *Decoder = NewDecoderBytes(nil, jh)
  4194  	for _, v := range []tt{
  4195  		{"0", true, true, 0, 0},
  4196  		{"0000", true, true, 0, 0},
  4197  		{"0.00e+2", true, true, 0, 0},
  4198  		{"000e-2", true, true, 0, 0},
  4199  		{"0.00e-2", true, true, 0, 0},
  4201  		{"9223372036854775807", true, true, math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64},                             // maxint64
  4202  		{"92233720368547758.07e+2", true, true, math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64},                         // maxint64
  4203  		{"922337203685477580700e-2", true, true, math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64},                        // maxint64
  4204  		{"9223372.036854775807E+12", true, true, math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64},                        // maxint64
  4205  		{"9223372036854775807000000000000E-12", true, true, math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64},             // maxint64
  4206  		{"0.9223372036854775807E+19", true, true, math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64},                       // maxint64
  4207  		{"92233720368547758070000000000000000000E-19", true, true, math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64},      // maxint64
  4208  		{"0.000009223372036854775807E+24", true, true, math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64},                  // maxint64
  4209  		{"9223372036854775807000000000000000000000000E-24", true, true, math.MaxInt64, math.MaxInt64}, // maxint64
  4211  		{"-9223372036854775808", true, false, math.MinInt64, 0},                             // minint64
  4212  		{"-92233720368547758.08e+2", true, false, math.MinInt64, 0},                         // minint64
  4213  		{"-922337203685477580800E-2", true, false, math.MinInt64, 0},                        // minint64
  4214  		{"-9223372.036854775808e+12", true, false, math.MinInt64, 0},                        // minint64
  4215  		{"-9223372036854775808000000000000E-12", true, false, math.MinInt64, 0},             // minint64
  4216  		{"-0.9223372036854775808e+19", true, false, math.MinInt64, 0},                       // minint64
  4217  		{"-92233720368547758080000000000000000000E-19", true, false, math.MinInt64, 0},      // minint64
  4218  		{"-0.000009223372036854775808e+24", true, false, math.MinInt64, 0},                  // minint64
  4219  		{"-9223372036854775808000000000000000000000000E-24", true, false, math.MinInt64, 0}, // minint64
  4221  		{"18446744073709551615", false, true, 0, math.MaxUint64},                             // maxuint64
  4222  		{"18446744.073709551615E+12", false, true, 0, math.MaxUint64},                        // maxuint64
  4223  		{"18446744073709551615000000000000E-12", false, true, 0, math.MaxUint64},             // maxuint64
  4224  		{"0.000018446744073709551615E+24", false, true, 0, math.MaxUint64},                   // maxuint64
  4225  		{"18446744073709551615000000000000000000000000E-24", false, true, 0, math.MaxUint64}, // maxuint64
  4227  		// Add test for limit of uint64 where last digit is 0
  4228  		{"18446744073709551610", false, true, 0, math.MaxUint64 - 5},                             // maxuint64
  4229  		{"18446744.073709551610E+12", false, true, 0, math.MaxUint64 - 5},                        // maxuint64
  4230  		{"18446744073709551610000000000000E-12", false, true, 0, math.MaxUint64 - 5},             // maxuint64
  4231  		{"0.000018446744073709551610E+24", false, true, 0, math.MaxUint64 - 5},                   // maxuint64
  4232  		{"18446744073709551610000000000000000000000000E-24", false, true, 0, math.MaxUint64 - 5}, // maxuint64
  4233  		// {"", true, true},
  4234  	} {
  4235  		if v.s == "" {
  4236  			continue
  4237  		}
  4238  		d.ResetBytes([]byte(v.s))
  4239  		err = d.Decode(&ui)
  4240  		if (v.canUi && err != nil) || (!v.canUi && err == nil) || (v.canUi && err == nil && v.ui != ui) {
  4241  			t.Logf("Failing to decode %s (as unsigned): %v", v.s, err)
  4242  			t.FailNow()
  4243  		}
  4245  		d.ResetBytes([]byte(v.s))
  4246  		err = d.Decode(&i)
  4247  		if (v.canI && err != nil) || (!v.canI && err == nil) || (v.canI && err == nil && v.i != i) {
  4248  			t.Logf("Failing to decode %s (as signed): %v", v.s, err)
  4249  			t.FailNow()
  4250  		}
  4251  	}
  4252  }
  4254  func doTestJsonInvalidUnicode(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  4255  	if !testRecoverPanicToErr {
  4256  		t.Skip(testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg)
  4257  	}
  4258  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  4259  	// t.Skipf("new json implementation does not handle bad unicode robustly")
  4260  	jh := h.(*JsonHandle)
  4262  	var err error
  4264  	// ---- test unmarshal ---
