
Source file src/google.golang.org/protobuf/testing/protopack/pack_test.go

Documentation: google.golang.org/protobuf/testing/protopack

     1  // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package protopack
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"encoding/hex"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"math"
    12  	"testing"
    14  	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp"
    16  	"google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext"
    17  	"google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protodesc"
    18  	"google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
    20  	"google.golang.org/protobuf/types/descriptorpb"
    21  )
    23  var msgDesc = func() protoreflect.MessageDescriptor {
    24  	const s = `
    25  		name:   "test.proto"
    26  		syntax: "proto2"
    27  		message_type: [{
    28  			name: "Message"
    29  			field: [
    30  				{name:"f1"  number:1  label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_BOOL     options:{packed:true}},
    31  				{name:"f2"  number:2  label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_INT64    options:{packed:true}},
    32  				{name:"f3"  number:3  label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_SINT64   options:{packed:true}},
    33  				{name:"f4"  number:4  label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_UINT64   options:{packed:true}},
    34  				{name:"f5"  number:5  label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_FIXED32  options:{packed:true}},
    35  				{name:"f6"  number:6  label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_SFIXED32 options:{packed:true}},
    36  				{name:"f7"  number:7  label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_FLOAT    options:{packed:true}},
    37  				{name:"f8"  number:8  label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_FIXED64  options:{packed:true}},
    38  				{name:"f9"  number:9  label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_SFIXED64 options:{packed:true}},
    39  				{name:"f10" number:10 label:LABEL_REPEATED type:TYPE_DOUBLE   options:{packed:true}},
    40  				{name:"f11" number:11 label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_STRING},
    41  				{name:"f12" number:12 label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_BYTES},
    42  				{name:"f13" number:13 label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_MESSAGE type_name:".Message"},
    43  				{name:"f14" number:14 label:LABEL_OPTIONAL type:TYPE_GROUP   type_name:".Message.F14"}
    44  			]
    45  			nested_type: [{name: "F14"}]
    46  		}]
    47  	`
    48  	pb := new(descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto)
    49  	if err := prototext.Unmarshal([]byte(s), pb); err != nil {
    50  		panic(err)
    51  	}
    52  	fd, err := protodesc.NewFile(pb, nil)
    53  	if err != nil {
    54  		panic(err)
    55  	}
    56  	return fd.Messages().Get(0)
    57  }()
    59  // dhex decodes a hex-string and returns the bytes and panics if s is invalid.
    60  func dhex(s string) []byte {
    61  	b, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
    62  	if err != nil {
    63  		panic(err)
    64  	}
    65  	return b
    66  }
    68  func TestPack(t *testing.T) {
    69  	tests := []struct {
    70  		raw      []byte
    71  		msg      Message
    72  		msgDesc  protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
    73  		inferMsg bool
