
Source file src/golang.org/x/text/language/lookup_test.go

Documentation: golang.org/x/text/language

     1  // Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package language
     7  import (
     8  	"testing"
     9  )
    11  func TestRegionID(t *testing.T) {
    12  	tests := []struct {
    13  		in, out string
    14  	}{
    15  		{"_  ", ""},
    16  		{"_000", ""},
    17  		{"419", "419"},
    18  		{"AA", "AA"},
    19  		{"ATF", "TF"},
    20  		{"HV", "HV"},
    21  		{"CT", "CT"},
    22  		{"DY", "DY"},
    23  		{"IC", "IC"},
    24  		{"FQ", "FQ"},
    25  		{"JT", "JT"},
    26  		{"ZZ", "ZZ"},
    27  		{"EU", "EU"},
    28  		{"QO", "QO"},
    29  		{"FX", "FX"},
    30  	}
    31  	for i, tt := range tests {
    32  		if tt.in[0] == '_' {
    33  			id := tt.in[1:]
    34  			if _, err := ParseRegion(id); err == nil {
    35  				t.Errorf("%d:err(%s): found nil; want error", i, id)
    36  			}
    37  			continue
    38  		}
    39  		want, _ := ParseRegion(tt.in)
    40  		if s := want.String(); s != tt.out {
    41  			t.Errorf("%d:%s: found %q; want %q", i, tt.in, s, tt.out)
    42  		}
    43  		if len(tt.in) == 2 {
    44  			want, _ := ParseRegion(tt.in)
    45  			if s := want.String(); s != tt.out {
    46  				t.Errorf("%d:getISO2(%s): found %q; want %q", i, tt.in, s, tt.out)
    47  			}
    48  		}
    49  	}
    50  }
    52  func TestRegionISO3(t *testing.T) {
    53  	tests := []struct {
    54  		from, iso3, to string
    55  	}{
    56  		{"  ", "ZZZ", "ZZ"},
    57  		{"000", "ZZZ", "ZZ"},
    58  		{"AA", "AAA", ""},
    59  		{"CT", "CTE", ""},
    60  		{"DY", "DHY", ""},
    61  		{"EU", "QUU", ""},
    62  		{"HV", "HVO", ""},
    63  		{"IC", "ZZZ", "ZZ"},
    64  		{"JT", "JTN", ""},
    65  		{"PZ", "PCZ", ""},
    66  		{"QU", "QUU", "EU"},
    67  		{"QO", "QOO", ""},
    68  		{"YD", "YMD", ""},
    69  		{"FQ", "ATF", "TF"},
    70  		{"TF", "ATF", ""},
    71  		{"FX", "FXX", ""},
    72  		{"ZZ", "ZZZ", ""},
    73  		{"419", "ZZZ", "ZZ"},
    74  	}
    75  	for _, tt := range tests {
    76  		r, _ := ParseRegion(tt.from)
    77  		if s := r.ISO3(); s != tt.iso3 {
    78  			t.Errorf("iso3(%q): found %q; want %q", tt.from, s, tt.iso3)
    79  		}
    80  		if tt.iso3 == "" {
    81  			continue
    82  		}
    83  		want := tt.to
    84  		if tt.to == "" {
    85  			want = tt.from
    86  		}
    87  		r, _ = ParseRegion(want)
    88  		if id, _ := ParseRegion(tt.iso3); id != r {
    89  			t.Errorf("%s: found %q; want %q", tt.iso3, id, want)
    90  		}
    91  	}
    92  }
    94  func TestRegionM49(t *testing.T) {
    95  	fromTests := []struct {
    96  		m49 int
    97  		id  string
    98  	}{
    99  		{0, ""},
   100  		{-1, ""},
   101  		{1000, ""},
   102  		{10000, ""},
   104  		{001, "001"},
   105  		{104, "MM"},
   106  		{180, "CD"},
   107  		{230, "ET"},
   108  		{231, "ET"},
   109  		{249, "FX"},
   110  		{250, "FR"},
   111  		{276, "DE"},
   112  		{278, "DD"},
   113  		{280, "DE"},
   114  		{419, "419"},
   115  		{626, "TL"},
   116  		{736, "SD"},
   117  		{840, "US"},
   118  		{854, "BF"},
   119  		{891, "CS"},
   120  		{899, ""},
   121  		{958, "AA"},
   122  		{966, "QT"},
   123  		{967, "EU"},
   124  		{999, "ZZ"},
   125  	}
   126  	for _, tt := range fromTests {
   127  		id, err := EncodeM49(tt.m49)
   128  		if want, have := err != nil, tt.id == ""; want != have {
   129  			t.Errorf("error(%d): have %v; want %v", tt.m49, have, want)
   130  			continue
   131  		}
   132  		r, _ := ParseRegion(tt.id)
   133  		if r != id {
   134  			t.Errorf("region(%d): have %s; want %s", tt.m49, id, r)
   135  		}
   136  	}
   138  	toTests := []struct {
   139  		m49 int
   140  		id  string
   141  	}{
   142  		{0, "000"},
   143  		{0, "IC"}, // Some codes don't have an ID
   145  		{001, "001"},
   146  		{104, "MM"},
   147  		{104, "BU"},
   148  		{180, "CD"},