  4265  	var m = map[string]string{
  4266  		`"\udc49\u0430abc"`: "\uFFFDabc",
  4267  		`"\udc49\u0430"`:    "\uFFFD",
  4268  		`"\udc49abc"`:       "\uFFFDabc",
  4269  		`"\udc49"`:          "\uFFFD",
  4270  		`"\udZ49\u0430abc"`: "\uFFFD\u0430abc",
  4271  		`"\udcG9\u0430"`:    "\uFFFD\u0430",
  4272  		`"\uHc49abc"`:       "\uFFFDabc",
  4273  		`"\uKc49"`:          "\uFFFD",
  4274  	}
  4276  	for k, v := range m {
  4277  		// call testUnmarshal directly, so we can check for EOF
  4278  		// testUnmarshalErr(&s, []byte(k), jh, t, "-")
  4279  		// t.Logf("%s >> %s", k, v)
  4280  		var s string
  4281  		err = testUnmarshal(&s, []byte(k), jh)
  4282  		if err != nil {
  4283  			if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
  4284  				continue
  4285  			}
  4286  			t.Logf("%s: unmarshal failed: %v", "-", err)
  4287  			t.FailNow()
  4288  		}
  4290  		if s != v {
  4291  			t.Logf("unmarshal: not equal: %q, %q", v, s)
  4292  			t.FailNow()
  4293  		}
  4294  	}
  4296  	// test some valid edge cases
  4297  	m = map[string]string{
  4298  		`"az\uD834\udD1E"`: "az𝄞",
  4299  		`"n\ud834\uDD1en"`: "n\U0001D11En", // "\uf09d849e", // "\UD834DD1E" // U+1DD1E g clef
  4301  		`"a\\\"\/\"\b\f\n\r\"\tz"`: "a\\\"/\"\b\f\n\r\"\tz",
  4302  	}
  4303  	for k, v := range m {
  4304  		var s string
  4305  		err = testUnmarshal(&s, []byte(k), jh)
  4306  		if err != nil {
  4307  			t.Logf("%s: unmarshal failed: %v", "-", err)
  4308  			t.FailNow()
  4309  		}
  4311  		if s != v {
  4312  			t.Logf("unmarshal: not equal: %q, %q", v, s)
  4313  			t.FailNow()
  4314  		}
  4315  	}
  4317  	// ---- test marshal ---
  4318  	var b = []byte{'"', 0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd} // this is " and unicode.ReplacementChar (as bytes)
  4319  	var m2 = map[string][]byte{
  4320  		string([]byte{0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd}):           append(b, '"'),
  4321  		string([]byte{0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd, 0x0, 0x0}): append(b, `\u0000\u0000"`...),
  4323  		"a\\\"/\"\b\f\n\r\"\tz": []byte(`"a\\\"/\"\b\f\n\r\"\tz"`),
  4325  		// our encoder doesn't support encoding using only ascii ... so need to use the utf-8 version
  4326  		// "n\U0001D11En": []byte(`"n\uD834\uDD1En"`),
  4327  		// "az𝄞": []byte(`"az\uD834\uDD1E"`),
  4328  		"n\U0001D11En": []byte(`"n𝄞n"`),
  4329  		"az𝄞":          []byte(`"az𝄞"`),
  4331  		string([]byte{129, 129}): []byte(`"\uFFFD\uFFFD"`),
  4332  	}
  4334  	for k, v := range m2 {
  4335  		b, err = testMarshal(k, jh)
  4336  		if err != nil {
  4337  			t.Logf("%s: marshal failed: %v", "-", err)
  4338  			t.FailNow()
  4339  		}
  4341  		if !bytes.Equal(b, v) {
  4342  			t.Logf("marshal: not equal: %q, %q", v, b)
  4343  			t.FailNow()
  4344  		}
  4345  		testReleaseBytes(b)
  4346  	}
  4347  }
  4349  func doTestJsonNumberParsing(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  4350  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  4351  	parseInt64_reader := func(r readFloatResult) (v int64, fail bool) {
  4352  		u, fail := parseUint64_reader(r)
  4353  		if fail {
  4354  			return
  4355  		}
  4356  		if r.neg {
  4357  			v = -int64(u)
  4358  		} else {
  4359  			v = int64(u)
  4360  		}
  4361  		return
  4362  	}
  4363  	for _, f64 := range testFloatsToParse {
  4364  		// using large prec might make a non-exact float ..., while small prec might make lose some precision.
  4365  		// However, we can do a check, and only check if the (u)int64 and float64 can be converted to one another
  4366  		// without losing any precision. Then we can use any precision for the tests.
  4367  		var precs = [...]int{32, -1}
  4368  		var r readFloatResult
  4369  		var fail bool
  4370  		var fs uint64
  4371  		var fsi int64
  4372  		var fint, ffrac float64
  4373  		_ = ffrac
  4374  		var bv []byte
  4375  		for _, prec := range precs {
  4376  			f := f64
  4377  			if math.IsNaN(f64) || math.IsInf(f64, 0) {
  4378  				goto F32
  4379  			}
  4380  			bv = strconv.AppendFloat(nil, f, 'E', prec, 64)
  4381  			if fs, err := parseFloat64_custom(bv); err != nil || fs != f {
  4382  				t.Logf("float64 -> float64 error (prec: %v) parsing '%s', got %v, expected %v: %v", prec, bv, fs, f, err)
  4383  				t.FailNow()
  4384  			}
  4385  			// try decoding it a uint64 or int64
  4386  			fint, ffrac = math.Modf(f)
  4387  			// xdebug2f(">> fint: %v (ffrac: %v) as uint64: %v as float64: %v", fint, ffrac, uint64(fint), float64(uint64(fint)))
  4388  			bv = strconv.AppendFloat(bv[:0], fint, 'E', prec, 64)
  4389  			if f < 0 || fint != float64(uint64(fint)) {
  4390  				goto F64i
  4391  			}
  4392  			r = readFloat(bv, fi64u)
  4393  			fail = !r.ok
  4394  			if r.ok {
  4395  				fs, fail = parseUint64_reader(r)
  4396  			}