    75  		wantOutCompact string
    76  		wantOutMulti   string
    77  		wantOutSource  string
    78  	}{{
    79  		raw: dhex("080088808080800002088280808080000a09010002828080808000"),
    80  		msg: Message{
    81  			Tag{1, VarintType}, Bool(false),
    82  			Denormalized{5, Tag{1, VarintType}}, Uvarint(2),
    83  			Tag{1, VarintType}, Denormalized{5, Uvarint(2)},
    84  			Tag{1, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{Bool(true), Bool(false), Uvarint(2), Denormalized{5, Uvarint(2)}},
    85  		},
    86  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
    87  		wantOutSource: `protopack.Message{
    88  	protopack.Tag{1, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Bool(false),
    89  	protopack.Denormalized{+5, protopack.Tag{1, protopack.VarintType}}, protopack.Uvarint(2),
    90  	protopack.Tag{1, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Denormalized{+5, protopack.Uvarint(2)},
    91  	protopack.Tag{1, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.LengthPrefix{protopack.Bool(true), protopack.Bool(false), protopack.Uvarint(2), protopack.Denormalized{+5, protopack.Uvarint(2)}},
    92  }`,
    93  	}, {
    94  		raw: dhex("080088808080800002088280808080000a09010002828080808000"),
    95  		msg: Message{
    96  			Tag{1, VarintType}, Uvarint(0),
    97  			Denormalized{5, Tag{1, VarintType}}, Uvarint(2),
    98  			Tag{1, VarintType}, Denormalized{5, Uvarint(2)},
    99  			Tag{1, BytesType}, Bytes(Message{Bool(true), Bool(false), Uvarint(2), Denormalized{5, Uvarint(2)}}.Marshal()),
   100  		},
   101  		inferMsg: true,
   102  	}, {
   103  		raw: dhex("100010828080808000121980808080808080808001ffffffffffffffff7f828080808000"),
   104  		msg: Message{
   105  			Tag{2, VarintType}, Varint(0),
   106  			Tag{2, VarintType}, Denormalized{5, Varint(2)},
   107  			Tag{2, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{Varint(math.MinInt64), Varint(math.MaxInt64), Denormalized{5, Varint(2)}},
   108  		},
   109  		msgDesc:        msgDesc,
   110  		wantOutCompact: `Message{Tag{2, Varint}, Varint(0), Tag{2, Varint}, Denormalized{+5, Varint(2)}, Tag{2, Bytes}, LengthPrefix{Varint(-9223372036854775808), Varint(9223372036854775807), Denormalized{+5, Varint(2)}}}`,
   111  	}, {
   112  		raw: dhex("1801188180808080001a1affffffffffffffffff01feffffffffffffffff01818080808000"),
   113  		msg: Message{
   114  			Tag{3, VarintType}, Svarint(-1),
   115  			Tag{3, VarintType}, Denormalized{5, Svarint(-1)},
   116  			Tag{3, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{Svarint(math.MinInt64), Svarint(math.MaxInt64), Denormalized{5, Svarint(-1)}},
   117  		},
   118  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   119  		wantOutMulti: `Message{
   120  	Tag{3, Varint}, Svarint(-1),
   121  	Tag{3, Varint}, Denormalized{+5, Svarint(-1)},
   122  	Tag{3, Bytes}, LengthPrefix{Svarint(-9223372036854775808), Svarint(9223372036854775807), Denormalized{+5, Svarint(-1)}},
   123  }`,
   124  	}, {
   125  		raw: dhex("200120818080808000221100ffffffffffffffffff01818080808000"),
   126  		msg: Message{
   127  			Tag{4, VarintType}, Uvarint(+1),
   128  			Tag{4, VarintType}, Denormalized{5, Uvarint(+1)},
   129  			Tag{4, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{Uvarint(0), Uvarint(math.MaxUint64), Denormalized{5, Uvarint(+1)}},
   130  		},
   131  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   132  		wantOutSource: `protopack.Message{
