
Source file src/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protorange/range_test.go

Documentation: google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protorange

     1  // Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package protorange
     7  import (
     8  	"testing"
     9  	"time"
    11  	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp"
    12  	"github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp/cmpopts"
    13  	"google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"
    14  	"google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protopath"
    15  	"google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
    16  	"google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry"
    17  	"google.golang.org/protobuf/testing/protocmp"
    19  	newspb "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/testprotos/news"
    20  	anypb "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/anypb"
    21  	timestamppb "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/timestamppb"
    22  )
    24  func mustMarshal(m proto.Message) []byte {
    25  	b, err := proto.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}.Marshal(m)
    26  	if err != nil {
    27  		panic(err)
    28  	}
    29  	return b
    30  }
    32  var transformReflectValue = cmp.Transformer("", func(v protoreflect.Value) interface{} {
    33  	switch v := v.Interface().(type) {
    34  	case protoreflect.Message:
    35  		return v.Interface()
    36  	case protoreflect.Map:
    37  		ms := map[interface{}]protoreflect.Value{}
    38  		v.Range(func(k protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
    39  			ms[k.Interface()] = v
    40  			return true
    41  		})
    42  		return ms
    43  	case protoreflect.List:
    44  		ls := []protoreflect.Value{}
    45  		for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
    46  			ls = append(ls, v.Get(i))
    47  		}
    48  		return ls
    49  	default:
    50  		return v
    51  	}
    52  })
    54  func TestRange(t *testing.T) {
    55  	m2 := (&newspb.KeyValueAttachment{
    56  		Name: "checksums.txt",
    57  		Data: map[string]string{
    58  			"go1.10.src.tar.gz":         "07cbb9d0091b846c6aea40bf5bc0cea7",
    59  			"go1.10.darwin-amd64.pkg":   "cbb38bb6ff6ea86279e01745984445bf",
    60  			"go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz": "6b3d0e4a5c77352cf4275573817f7566",
    61  			"go1.10.windows-amd64.msi":  "57bda02030f58f5d2bf71943e1390123",
    62  		},
    63  	}).ProtoReflect()
    64  	m := (&newspb.Article{
    65  		Author:  "Brad Fitzpatrick",
    66  		Date:    timestamppb.New(time.Date(2018, time.February, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)),
    67  		Title:   "Go 1.10 is released",
    68  		Content: "Happy Friday, happy weekend! Today the Go team is happy to announce the release of Go 1.10...",
    69  		Status:  newspb.Article_PUBLISHED,
    70  		Tags:    []string{"go1.10", "release"},
    71  		Attachments: []*anypb.Any{{
    72  			TypeUrl: "google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment",
    73  			Value:   mustMarshal(m2.Interface()),
    74  		}},
    75  	}).ProtoReflect()
    77  	// Nil push and pop functions should not panic.
    78  	noop := func(protopath.Values) error { return nil }
    79  	Options{}.Range(m, nil, nil)
    80  	Options{}.Range(m, noop, nil)
    81  	Options{}.Range(m, nil, noop)
    83  	getByName := func(m protoreflect.Message, s protoreflect.Name) protoreflect.Value {
    84  		fds := m.Descriptor().Fields()
    85  		return m.Get(fds.ByName(s))
    86  	}
    88  	wantPaths := []string{
    89  		``,
    90  		`.author`,
    91  		`.date`,
    92  		`.date.seconds`,
    93  		`.title`,
    94  		`.content`,
    95  		`.attachments`,
    96  		`.attachments[0]`,
    97  		`.attachments[0].(google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment)`,
    98  		`.attachments[0].(google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment).name`,
    99  		`.attachments[0].(google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment).data`,
   100  		`.attachments[0].(google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment).data["go1.10.darwin-amd64.pkg"]`,
   101  		`.attachments[0].(google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment).data["go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz"]`,
   102  		`.attachments[0].(google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment).data["go1.10.src.tar.gz"]`,
   103  		`.attachments[0].(google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment).data["go1.10.windows-amd64.msi"]`,
   104  		`.tags`,
   105  		`.tags[0]`,
   106  		`.tags[1]`,
   107  		`.status`,