  4397  			if fail || fs != uint64(fint) {
  4398  				t.Logf("float64 -> uint64 error (prec: %v, fail: %v) parsing '%s', got %v, expected %v", prec, fail, bv, fs, uint64(fint))
  4399  				t.FailNow()
  4400  			}
  4401  		F64i:
  4402  			if fint != float64(int64(fint)) {
  4403  				goto F32
  4404  			}
  4405  			r = readFloat(bv, fi64u)
  4406  			fail = !r.ok
  4407  			if r.ok {
  4408  				fsi, fail = parseInt64_reader(r)
  4409  			}
  4410  			if fail || fsi != int64(fint) {
  4411  				t.Logf("float64 -> int64 error (prec: %v, fail: %v) parsing '%s', got %v, expected %v", prec, fail, bv, fsi, int64(fint))
  4412  				t.FailNow()
  4413  			}
  4414  		F32:
  4415  			f32 := float32(f64)
  4416  			f64n := float64(f32)
  4417  			if !(math.IsNaN(f64n) || math.IsInf(f64n, 0)) {
  4418  				bv := strconv.AppendFloat(nil, f64n, 'E', prec, 32)
  4419  				if fs, err := parseFloat32_custom(bv); err != nil || fs != f32 {
  4420  					t.Logf("float32 -> float32 error (prec: %v) parsing '%s', got %v, expected %v: %v", prec, bv, fs, f32, err)
  4421  					t.FailNow()
  4422  				}
  4423  			}
  4424  		}
  4425  	}
  4427  	for _, v := range testUintsToParse {
  4428  		const prec int = 32    // test with precisions of 32 so formatting doesn't truncate what doesn't fit into float
  4429  		v = uint64(float64(v)) // use a value that when converted back and forth, remains the same
  4430  		bv := strconv.AppendFloat(nil, float64(v), 'E', prec, 64)
  4431  		r := readFloat(bv, fi64u)
  4432  		if r.ok {
  4433  			if fs, fail := parseUint64_reader(r); fail || fs != v {
  4434  				t.Logf("uint64 -> uint64 error (prec: %v, fail: %v) parsing '%s', got %v, expected %v", prec, fail, bv, fs, v)
  4435  				t.FailNow()
  4436  			}
  4437  		} else {
  4438  			t.Logf("uint64 -> uint64 not ok (prec: %v) parsing '%s', expected %v", prec, bv, v)
  4439  			t.FailNow()
  4440  		}
  4441  		vi := int64(v)
  4442  		bv = strconv.AppendFloat(nil, float64(vi), 'E', prec, 64)
  4443  		r = readFloat(bv, fi64u)
  4444  		if r.ok {
  4445  			if fs, fail := parseInt64_reader(r); fail || fs != vi {
  4446  				t.Logf("int64 -> int64 error (prec: %v, fail: %v) parsing '%s', got %v, expected %v", prec, fail, bv, fs, vi)
  4447  				t.FailNow()
  4448  			}
  4449  		} else {
  4450  			t.Logf("int64 -> int64 not ok (prec: %v) parsing '%s', expected %v", prec, bv, vi)
  4451  			t.FailNow()
  4452  		}
  4453  	}
  4454  	{
  4455  		var f64 float64 = 64.0
  4456  		var f32 float32 = 32.0
  4457  		var i int = 11
  4458  		var u64 uint64 = 128
  4460  		for _, s := range []string{`""`, `null`} {
  4461  			b := []byte(s)
  4462  			testUnmarshalErr(&f64, b, h, t, "")
  4463  			testDeepEqualErr(f64, float64(0), t, "")
  4464  			testUnmarshalErr(&f32, b, h, t, "")
  4465  			testDeepEqualErr(f32, float32(0), t, "")
  4466  			testUnmarshalErr(&i, b, h, t, "")
  4467  			testDeepEqualErr(i, int(0), t, "")
  4468  			testUnmarshalErr(&u64, b, h, t, "")
  4469  			testDeepEqualErr(u64, uint64(0), t, "")
  4470  			testUnmarshalErr(&u64, b, h, t, "")
  4471  			testDeepEqualErr(u64, uint64(0), t, "")
  4472  		}
  4473  	}
  4474  }
  4476  func doTestMsgpackDecodeMapAndExtSizeMismatch(t *testing.T, h Handle) {
  4477  	if !testRecoverPanicToErr {
  4478  		t.Skip(testSkipIfNotRecoverPanicToErrMsg)
  4479  	}
  4480  	defer testSetup(t, &h)()
  4481  	fn := func(t *testing.T, b []byte, v interface{}) {
  4482  		if err := NewDecoderBytes(b, h).Decode(v); err != io.EOF && err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
  4483  			t.Fatalf("expected EOF or ErrUnexpectedEOF, got %v", err)
  4484  		}
  4485  	}
  4487  	// a map claiming to have 0x10eeeeee KV pairs, but only has 1.
  4488  	var b = []byte{0xdf, 0x10, 0xee, 0xee, 0xee, 0x1, 0xa1, 0x1}
  4489  	var m1 map[int]string
  4490  	var m2 map[int][]byte
  4491  	fn(t, b, &m1)
  4492  	fn(t, b, &m2)
  4494  	// an extension claiming to have 0x7fffffff bytes, but only has 1.
  4495  	b = []byte{0xc9, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xda, 0x1}
  4496  	var a interface{}
  4497  	fn(t, b, &a)
  4499  	// b = []byte{0x00}
  4500  	// var s testSelferRecur
  4501  	// fn(t, b, &s)
  4502  }
  4504  func TestMapRangeIndex(t *testing.T) {
  4505  	defer testSetup(t, nil)()
  4506  	// t.Skip()
  4507  	type T struct {
  4508  		I int
  4509  		S string
  4510  		B bool
  4511  		M map[int]T
  4512  	}
  4514  	t1 := T{I: 1, B: true, S: "11", M: map[int]T{11: T{I: 11}}}
  4515  	t2 := T{I: 1, B: true, S: "12", M: map[int]T{12: T{I: 12}}}
  4517  	// ------
  4519  	var m1 = map[string]*T{
  4520  		"11": &t1,
  4521  		"12": &t2,
  4522  	}
  4523  	var m1c = make(map[string]T)
  4524  	for k, v := range m1 {
  4525  		m1c[k] = *v
  4526  	}
  4528  	fnrv := func(r1, r2 reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