   133  	protopack.Tag{4, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Uvarint(1),
   134  	protopack.Tag{4, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Denormalized{+5, protopack.Uvarint(1)},
   135  	protopack.Tag{4, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.LengthPrefix{protopack.Uvarint(0), protopack.Uvarint(18446744073709551615), protopack.Denormalized{+5, protopack.Uvarint(1)}},
   136  }`,
   137  	}, {
   138  		raw: dhex("2d010000002a0800000000ffffffff"),
   139  		msg: Message{
   140  			Tag{5, Fixed32Type}, Uint32(+1),
   141  			Tag{5, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{Uint32(0), Uint32(math.MaxUint32)},
   142  		},
   143  		msgDesc:        msgDesc,
   144  		wantOutCompact: `Message{Tag{5, Fixed32}, Uint32(1), Tag{5, Bytes}, LengthPrefix{Uint32(0), Uint32(4294967295)}}`,
   145  	}, {
   146  		raw: dhex("35ffffffff320800000080ffffff7f"),
   147  		msg: Message{
   148  			Tag{6, Fixed32Type}, Int32(-1),
   149  			Tag{6, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{Int32(math.MinInt32), Int32(math.MaxInt32)},
   150  		},
   151  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   152  		wantOutMulti: `Message{
   153  	Tag{6, Fixed32}, Int32(-1),
   154  	Tag{6, Bytes}, LengthPrefix{Int32(-2147483648), Int32(2147483647)},
   155  }`,
   156  	}, {
   157  		raw: dhex("3ddb0f49403a1001000000ffff7f7f0000807f000080ff"),
   158  		msg: Message{
   159  			Tag{7, Fixed32Type}, Float32(math.Pi),
   160  			Tag{7, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{Float32(math.SmallestNonzeroFloat32), Float32(math.MaxFloat32), Float32(math.Inf(+1)), Float32(math.Inf(-1))},
   161  		},
   162  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   163  		wantOutSource: `protopack.Message{
   164  	protopack.Tag{7, protopack.Fixed32Type}, protopack.Float32(3.1415927),
   165  	protopack.Tag{7, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.LengthPrefix{protopack.Float32(1e-45), protopack.Float32(3.4028235e+38), protopack.Float32(math.Inf(+1)), protopack.Float32(math.Inf(-1))},
   166  }`,
   167  	}, {
   168  		raw: dhex("41010000000000000042100000000000000000ffffffffffffffff"),
   169  		msg: Message{
   170  			Tag{8, Fixed64Type}, Uint64(+1),
   171  			Tag{8, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{Uint64(0), Uint64(math.MaxUint64)},
   172  		},
   173  		msgDesc:        msgDesc,
   174  		wantOutCompact: `Message{Tag{8, Fixed64}, Uint64(1), Tag{8, Bytes}, LengthPrefix{Uint64(0), Uint64(18446744073709551615)}}`,
   175  	}, {
   176  		raw: dhex("49ffffffffffffffff4a100000000000000080ffffffffffffff7f"),
   177  		msg: Message{
   178  			Tag{9, Fixed64Type}, Int64(-1),
   179  			Tag{9, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{Int64(math.MinInt64), Int64(math.MaxInt64)},
   180  		},
   181  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   182  		wantOutMulti: `Message{
   183  	Tag{9, Fixed64}, Int64(-1),
   184  	Tag{9, Bytes}, LengthPrefix{Int64(-9223372036854775808), Int64(9223372036854775807)},
   185  }`,
   186  	}, {
   187  		raw: dhex("51182d4454fb21094052200100000000000000ffffffffffffef7f000000000000f07f000000000000f0ff"),
   188  		msg: Message{
   189  			Tag{10, Fixed64Type}, Float64(math.Pi),
   190  			Tag{10, BytesType}, LengthPrefix{Float64(math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64), Float64(math.MaxFloat64), Float64(math.Inf(+1)), Float64(math.Inf(-1))},
   191  		},
   192  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   193  		wantOutMulti: `Message{
