This directory contains test files (*.txt) for the comment parser. The files are in [txtar format]( Consider this example: -- input -- Hello. -- gofmt -- Hello. -- html --
Hello. -- markdown -- Hello. -- text -- Hello. Each `-- name --` line introduces a new file with the given name. The file named “input” must be first and contains the input to [comment.Parser]( The remaining files contain the expected output for the named format generated by [comment.Printer]( “gofmt” for Printer.Comment (Go comment format, as used by gofmt), “html” for Printer.HTML, “markdown” for Printer.Markdown, and “text” for Printer.Text. The format can also be “dump” for a textual dump of the raw data structures. The text before the `-- input --` line, if present, is JSON to be unmarshalled to initialize a comment.Printer. For example, this test case sets the Printer's TextWidth field to 20: {"TextWidth": 20} -- input -- Package gob manages streams of gobs - binary values exchanged between an Encoder (transmitter) and a Decoder (receiver). -- text -- Package gob manages streams of gobs - binary values exchanged between an Encoder (transmitter) and a Decoder (receiver).