  4529  		if r1.IsValid() {
  4530  			return r1
  4531  		}
  4532  		return r2
  4533  	}
  4535  	// var vx reflect.Value
  4537  	mt := reflect.TypeOf(m1)
  4538  	rvk := mapAddrLoopvarRV(mt.Key(), mt.Key().Kind())
  4539  	rvv := mapAddrLoopvarRV(mt.Elem(), mt.Elem().Kind())
  4540  	var it mapIter
  4541  	mapRange(&it, reflect.ValueOf(m1), rvk, rvv, true)
  4542  	for it.Next() {
  4543  		k := fnrv(it.Key(), rvk).Interface().(string)
  4544  		v := fnrv(it.Value(), rvv).Interface().(*T)
  4545  		testDeepEqualErr(m1[k], v, t, "map-key-eq-it-key")
  4546  		if _, ok := m1c[k]; ok {
  4547  			delete(m1c, k)
  4548  		} else {
  4549  			t.Logf("unexpected key in map: %v", k)
  4550  			t.FailNow()
  4551  		}
  4552  	}
  4553  	it.Done()
  4554  	testDeepEqualErr(len(m1c), 0, t, "all-keys-not-consumed")
  4556  	// ------
  4558  	var m2 = map[*T]T{
  4559  		&t1: t1,
  4560  		&t2: t2,
  4561  	}
  4562  	var m2c = make(map[*T]*T)
  4563  	for k := range m2 {
  4564  		m2c[k] = k
  4565  	}
  4567  	mt = reflect.TypeOf(m2)
  4568  	rvk = mapAddrLoopvarRV(mt.Key(), mt.Key().Kind())
  4569  	rvv = mapAddrLoopvarRV(mt.Elem(), mt.Elem().Kind())
  4570  	it = mapIter{} // zero it out first, before calling mapRange
  4571  	mapRange(&it, reflect.ValueOf(m2), rvk, rvv, true)
  4572  	for it.Next() {
  4573  		k := fnrv(it.Key(), rvk).Interface().(*T)
  4574  		v := fnrv(it.Value(), rvv).Interface().(T)
  4575  		testDeepEqualErr(m2[k], v, t, "map-key-eq-it-key")
  4576  		if _, ok := m2c[k]; ok {
  4577  			delete(m2c, k)
  4578  		} else {
  4579  			t.Logf("unexpected key in map: %v", k)
  4580  			t.FailNow()
  4581  		}
  4582  	}
  4583  	it.Done()
  4584  	testDeepEqualErr(len(m2c), 0, t, "all-keys-not-consumed")
  4586  	// ---- test mapGet
  4588  	fnTestMapIndex := func(mi ...interface{}) {
  4589  		for _, m0 := range mi {
  4590  			m := reflect.ValueOf(m0)
  4591  			mkt := m.Type().Key()
  4592  			mvt := m.Type().Elem()
  4593  			kfast := mapKeyFastKindFor(mkt.Kind())
  4594  			rvv := mapAddrLoopvarRV(mvt, mvt.Kind())
  4595  			visindirect := mapStoresElemIndirect(mvt.Size())
  4596  			visref := refBitset.isset(byte(mvt.Kind()))
  4598  			for _, k := range m.MapKeys() {
  4599  				mg := mapGet(m, k, rvv, kfast, visindirect, visref).Interface()
  4600  				testDeepEqualErr(m.MapIndex(k).Interface(), mg, t, "map-index-eq")
  4601  			}
  4602  		}
  4603  	}
  4605  	fnTestMapIndex(m1, m1c, m2, m2c)
  4607  	// var s string = "hello"
  4608  	// var tt = &T{I: 3}
  4609  	// ttTyp := reflect.TypeOf(tt)
  4610  	// _, _ = tt, ttTyp
  4611  	// mv := reflect.ValueOf(m)
  4612  	// it := mapRange(mv, reflect.ValueOf(&s).Elem(), reflect.ValueOf(&tt).Elem(), true) //ok
  4613  	// it := mapRange(mv, reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(s)).Elem(), reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(T{})).Elem(), true) // ok
  4614  	// it := mapRange(mv, reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(s)).Elem(), reflect.New(ttTyp.Elem()), true) // !ok
  4615  	// it := mapRange(mv, reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(s)).Elem(), reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(T{})), true) !ok
  4616  	// it := mapRange(mv, reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(s)).Elem(), reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(T{})).Elem(), true) // ok
  4618  	// fmt.Printf("key: %#v\n", it.Key())
  4619  	// fmt.Printf("exp: %#v\n", mv.MapIndex(it.Key()))
  4620  	// fmt.Printf("val: %#v\n", it.Value())
  4621  	// testDeepEqualErr(mv.MapIndex(it.Key()), it.Value().Interface()
  4622  }
  4624  // ----------
  4626  func TestBincCodecsTable(t *testing.T) {
  4627  	doTestCodecTableOne(t, testBincH)
  4628  }
  4630  func TestBincCodecsMisc(t *testing.T) {
  4631  	doTestCodecMiscOne(t, testBincH)
  4632  }
  4634  func TestBincCodecsEmbeddedPointer(t *testing.T) {
  4635  	doTestCodecEmbeddedPointer(t, testBincH)
  4636  }
  4638  func TestBincStdEncIntf(t *testing.T) {
  4639  	doTestStdEncIntf(t, testBincH)
  4640  }
  4642  func TestSimpleCodecsTable(t *testing.T) {
  4643  	doTestCodecTableOne(t, testSimpleH)
  4644  }
  4646  func TestSimpleCodecsMisc(t *testing.T) {
  4647  	doTestCodecMiscOne(t, testSimpleH)
  4648  }
  4650  func TestSimpleCodecsEmbeddedPointer(t *testing.T) {
  4651  	doTestCodecEmbeddedPointer(t, testSimpleH)
  4652  }
  4654  func TestSimpleStdEncIntf(t *testing.T) {
  4655  	doTestStdEncIntf(t, testSimpleH)
  4656  }
  4658  func TestMsgpackCodecsTable(t *testing.T) {
  4659  	doTestCodecTableOne(t, testMsgpackH)
  4660  }
  4662  func TestMsgpackCodecsMisc(t *testing.T) {
  4663  	doTestCodecMiscOne(t, testMsgpackH)
  4664  }
  4666  func TestMsgpackCodecsEmbeddedPointer(t *testing.T) {