   194  	Tag{10, Fixed64}, Float64(3.141592653589793),
   195  	Tag{10, Bytes}, LengthPrefix{Float64(5e-324), Float64(1.7976931348623157e+308), Float64(+Inf), Float64(-Inf)},
   196  }`,
   197  	}, {
   198  		raw: dhex("5a06737472696e675a868080808000737472696e67"),
   199  		msg: Message{
   200  			Tag{11, BytesType}, String("string"),
   201  			Tag{11, BytesType}, Denormalized{+5, String("string")},
   202  		},
   203  		msgDesc:        msgDesc,
   204  		wantOutCompact: `Message{Tag{11, Bytes}, String("string"), Tag{11, Bytes}, Denormalized{+5, String("string")}}`,
   205  	}, {
   206  		raw: dhex("62056279746573628580808080006279746573"),
   207  		msg: Message{
   208  			Tag{12, BytesType}, Bytes("bytes"),
   209  			Tag{12, BytesType}, Denormalized{+5, Bytes("bytes")},
   210  		},
   211  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   212  		wantOutMulti: `Message{
   213  	Tag{12, Bytes}, Bytes("bytes"),
   214  	Tag{12, Bytes}, Denormalized{+5, Bytes("bytes")},
   215  }`,
   216  	}, {
   217  		raw: dhex("6a28a006ffffffffffffffffff01a506ffffffffa106ffffffffffffffffa206056279746573a306a406"),
   218  		msg: Message{
   219  			Tag{13, BytesType}, LengthPrefix(Message{
   220  				Tag{100, VarintType}, Uvarint(math.MaxUint64),
   221  				Tag{100, Fixed32Type}, Uint32(math.MaxUint32),
   222  				Tag{100, Fixed64Type}, Uint64(math.MaxUint64),
   223  				Tag{100, BytesType}, Bytes("bytes"),
   224  				Tag{100, StartGroupType}, Tag{100, EndGroupType},
   225  			}),
   226  		},
   227  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   228  		wantOutSource: `protopack.Message{
   229  	protopack.Tag{13, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.LengthPrefix(protopack.Message{
   230  		protopack.Tag{100, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Uvarint(18446744073709551615),
   231  		protopack.Tag{100, protopack.Fixed32Type}, protopack.Uint32(4294967295),
   232  		protopack.Tag{100, protopack.Fixed64Type}, protopack.Uint64(18446744073709551615),
   233  		protopack.Tag{100, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.Bytes("bytes"),
   234  		protopack.Tag{100, protopack.StartGroupType},
   235  		protopack.Tag{100, protopack.EndGroupType},
   236  	}),
   237  }`,
   238  	}, {
   239  		raw: dhex("6a28a006ffffffffffffffffff01a506ffffffffa106ffffffffffffffffa206056279746573a306a406"),
   240  		msg: Message{
   241  			Tag{13, BytesType}, LengthPrefix(Message{
   242  				Tag{100, VarintType}, Uvarint(math.MaxUint64),
   243  				Tag{100, Fixed32Type}, Uint32(math.MaxUint32),
   244  				Tag{100, Fixed64Type}, Uint64(math.MaxUint64),
   245  				Tag{100, BytesType}, Bytes("bytes"),
   246  				Tag{100, StartGroupType}, Tag{100, EndGroupType},
   247  			}),
   248  		},
   249  		inferMsg: true,
   250  	}, {
   251  		raw: dhex("6a28a006ffffffffffffffffff01a506ffffffffa106ffffffffffffffffa206056279746573a306ac06"),
   252  		msg: Message{
   253  			Tag{13, BytesType}, Bytes(Message{
   254  				Tag{100, VarintType}, Uvarint(math.MaxUint64),
   255  				Tag{100, Fixed32Type}, Uint32(math.MaxUint32),
   256  				Tag{100, Fixed64Type}, Uint64(math.MaxUint64),
   257  				Tag{100, BytesType}, Bytes("bytes"),
   258  				Tag{100, StartGroupType}, Tag{101, EndGroupType},
   259  			}.Marshal()),
   260  		},
   261  		inferMsg: true,
   262  	}, {
   263  		raw: dhex("6aa88080808000a006ffffffffffffffffff01a506ffffffffa106ffffffffffffffffa206056279746573a306a406"),