   149  		{180, "ZR"},
   150  		{231, "ET"},
   151  		{250, "FR"},
   152  		{249, "FX"},
   153  		{276, "DE"},
   154  		{278, "DD"},
   155  		{419, "419"},
   156  		{626, "TL"},
   157  		{626, "TP"},
   158  		{729, "SD"},
   159  		{826, "GB"},
   160  		{840, "US"},
   161  		{854, "BF"},
   162  		{891, "YU"},
   163  		{891, "CS"},
   164  		{958, "AA"},
   165  		{966, "QT"},
   166  		{967, "EU"},
   167  		{967, "QU"},
   168  		{999, "ZZ"},
   169  		// For codes that don't have an M49 code use the replacement value,
   170  		// if available.
   171  		{854, "HV"}, // maps to Burkino Faso
   172  	}
   173  	for _, tt := range toTests {
   174  		r, _ := ParseRegion(tt.id)
   175  		if r.M49() != tt.m49 {
   176  			t.Errorf("m49(%q): have %d; want %d", tt.id, r.M49(), tt.m49)
   177  		}
   178  	}
   179  }
   181  func TestRegionDeprecation(t *testing.T) {
   182  	tests := []struct{ in, out string }{
   183  		{"BU", "MM"},
   184  		{"BUR", "MM"},
   185  		{"CT", "KI"},
   186  		{"DD", "DE"},
   187  		{"DDR", "DE"},
   188  		{"DY", "BJ"},
   189  		{"FX", "FR"},
   190  		{"HV", "BF"},
   191  		{"JT", "UM"},
   192  		{"MI", "UM"},
   193  		{"NH", "VU"},
   194  		{"NQ", "AQ"},
   195  		{"PU", "UM"},
   196  		{"PZ", "PA"},
   197  		{"QU", "EU"},
   198  		{"RH", "ZW"},
   199  		{"TP", "TL"},
   200  		{"UK", "GB"},
   201  		{"VD", "VN"},
   202  		{"WK", "UM"},
   203  		{"YD", "YE"},
   204  		{"NL", "NL"},
   205  	}
   206  	for _, tt := range tests {
   207  		rIn, _ := ParseRegion(tt.in)
   208  		rOut, _ := ParseRegion(tt.out)
   209  		r := rIn.Canonicalize()
   210  		if rOut == rIn && r.String() == "ZZ" {
   211  			t.Errorf("%s: was %q; want %q", tt.in, r, tt.in)
   212  		}
   213  		if rOut != rIn && r != rOut {
   214  			t.Errorf("%s: was %q; want %q", tt.in, r, tt.out)
   215  		}
   217  	}
   218  }
   220  func TestIsPrivateUse(t *testing.T) {
   221  	type test struct {
   222  		s       string
   223  		private bool
   224  	}
   225  	tests := []test{
   226  		{"en", false},
   227  		{"und", false},
   228  		{"pzn", false},
   229  		{"qaa", true},
   230  		{"qtz", true},
   231  		{"qua", false},
   232  	}
   233  	for i, tt := range tests {
   234  		x, _ := ParseBase(tt.s)
   235  		if b := x.IsPrivateUse(); b != tt.private {
   236  			t.Errorf("%d: langID.IsPrivateUse(%s) was %v; want %v", i, tt.s, b, tt.private)
   237  		}
   238  	}
   239  	tests = []test{
   240  		{"001", false},
   241  		{"419", false},
   242  		{"899", false},
   243  		{"900", false},
   244  		{"957", false},
   245  		{"958", true},
   246  		{"AA", true},
   247  		{"AC", false},
   248  		{"EU", false}, // CLDR grouping, exceptionally reserved in ISO.
   249  		{"QU", true},  // Canonicalizes to EU, User-assigned in ISO.
   250  		{"QO", true},  // CLDR grouping, User-assigned in ISO.
   251  		{"QA", false},
   252  		{"QM", true},
   253  		{"QZ", true},
   254  		{"XA", true},
   255  		{"XK", true}, // Assigned to Kosovo in CLDR, User-assigned in ISO.
   256  		{"XZ", true},
   257  		{"ZW", false},
   258  		{"ZZ", true},
   259  	}
   260  	for i, tt := range tests {
   261  		x, _ := ParseRegion(tt.s)
   262  		if b := x.IsPrivateUse(); b != tt.private {
   263  			t.Errorf("%d: regionID.IsPrivateUse(%s) was %v; want %v", i, tt.s, b, tt.private)
   264  		}
   265  	}
   266  	tests = []test{
   267  		{"Latn", false},
   268  		{"Laaa", false}, // invalid
   269  		{"Qaaa", true},
   270  		{"Qabx", true},
   271  		{"Qaby", false},
   272  		{"Zyyy", false},
   273  		{"Zzzz", false},
   274  	}
   275  	for i, tt := range tests {
   276  		x, _ := ParseScript(tt.s)
   277  		if b := x.IsPrivateUse(); b != tt.private {
   278  			t.Errorf("%d: scriptID.IsPrivateUse(%s) was %v; want %v", i, tt.s, b, tt.private)
   279  		}
   280  	}
   281  }

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