  4667  	doTestCodecEmbeddedPointer(t, testMsgpackH)
  4668  }
  4670  func TestMsgpackStdEncIntf(t *testing.T) {
  4671  	doTestStdEncIntf(t, testMsgpackH)
  4672  }
  4674  func TestCborCodecsTable(t *testing.T) {
  4675  	doTestCodecTableOne(t, testCborH)
  4676  }
  4678  func TestCborCodecsMisc(t *testing.T) {
  4679  	doTestCodecMiscOne(t, testCborH)
  4680  }
  4682  func TestCborCodecsEmbeddedPointer(t *testing.T) {
  4683  	doTestCodecEmbeddedPointer(t, testCborH)
  4684  }
  4686  func TestCborCodecChan(t *testing.T) {
  4687  	doTestCodecChan(t, testCborH)
  4688  }
  4690  func TestCborStdEncIntf(t *testing.T) {
  4691  	doTestStdEncIntf(t, testCborH)
  4692  }
  4694  func TestJsonCodecsTable(t *testing.T) {
  4695  	doTestCodecTableOne(t, testJsonH)
  4696  }
  4698  func TestJsonCodecsMisc(t *testing.T) {
  4699  	doTestCodecMiscOne(t, testJsonH)
  4700  }
  4702  func TestJsonCodecsEmbeddedPointer(t *testing.T) {
  4703  	doTestCodecEmbeddedPointer(t, testJsonH)
  4704  }
  4706  func TestJsonCodecChan(t *testing.T) {
  4707  	doTestCodecChan(t, testJsonH)
  4708  }
  4710  func TestJsonStdEncIntf(t *testing.T) {
  4711  	doTestStdEncIntf(t, testJsonH)
  4712  }
  4714  // ----- Raw ---------
  4715  func TestJsonRaw(t *testing.T) {
  4716  	doTestRawValue(t, testJsonH)
  4717  }
  4718  func TestBincRaw(t *testing.T) {
  4719  	doTestRawValue(t, testBincH)
  4720  }
  4721  func TestMsgpackRaw(t *testing.T) {
  4722  	doTestRawValue(t, testMsgpackH)
  4723  }
  4724  func TestSimpleRaw(t *testing.T) {
  4725  	doTestRawValue(t, testSimpleH)
  4726  }
  4727  func TestCborRaw(t *testing.T) {
  4728  	doTestRawValue(t, testCborH)
  4729  }
  4731  // ----- ALL (framework based) -----
  4733  func TestAllEncCircularRef(t *testing.T) {
  4734  	doTestEncCircularRef(t, testCborH)
  4735  }
  4737  func TestAllAnonCycle(t *testing.T) {
  4738  	doTestAnonCycle(t, testCborH)
  4739  }
  4741  func TestAllErrWriter(t *testing.T) {
  4742  	doTestAllErrWriter(t, testCborH, testJsonH)
  4743  }
  4745  // ----- RPC custom -----
  4747  func TestMsgpackRpcSpec(t *testing.T) {
  4748  	doTestCodecRpcOne(t, MsgpackSpecRpc, testMsgpackH, true, 0)
  4749  }
  4751  // ----- RPC -----
  4753  func TestBincRpcGo(t *testing.T) {
  4754  	doTestCodecRpcOne(t, GoRpc, testBincH, true, 0)
  4755  }
  4757  func TestSimpleRpcGo(t *testing.T) {
  4758  	doTestCodecRpcOne(t, GoRpc, testSimpleH, true, 0)
  4759  }
  4761  func TestMsgpackRpcGo(t *testing.T) {
  4762  	doTestCodecRpcOne(t, GoRpc, testMsgpackH, true, 0)
  4763  }
  4765  func TestCborRpcGo(t *testing.T) {
  4766  	doTestCodecRpcOne(t, GoRpc, testCborH, true, 0)
  4767  }
  4769  func TestJsonRpcGo(t *testing.T) {
  4770  	doTestCodecRpcOne(t, GoRpc, testJsonH, true, 0)
  4771  }
  4773  // ----- OTHERS -----
  4775  func TestBincMapEncodeForCanonical(t *testing.T) {
  4776  	t.Skipf("skipping ... needs investigation") // MARKER: testing fails??? Need to research
  4777  	doTestMapEncodeForCanonical(t, testBincH)
  4778  }
  4780  func TestSimpleMapEncodeForCanonical(t *testing.T) {
  4781  	doTestMapEncodeForCanonical(t, testSimpleH)
  4782  }
  4784  func TestMsgpackMapEncodeForCanonical(t *testing.T) {
  4785  	doTestMapEncodeForCanonical(t, testMsgpackH)
  4786  }
  4788  func TestCborMapEncodeForCanonical(t *testing.T) {
  4789  	doTestMapEncodeForCanonical(t, testCborH)
  4790  }
  4792  func TestJsonMapEncodeForCanonical(t *testing.T) {
  4793  	doTestMapEncodeForCanonical(t, testJsonH)
  4794  }
  4796  func TestBincUnderlyingType(t *testing.T) {
  4797  	testCodecUnderlyingType(t, testBincH)
  4798  }
  4800  func TestJsonSwallowAndZero(t *testing.T) {
  4801  	doTestSwallowAndZero(t, testJsonH)
  4802  }
  4804  func TestCborSwallowAndZero(t *testing.T) {
  4805  	doTestSwallowAndZero(t, testCborH)
  4806  }
  4808  func TestMsgpackSwallowAndZero(t *testing.T) {
  4809  	doTestSwallowAndZero(t, testMsgpackH)
  4810  }
  4812  func TestBincSwallowAndZero(t *testing.T) {
  4813  	doTestSwallowAndZero(t, testBincH)
  4814  }
  4816  func TestSimpleSwallowAndZero(t *testing.T) {
  4817  	doTestSwallowAndZero(t, testSimpleH)
  4818  }
  4820  func TestJsonRawExt(t *testing.T) {
  4821  	doTestRawExt(t, testJsonH)
  4822  }
  4824  func TestCborRawExt(t *testing.T) {
  4825  	doTestRawExt(t, testCborH)
  4826  }
  4828  func TestMsgpackRawExt(t *testing.T) {
  4829  	doTestRawExt(t, testMsgpackH)
  4830  }
  4832  func TestBincRawExt(t *testing.T) {
  4833  	doTestRawExt(t, testBincH)
  4834  }
  4836  func TestSimpleRawExt(t *testing.T) {
  4837  	doTestRawExt(t, testSimpleH)
  4838  }
  4840  func TestJsonMapStructKey(t *testing.T) {
  4841  	doTestMapStructKey(t, testJsonH)
  4842  }
  4844  func TestCborMapStructKey(t *testing.T) {
  4845  	doTestMapStructKey(t, testCborH)
  4846  }