   264  		msg: Message{
   265  			Tag{13, BytesType}, Denormalized{5, LengthPrefix(Message{
   266  				Tag{100, VarintType}, Uvarint(math.MaxUint64),
   267  				Tag{100, Fixed32Type}, Uint32(math.MaxUint32),
   268  				Tag{100, Fixed64Type}, Uint64(math.MaxUint64),
   269  				Tag{100, BytesType}, Bytes("bytes"),
   270  				Tag{100, StartGroupType}, Tag{100, EndGroupType},
   271  			})},
   272  		},
   273  		msgDesc:        msgDesc,
   274  		wantOutCompact: `Message{Tag{13, Bytes}, Denormalized{+5, LengthPrefix(Message{Tag{100, Varint}, Uvarint(18446744073709551615), Tag{100, Fixed32}, Uint32(4294967295), Tag{100, Fixed64}, Uint64(18446744073709551615), Tag{100, Bytes}, Bytes("bytes"), Tag{100, StartGroup}, Tag{100, EndGroup}})}}`,
   275  	}, {
   276  		raw: dhex("73a006ffffffffffffffffff01a506ffffffffa106ffffffffffffffffa206056279746573a306a40674"),
   277  		msg: Message{
   278  			Tag{14, StartGroupType}, Message{
   279  				Tag{100, VarintType}, Uvarint(math.MaxUint64),
   280  				Tag{100, Fixed32Type}, Uint32(math.MaxUint32),
   281  				Tag{100, Fixed64Type}, Uint64(math.MaxUint64),
   282  				Tag{100, BytesType}, Bytes("bytes"),
   283  				Tag{100, StartGroupType}, Tag{100, EndGroupType},
   284  			},
   285  			Tag{14, EndGroupType},
   286  		},
   287  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   288  		wantOutMulti: `Message{
   289  	Tag{14, StartGroup},
   290  	Message{
   291  		Tag{100, Varint}, Uvarint(18446744073709551615),
   292  		Tag{100, Fixed32}, Uint32(4294967295),
   293  		Tag{100, Fixed64}, Uint64(18446744073709551615),
   294  		Tag{100, Bytes}, Bytes("bytes"),
   295  		Tag{100, StartGroup},
   296  		Tag{100, EndGroup},
   297  	},
   298  	Tag{14, EndGroup},
   299  }`,
   300  	}, {
   301  		raw: dhex("d0faa972cd02a5f09051c2d8aa0d6a26a89c311eddef024b423c0f6f47b64227a1600db56e3f73d4113096c9a88e2b99f2d847516853d76a1a6e9811c85a2ab3"),
   302  		msg: Message{
   303  			Tag{29970346, VarintType}, Uvarint(333),
   304  			Tag{21268228, Fixed32Type}, Uint32(229300418),
   305  			Tag{13, BytesType}, LengthPrefix(Message{
   306  				Tag{100805, VarintType}, Uvarint(30),
   307  				Tag{5883, Fixed32Type}, Uint32(255607371),
   308  				Tag{13, Type(7)},
   309  				Raw("G\xb6B'\xa1`\r\xb5n?s\xd4\x110\x96ɨ\x8e+\x99\xf2\xd8GQhS"),
   310  			}),
   311  			Tag{1706, Type(7)},
   312  			Raw("\x1an\x98\x11\xc8Z*\xb3"),
   313  		},
   314  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   315  	}, {
   316  		raw: dhex("3d08d0e57f"),
   317  		msg: Message{
   318  			Tag{7, Fixed32Type}, Float32(math.Float32frombits(
   319  				// TODO: Remove workaround for compiler bug (see https://golang.org/issues/27193).
   320  				func() uint32 { return 0x7fe5d008 }(),
   321  			)),
   322  		},
   323  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   324  		wantOutSource: `protopack.Message{
   325  	protopack.Tag{7, protopack.Fixed32Type}, protopack.Float32(math.Float32frombits(0x7fe5d008)),
   326  }`,
   327  	}, {
   328  		raw: dhex("51a8d65110771bf97f"),
   329  		msg: Message{
   330  			Tag{10, Fixed64Type}, Float64(math.Float64frombits(0x7ff91b771051d6a8)),
   331  		},
   332  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   333  		wantOutSource: `protopack.Message{
   334  	protopack.Tag{10, protopack.Fixed64Type}, protopack.Float64(math.Float64frombits(0x7ff91b771051d6a8)),
   335  }`,
   336  	}, {
