
Source file src/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/composition_test.go

Documentation: golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm

     1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package norm
     7  import "testing"
     9  // TestCase is used for most tests.
    10  type TestCase struct {
    11  	in  []rune
    12  	out []rune
    13  }
    15  func runTests(t *testing.T, name string, fm Form, tests []TestCase) {
    16  	rb := reorderBuffer{}
    17  	rb.init(fm, nil)
    18  	for i, test := range tests {
    19  		rb.setFlusher(nil, appendFlush)
    20  		for j, rune := range test.in {
    21  			b := []byte(string(rune))
    22  			src := inputBytes(b)
    23  			info := rb.f.info(src, 0)
    24  			if j == 0 {
    25  				rb.ss.first(info)
    26  			} else {
    27  				rb.ss.next(info)
    28  			}
    29  			if rb.insertFlush(src, 0, info) < 0 {
    30  				t.Errorf("%s:%d: insert failed for rune %d", name, i, j)
    31  			}
    32  		}
    33  		rb.doFlush()
    34  		was := string(rb.out)
    35  		want := string(test.out)
    36  		if len(was) != len(want) {
    37  			t.Errorf("%s:%d: length = %d; want %d", name, i, len(was), len(want))
    38  		}
    39  		if was != want {
    40  			k, pfx := pidx(was, want)
    41  			t.Errorf("%s:%d: \nwas  %s%+q; \nwant %s%+q", name, i, pfx, was[k:], pfx, want[k:])
    42  		}
    43  	}
    44  }
    46  func TestFlush(t *testing.T) {
    47  	const (
    48  		hello = "Hello "
    49  		world = "world!"
    50  	)
    51  	buf := make([]byte, maxByteBufferSize)
    52  	p := copy(buf, hello)
    53  	out := buf[p:]
    54  	rb := reorderBuffer{}
    55  	rb.initString(NFC, world)
    56  	if i := rb.flushCopy(out); i != 0 {
    57  		t.Errorf("wrote bytes on flush of empty buffer. (len(out) = %d)", i)
    58  	}
    60  	for i := range world {
    61  		// No need to set streamSafe values for this test.
    62  		rb.insertFlush(rb.src, i, rb.f.info(rb.src, i))
    63  		n := rb.flushCopy(out)
    64  		out = out[n:]
    65  		p += n
    66  	}
    68  	was := buf[:p]
    69  	want := hello + world
    70  	if string(was) != want {
    71  		t.Errorf(`output after flush was "%s"; want "%s"`, string(was), want)
    72  	}
    73  	if rb.nrune != 0 {
    74  		t.Errorf("non-null size of info buffer (rb.nrune == %d)", rb.nrune)
    75  	}
    76  	if rb.nbyte != 0 {
    77  		t.Errorf("non-null size of byte buffer (rb.nbyte == %d)", rb.nbyte)
    78  	}
    79  }
    81  var insertTests = []TestCase{
    82  	{[]rune{'a'}, []rune{'a'}},
    83  	{[]rune{0x300}, []rune{0x300}},
    84  	{[]rune{0x300, 0x316}, []rune{0x316, 0x300}}, // CCC(0x300)==230; CCC(0x316)==220
    85  	{[]rune{0x316, 0x300}, []rune{0x316, 0x300}},
    86  	{[]rune{0x41, 0x316, 0x300}, []rune{0x41, 0x316, 0x300}},
    87  	{[]rune{0x41, 0x300, 0x316}, []rune{0x41, 0x316, 0x300}},
    88  	{[]rune{0x300, 0x316, 0x41}, []rune{0x316, 0x300, 0x41}},
    89  	{[]rune{0x41, 0x300, 0x40, 0x316}, []rune{0x41, 0x300, 0x40, 0x316}},
    90  }
    92  func TestInsert(t *testing.T) {
    93  	runTests(t, "TestInsert", NFD, insertTests)
    94  }
    96  var decompositionNFDTest = []TestCase{
    97  	{[]rune{0xC0}, []rune{0x41, 0x300}},
    98  	{[]rune{0xAC00}, []rune{0x1100, 0x1161}},
    99  	{[]rune{0x01C4}, []rune{0x01C4}},
   100  	{[]rune{0x320E}, []rune{0x320E}},
   101  	{[]rune("음ẻ과"), []rune{0x110B, 0x1173, 0x11B7, 0x65, 0x309, 0x1100, 0x116A}},
   102  }
   104  var decompositionNFKDTest = []TestCase{
   105  	{[]rune{0xC0}, []rune{0x41, 0x300}},
   106  	{[]rune{0xAC00}, []rune{0x1100, 0x1161}},
   107  	{[]rune{0x01C4}, []rune{0x44, 0x5A, 0x030C}},
   108  	{[]rune{0x320E}, []rune{0x28, 0x1100, 0x1161, 0x29}},
   109  }
   111  func TestDecomposition(t *testing.T) {
   112  	runTests(t, "TestDecompositionNFD", NFD, decompositionNFDTest)
   113  	runTests(t, "TestDecompositionNFKD", NFKD, decompositionNFKDTest)
   114  }
   116  var compositionTest = []TestCase{
   117  	{[]rune{0x41, 0x300}, []rune{0xC0}},
   118  	{[]rune{0x41, 0x316}, []rune{0x41, 0x316}},
   119  	{[]rune{0x41, 0x300, 0x35D}, []rune{0xC0, 0x35D}},
   120  	{[]rune{0x41, 0x316, 0x300}, []rune{0xC0, 0x316}},
   121  	// blocking starter
   122  	{[]rune{0x41, 0x316, 0x40, 0x300}, []rune{0x41, 0x316, 0x40, 0x300}},
   123  	{[]rune{0x1100, 0x1161}, []rune{0xAC00}},
   124  	// parenthesized Hangul, alternate between ASCII and Hangul.
   125  	{[]rune{0x28, 0x1100, 0x1161, 0x29}, []rune{0x28, 0xAC00, 0x29}},
   126  }
   128  func TestComposition(t *testing.T) {
   129  	runTests(t, "TestComposition", NFC, compositionTest)
   130  }

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