  4848  func TestMsgpackMapStructKey(t *testing.T) {
  4849  	doTestMapStructKey(t, testMsgpackH)
  4850  }
  4852  func TestBincMapStructKey(t *testing.T) {
  4853  	doTestMapStructKey(t, testBincH)
  4854  }
  4856  func TestSimpleMapStructKey(t *testing.T) {
  4857  	doTestMapStructKey(t, testSimpleH)
  4858  }
  4860  func TestJsonDecodeNilMapValue(t *testing.T) {
  4861  	doTestDecodeNilMapValue(t, testJsonH)
  4862  }
  4864  func TestCborDecodeNilMapValue(t *testing.T) {
  4865  	doTestDecodeNilMapValue(t, testCborH)
  4866  }
  4868  func TestMsgpackDecodeNilMapValue(t *testing.T) {
  4869  	doTestDecodeNilMapValue(t, testMsgpackH)
  4870  }
  4872  func TestBincDecodeNilMapValue(t *testing.T) {
  4873  	doTestDecodeNilMapValue(t, testBincH)
  4874  }
  4876  func TestSimpleDecodeNilMapValue(t *testing.T) {
  4877  	doTestDecodeNilMapValue(t, testSimpleH)
  4878  }
  4880  func TestJsonEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t *testing.T) {
  4881  	doTestEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t, testJsonH)
  4882  }
  4884  func TestCborEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t *testing.T) {
  4885  	doTestEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t, testCborH)
  4886  }
  4888  func TestMsgpackEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t *testing.T) {
  4889  	doTestEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t, testMsgpackH)
  4890  }
  4892  func TestBincEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t *testing.T) {
  4893  	doTestEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t, testBincH)
  4894  }
  4896  func TestSimpleEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t *testing.T) {
  4897  	doTestEmbeddedFieldPrecedence(t, testSimpleH)
  4898  }
  4900  func TestJsonLargeContainerLen(t *testing.T) {
  4901  	doTestLargeContainerLen(t, testJsonH)
  4902  }
  4904  func TestCborLargeContainerLen(t *testing.T) {
  4905  	doTestLargeContainerLen(t, testCborH)
  4906  }
  4908  func TestMsgpackLargeContainerLen(t *testing.T) {
  4909  	doTestLargeContainerLen(t, testMsgpackH)
  4910  }
  4912  func TestBincLargeContainerLen(t *testing.T) {
  4913  	doTestLargeContainerLen(t, testBincH)
  4914  }
  4916  func TestSimpleLargeContainerLen(t *testing.T) {
  4917  	doTestLargeContainerLen(t, testSimpleH)
  4918  }
  4920  func TestJsonTime(t *testing.T) {
  4921  	doTestTime(t, testJsonH)
  4922  }
  4924  func TestCborTime(t *testing.T) {
  4925  	doTestTime(t, testCborH)
  4926  }
  4928  func TestMsgpackTime(t *testing.T) {
  4929  	doTestTime(t, testMsgpackH)
  4930  }
  4932  func TestBincTime(t *testing.T) {
  4933  	doTestTime(t, testBincH)
  4934  }
  4936  func TestSimpleTime(t *testing.T) {
  4937  	doTestTime(t, testSimpleH)
  4938  }
  4940  func TestJsonUintToInt(t *testing.T) {
  4941  	doTestUintToInt(t, testJsonH)
  4942  }
  4944  func TestCborUintToInt(t *testing.T) {
  4945  	doTestUintToInt(t, testCborH)
  4946  }
  4948  func TestMsgpackUintToInt(t *testing.T) {
  4949  	doTestUintToInt(t, testMsgpackH)
  4950  }
  4952  func TestBincUintToInt(t *testing.T) {
  4953  	doTestUintToInt(t, testBincH)
  4954  }
  4956  func TestSimpleUintToInt(t *testing.T) {
  4957  	doTestUintToInt(t, testSimpleH)
  4958  }
  4960  func TestJsonDifferentMapOrSliceType(t *testing.T) {
  4961  	doTestDifferentMapOrSliceType(t, testJsonH)
  4962  }
  4964  func TestCborDifferentMapOrSliceType(t *testing.T) {
  4965  	doTestDifferentMapOrSliceType(t, testCborH)
  4966  }
  4968  func TestMsgpackDifferentMapOrSliceType(t *testing.T) {
  4969  	doTestDifferentMapOrSliceType(t, testMsgpackH)
  4970  }
  4972  func TestBincDifferentMapOrSliceType(t *testing.T) {
  4973  	doTestDifferentMapOrSliceType(t, testBincH)
  4974  }
  4976  func TestSimpleDifferentMapOrSliceType(t *testing.T) {
  4977  	doTestDifferentMapOrSliceType(t, testSimpleH)
  4978  }
  4980  func TestJsonScalars(t *testing.T) {
  4981  	doTestScalars(t, testJsonH)
  4982  }
  4984  func TestCborScalars(t *testing.T) {
  4985  	doTestScalars(t, testCborH)
  4986  }
  4988  func TestMsgpackScalars(t *testing.T) {
  4989  	doTestScalars(t, testMsgpackH)
  4990  }
  4992  func TestBincScalars(t *testing.T) {
  4993  	doTestScalars(t, testBincH)
  4994  }
  4996  func TestSimpleScalars(t *testing.T) {
  4997  	doTestScalars(t, testSimpleH)
  4998  }
  5000  func TestJsonOmitempty(t *testing.T) {
  5001  	doTestOmitempty(t, testJsonH)
  5002  }
  5004  func TestCborOmitempty(t *testing.T) {
  5005  	doTestOmitempty(t, testCborH)
  5006  }
  5008  func TestMsgpackOmitempty(t *testing.T) {
  5009  	doTestOmitempty(t, testMsgpackH)
  5010  }
  5012  func TestBincOmitempty(t *testing.T) {
  5013  	doTestOmitempty(t, testBincH)
  5014  }
  5016  func TestSimpleOmitempty(t *testing.T) {