   337  		raw: dhex("ab2c14481ab3e9a76d937fb4dd5e6c616ef311f62b7fe888785fca5609ffe81c1064e50dd7a9edb408d317e2891c0d54c719446938d41ab0ccf8e61dc28b0ebb"),
   338  		msg: Message{
   339  			Tag{709, StartGroupType},
   340  			Tag{2, EndGroupType},
   341  			Tag{9, VarintType}, Uvarint(26),
   342  			Tag{28655254, StartGroupType},
   343  			Message{
   344  				Tag{2034, StartGroupType},
   345  				Tag{194006, EndGroupType},
   346  			},
   347  			Tag{13, EndGroupType},
   348  			Tag{12, Fixed64Type}, Uint64(9865274810543764334),
   349  			Tag{15, VarintType}, Uvarint(95),
   350  			Tag{1385, BytesType}, Bytes("\xff\xe8\x1c\x10d\xe5\rש"),
   351  			Tag{17229, Fixed32Type}, Uint32(2313295827),
   352  			Tag{3, EndGroupType},
   353  			Tag{1, Fixed32Type}, Uint32(1142540116),
   354  			Tag{13, Fixed64Type}, Uint64(2154683029754926136),
   355  			Tag{28856, BytesType},
   356  			Raw("\xbb"),
   357  		},
   358  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   359  	}, {
   360  		raw: dhex("29baa4ac1c1e0a20183393bac434b8d3559337ec940050038770eaa9937f98e4"),
   361  		msg: Message{
   362  			Tag{5, Fixed64Type}, Uint64(1738400580611384506),
   363  			Tag{6, StartGroupType},
   364  			Message{
   365  				Tag{13771682, StartGroupType},
   366  				Message{
   367  					Tag{175415, VarintType}, Uvarint(7059),
   368  				},
   369  				Denormalized{+1, Tag{333, EndGroupType}},
   370  				Tag{10, VarintType}, Uvarint(3),
   371  				Tag{1792, Type(7)},
   372  				Raw("꩓\u007f\x98\xe4"),
   373  			},
   374  		},
   375  		msgDesc: msgDesc,
   376  	}}
   378  	equateFloatBits := cmp.Options{
   379  		cmp.Comparer(func(x, y Float32) bool {
   380  			return math.Float32bits(float32(x)) == math.Float32bits(float32(y))
   381  		}),
   382  		cmp.Comparer(func(x, y Float64) bool {
   383  			return math.Float64bits(float64(x)) == math.Float64bits(float64(y))
   384  		}),
   385  	}
   386  	for _, tt := range tests {
   387  		t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
   388  			var msg Message
   389  			raw := tt.msg.Marshal()
   390  			msg.unmarshal(tt.raw, tt.msgDesc, tt.inferMsg)
   392  			if !bytes.Equal(raw, tt.raw) {
   393  				t.Errorf("Marshal() mismatch:\ngot  %x\nwant %x", raw, tt.raw)
   394  			}
   395  			if diff := cmp.Diff(tt.msg, msg, equateFloatBits); diff != "" {
   396  				t.Errorf("Unmarshal() mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
   397  			}
   398  			if got, want := tt.msg.Size(), len(tt.raw); got != want {
   399  				t.Errorf("Size() = %v, want %v", got, want)
   400  			}
   401  			if tt.wantOutCompact != "" {
   402  				gotOut := fmt.Sprintf("%v", tt.msg)
   403  				if string(gotOut) != tt.wantOutCompact {
   404  					t.Errorf("fmt.Sprintf(%q, msg):\ngot:  %s\nwant: %s", "%v", gotOut, tt.wantOutCompact)
   405  				}
   406  			}
   407  			if tt.wantOutMulti != "" {
   408  				gotOut := fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tt.msg)
   409  				if string(gotOut) != tt.wantOutMulti {
   410  					t.Errorf("fmt.Sprintf(%q, msg):\ngot:  %s\nwant: %s", "%+v", gotOut, tt.wantOutMulti)
   411  				}
   412  			}
   413  			if tt.wantOutSource != "" {
   414  				gotOut := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", tt.msg)
   415  				if string(gotOut) != tt.wantOutSource {
   416  					t.Errorf("fmt.Sprintf(%q, msg):\ngot:  %s\nwant: %s", "%#v", gotOut, tt.wantOutSource)
   417  				}
   418  			}
   419  		})
   420  	}
   421  }

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