  5017  	doTestOmitempty(t, testSimpleH)
  5018  }
  5020  func TestJsonIntfMapping(t *testing.T) {
  5021  	doTestIntfMapping(t, testJsonH)
  5022  }
  5024  func TestCborIntfMapping(t *testing.T) {
  5025  	doTestIntfMapping(t, testCborH)
  5026  }
  5028  func TestMsgpackIntfMapping(t *testing.T) {
  5029  	doTestIntfMapping(t, testMsgpackH)
  5030  }
  5032  func TestBincIntfMapping(t *testing.T) {
  5033  	doTestIntfMapping(t, testBincH)
  5034  }
  5036  func TestSimpleIntfMapping(t *testing.T) {
  5037  	doTestIntfMapping(t, testSimpleH)
  5038  }
  5040  func TestJsonMissingFields(t *testing.T) {
  5041  	doTestMissingFields(t, testJsonH)
  5042  }
  5044  func TestCborMissingFields(t *testing.T) {
  5045  	doTestMissingFields(t, testCborH)
  5046  }
  5048  func TestMsgpackMissingFields(t *testing.T) {
  5049  	doTestMissingFields(t, testMsgpackH)
  5050  }
  5052  func TestBincMissingFields(t *testing.T) {
  5053  	doTestMissingFields(t, testBincH)
  5054  }
  5056  func TestSimpleMissingFields(t *testing.T) {
  5057  	doTestMissingFields(t, testSimpleH)
  5058  }
  5060  func TestJsonMaxDepth(t *testing.T) {
  5061  	doTestMaxDepth(t, testJsonH)
  5062  }
  5064  func TestCborMaxDepth(t *testing.T) {
  5065  	doTestMaxDepth(t, testCborH)
  5066  }
  5068  func TestMsgpackMaxDepth(t *testing.T) {
  5069  	doTestMaxDepth(t, testMsgpackH)
  5070  }
  5072  func TestBincMaxDepth(t *testing.T) {
  5073  	doTestMaxDepth(t, testBincH)
  5074  }
  5076  func TestSimpleMaxDepth(t *testing.T) {
  5077  	doTestMaxDepth(t, testSimpleH)
  5078  }
  5080  func TestJsonSelfExt(t *testing.T) {
  5081  	doTestSelfExt(t, testJsonH)
  5082  }
  5084  func TestCborSelfExt(t *testing.T) {
  5085  	doTestSelfExt(t, testCborH)
  5086  }
  5088  func TestMsgpackSelfExt(t *testing.T) {
  5089  	doTestSelfExt(t, testMsgpackH)
  5090  }
  5092  func TestBincSelfExt(t *testing.T) {
  5093  	doTestSelfExt(t, testBincH)
  5094  }
  5096  func TestSimpleSelfExt(t *testing.T) {
  5097  	doTestSelfExt(t, testSimpleH)
  5098  }
  5100  func TestJsonBytesEncodedAsArray(t *testing.T) {
  5101  	doTestBytesEncodedAsArray(t, testJsonH)
  5102  }
  5104  func TestCborBytesEncodedAsArray(t *testing.T) {
  5105  	doTestBytesEncodedAsArray(t, testCborH)
  5106  }
  5108  func TestMsgpackBytesEncodedAsArray(t *testing.T) {
  5109  	doTestBytesEncodedAsArray(t, testMsgpackH)
  5110  }
  5112  func TestBincBytesEncodedAsArray(t *testing.T) {
  5113  	doTestBytesEncodedAsArray(t, testBincH)
  5114  }
  5116  func TestSimpleBytesEncodedAsArray(t *testing.T) {
  5117  	doTestBytesEncodedAsArray(t, testSimpleH)
  5118  }
  5120  func TestJsonStrucEncDec(t *testing.T) {
  5121  	doTestStrucEncDec(t, testJsonH)
  5122  }
  5124  func TestCborStrucEncDec(t *testing.T) {
  5125  	doTestStrucEncDec(t, testCborH)
  5126  }
  5128  func TestMsgpackStrucEncDec(t *testing.T) {
  5129  	doTestStrucEncDec(t, testMsgpackH)
  5130  }
  5132  func TestBincStrucEncDec(t *testing.T) {
  5133  	doTestStrucEncDec(t, testBincH)
  5134  }
  5136  func TestSimpleStrucEncDec(t *testing.T) {
  5137  	doTestStrucEncDec(t, testSimpleH)
  5138  }
  5140  func TestJsonRawToStringToRawEtc(t *testing.T) {
  5141  	doTestRawToStringToRawEtc(t, testJsonH)
  5142  }
  5144  func TestCborRawToStringToRawEtc(t *testing.T) {
  5145  	doTestRawToStringToRawEtc(t, testCborH)
  5146  }
  5148  func TestMsgpackRawToStringToRawEtc(t *testing.T) {
  5149  	doTestRawToStringToRawEtc(t, testMsgpackH)
  5150  }
  5152  func TestBincRawToStringToRawEtc(t *testing.T) {
  5153  	doTestRawToStringToRawEtc(t, testBincH)
  5154  }
  5156  func TestSimpleRawToStringToRawEtc(t *testing.T) {
  5157  	doTestRawToStringToRawEtc(t, testSimpleH)
  5158  }
  5160  func TestJsonStructKeyType(t *testing.T) {
  5161  	doTestStructKeyType(t, testJsonH)
  5162  }
  5164  func TestCborStructKeyType(t *testing.T) {
  5165  	doTestStructKeyType(t, testCborH)
  5166  }
  5168  func TestMsgpackStructKeyType(t *testing.T) {
  5169  	doTestStructKeyType(t, testMsgpackH)
  5170  }
  5172  func TestBincStructKeyType(t *testing.T) {
  5173  	doTestStructKeyType(t, testBincH)
  5174  }
  5176  func TestSimpleStructKeyType(t *testing.T) {
  5177  	doTestStructKeyType(t, testSimpleH)
  5178  }
  5180  func TestJsonPreferArrayOverSlice(t *testing.T) {
  5181  	doTestPreferArrayOverSlice(t, testJsonH)
  5182  }
  5184  func TestCborPreferArrayOverSlice(t *testing.T) {
  5185  	doTestPreferArrayOverSlice(t, testCborH)
  5186  }
  5188  func TestMsgpackPreferArrayOverSlice(t *testing.T) {
  5189  	doTestPreferArrayOverSlice(t, testMsgpackH)
  5190  }
  5192  func TestBincPreferArrayOverSlice(t *testing.T) {
  5193  	doTestPreferArrayOverSlice(t, testBincH)
  5194  }
  5196  func TestSimplePreferArrayOverSlice(t *testing.T) {
  5197  	doTestPreferArrayOverSlice(t, testSimpleH)
  5198  }
  5200  func TestJsonZeroCopyBytes(t *testing.T) {
  5201  	doTestZeroCopyBytes(t, testJsonH)
  5202  }
  5204  func TestCborZeroCopyBytes(t *testing.T) {
  5205  	doTestZeroCopyBytes(t, testCborH)
  5206  }
  5208  func TestMsgpackZeroCopyBytes(t *testing.T) {
  5209  	doTestZeroCopyBytes(t, testMsgpackH)
  5210  }
  5212  func TestBincZeroCopyBytes(t *testing.T) {
  5213  	doTestZeroCopyBytes(t, testBincH)
  5214  }
  5216  func TestSimpleZeroCopyBytes(t *testing.T) {
  5217  	doTestZeroCopyBytes(t, testSimpleH)
  5218  }
  5220  func TestJsonNextValueBytes(t *testing.T) {
  5221  	doTestNextValueBytes(t, testJsonH)
  5222  }
  5224  func TestCborNextValueBytes(t *testing.T) {
  5225  	// x := testCborH.IndefiniteLength
  5226  	// defer func() { testCborH.IndefiniteLength = x }()
  5228  	// xdebugf(">>>>> TestCborNextValueBytes: IndefiniteLength = false")
  5229  	// testCborH.IndefiniteLength = false
  5230  	// doTestNextValueBytes(t, testCborH)
  5231  	// xdebugf(">>>>> TestCborNextValueBytes: IndefiniteLength = true")
  5232  	// testCborH.IndefiniteLength = true
  5233  	doTestNextValueBytes(t, testCborH)
  5234  }
  5236  func TestMsgpackNextValueBytes(t *testing.T) {
  5237  	doTestNextValueBytes(t, testMsgpackH)
  5238  }
  5240  func TestBincNextValueBytes(t *testing.T) {
  5241  	doTestNextValueBytes(t, testBincH)
  5242  }
  5244  func TestSimpleNextValueBytes(t *testing.T) {
  5245  	doTestNextValueBytes(t, testSimpleH)
  5246  }
  5248  func TestJsonNumbers(t *testing.T) {
  5249  	doTestNumbers(t, testJsonH)
  5250  }
  5252  func TestCborNumbers(t *testing.T) {
  5253  	doTestNumbers(t, testCborH)
  5254  }
  5256  func TestMsgpackNumbers(t *testing.T) {
  5257  	doTestNumbers(t, testMsgpackH)
  5258  }
  5260  func TestBincNumbers(t *testing.T) {
  5261  	doTestNumbers(t, testBincH)
  5262  }
  5264  func TestSimpleNumbers(t *testing.T) {
  5265  	doTestNumbers(t, testSimpleH)
  5266  }
  5268  func TestJsonDesc(t *testing.T) {
  5269  	doTestDesc(t, testJsonH, map[byte]string{'"': `"`, '{': `{`, '}': `}`, '[': `[`, ']': `]`})
  5270  }
  5272  func TestCborDesc(t *testing.T) {
  5273  	m := make(map[byte]string)
  5274  	for k, v := range cbordescMajorNames {
  5275  		// if k == cborMajorSimpleOrFloat { m[k<<5] = "nil" }
  5276  		m[k<<5] = v
  5277  	}
  5278  	for k, v := range cbordescSimpleNames {
  5279  		m[k] = v
  5280  	}
  5281  	delete(m, cborMajorSimpleOrFloat<<5)
  5282  	doTestDesc(t, testCborH, m)
  5283  }
  5285  func TestMsgpackDesc(t *testing.T) {
  5286  	m := make(map[byte]string)
  5287  	for k, v := range mpdescNames {
  5288  		m[k] = v
  5289  	}
  5290  	m[mpPosFixNumMin] = "int"
  5291  	m[mpFixStrMin] = "string|bytes"
  5292  	m[mpFixArrayMin] = "array"
  5293  	m[mpFixMapMin] = "map"
  5294  	m[mpFixExt1] = "ext"
  5296  	doTestDesc(t, testMsgpackH, m)
  5297  }
  5299  func TestBincDesc(t *testing.T) {
  5300  	m := make(map[byte]string)
  5301  	for k, v := range bincdescVdNames {
  5302  		m[k<<4] = v
  5303  	}
  5304  	for k, v := range bincdescSpecialVsNames {
  5305  		m[k] = v
  5306  	}
  5307  	delete(m, bincVdSpecial<<4)
  5308  	doTestDesc(t, testBincH, m)
  5309  }
  5311  func TestSimpleDesc(t *testing.T) {
  5312  	doTestDesc(t, testSimpleH, simpledescNames)
  5313  }
  5315  func TestJsonStructFieldInfoToArray(t *testing.T) {
  5316  	doTestStructFieldInfoToArray(t, testJsonH)
  5317  }
  5319  func TestCborStructFieldInfoToArray(t *testing.T) {
  5320  	doTestStructFieldInfoToArray(t, testCborH)
  5321  }
  5323  func TestMsgpackStructFieldInfoToArray(t *testing.T) {
  5324  	doTestStructFieldInfoToArray(t, testMsgpackH)
  5325  }
  5327  func TestBincStructFieldInfoToArray(t *testing.T) {
  5328  	doTestStructFieldInfoToArray(t, testBincH)
  5329  }
  5331  func TestSimpleStructFieldInfoToArray(t *testing.T) {
  5332  	doTestStructFieldInfoToArray(t, testSimpleH)
  5333  }
  5335  // --------
  5337  func TestMultipleEncDec(t *testing.T) {
  5338  	doTestMultipleEncDec(t, testJsonH)
  5339  }
  5341  func TestJsonEncodeIndent(t *testing.T) {
  5342  	doTestJsonEncodeIndent(t, testJsonH)
  5343  }
  5345  func TestJsonDecodeNonStringScalarInStringContext(t *testing.T) {
  5346  	doTestJsonDecodeNonStringScalarInStringContext(t, testJsonH)
  5347  }
  5349  func TestJsonLargeInteger(t *testing.T) {
  5350  	doTestJsonLargeInteger(t, testJsonH)
  5351  }
  5353  func TestJsonInvalidUnicode(t *testing.T) {
  5354  	doTestJsonInvalidUnicode(t, testJsonH)
  5355  }
  5357  func TestJsonNumberParsing(t *testing.T) {
  5358  	doTestJsonNumberParsing(t, testJsonH)
  5359  }
  5361  func TestMsgpackDecodeMapAndExtSizeMismatch(t *testing.T) {
  5362  	doTestMsgpackDecodeMapAndExtSizeMismatch(t, testMsgpackH)
  5363  }

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