   108  	}
   109  	wantValues := []protoreflect.Value{
   110  		protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(m),
   111  		getByName(m, "author"),
   112  		getByName(m, "date"),
   113  		getByName(getByName(m, "date").Message(), "seconds"),
   114  		getByName(m, `title`),
   115  		getByName(m, `content`),
   116  		getByName(m, `attachments`),
   117  		getByName(m, `attachments`).List().Get(0),
   118  		protoreflect.ValueOfMessage(m2),
   119  		getByName(m2, `name`),
   120  		getByName(m2, `data`),
   121  		getByName(m2, `data`).Map().Get(protoreflect.ValueOfString("go1.10.darwin-amd64.pkg").MapKey()),
   122  		getByName(m2, `data`).Map().Get(protoreflect.ValueOfString("go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz").MapKey()),
   123  		getByName(m2, `data`).Map().Get(protoreflect.ValueOfString("go1.10.src.tar.gz").MapKey()),
   124  		getByName(m2, `data`).Map().Get(protoreflect.ValueOfString("go1.10.windows-amd64.msi").MapKey()),
   125  		getByName(m, `tags`),
   126  		getByName(m, `tags`).List().Get(0),
   127  		getByName(m, `tags`).List().Get(1),
   128  		getByName(m, `status`),
   129  	}
   131  	tests := []struct {
   132  		resolver interface {
   133  			protoregistry.ExtensionTypeResolver
   134  			protoregistry.MessageTypeResolver
   135  		}
   137  		errorAt     int
   138  		breakAt     int
   139  		terminateAt int
   141  		wantPaths  []string
   142  		wantValues []protoreflect.Value
   143  		wantError  error
   144  	}{{
   145  		wantPaths:  wantPaths,
   146  		wantValues: wantValues,
   147  	}, {
   148  		resolver: (*protoregistry.Types)(nil),
   149  		wantPaths: append(append(wantPaths[:8:8],
   150  			`.attachments[0].type_url`,
   151  			`.attachments[0].value`,
   152  		), wantPaths[15:]...),
   153  		wantValues: append(append(wantValues[:8:8],
   154  			protoreflect.ValueOfString("google.golang.org.KeyValueAttachment"),
   155  			protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(mustMarshal(m2.Interface())),
   156  		), wantValues[15:]...),
   157  	}, {
   158  		errorAt:    5, // return error within newspb.Article
   159  		wantPaths:  wantPaths[:5],
   160  		wantValues: wantValues[:5],
   161  		wantError:  cmpopts.AnyError,
   162  	}, {
   163  		terminateAt: 11, // terminate within newspb.KeyValueAttachment
   164  		wantPaths:   wantPaths[:11],
   165  		wantValues:  wantValues[:11],
   166  	}, {
   167  		breakAt:    11, // break within newspb.KeyValueAttachment
   168  		wantPaths:  append(wantPaths[:11:11], wantPaths[15:]...),
   169  		wantValues: append(wantValues[:11:11], wantValues[15:]...),
   170  	}, {
   171  		errorAt:    17, // return error within newspb.Article.Tags
   172  		wantPaths:  wantPaths[:17],
   173  		wantValues: wantValues[:17],
   174  		wantError:  cmpopts.AnyError,
   175  	}, {
   176  		breakAt:    17, // break within newspb.Article.Tags
   177  		wantPaths:  append(wantPaths[:17:17], wantPaths[18:]...),
   178  		wantValues: append(wantValues[:17:17], wantValues[18:]...),
   179  	}, {
   180  		terminateAt: 17, // terminate within newspb.Article.Tags
   181  		wantPaths:   wantPaths[:17],
   182  		wantValues:  wantValues[:17],
   183  	}, {
   184  		errorAt:    13, // return error within newspb.KeyValueAttachment.Data
   185  		wantPaths:  wantPaths[:13],
   186  		wantValues: wantValues[:13],
   187  		wantError:  cmpopts.AnyError,
   188  	}, {
   189  		breakAt:    13, // break within newspb.KeyValueAttachment.Data
   190  		wantPaths:  append(wantPaths[:13:13], wantPaths[15:]...),
   191  		wantValues: append(wantValues[:13:13], wantValues[15:]...),
   192  	}, {
   193  		terminateAt: 13, // terminate within newspb.KeyValueAttachment.Data
   194  		wantPaths:   wantPaths[:13],
   195  		wantValues:  wantValues[:13],
   196  	}}
   197  	for _, tt := range tests {
   198  		t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
   199  			var gotPaths []string
   200  			var gotValues []protoreflect.Value
   201  			var stackPaths []string
   202  			var stackValues []protoreflect.Value
   203  			gotError := Options{
   204  				Stable:   true,
   205  				Resolver: tt.resolver,
   206  			}.Range(m,
   207  				func(p protopath.Values) error {
   208  					gotPaths = append(gotPaths, p.Path[1:].String())
   209  					stackPaths = append(stackPaths, p.Path[1:].String())
   210  					gotValues = append(gotValues, p.Index(-1).Value)
   211  					stackValues = append(stackValues, p.Index(-1).Value)
   212  					switch {
   213  					case tt.errorAt > 0 && tt.errorAt == len(gotPaths):
   214  						return cmpopts.AnyError
   215  					case tt.breakAt > 0 && tt.breakAt == len(gotPaths):
   216  						return Break
   217  					case tt.terminateAt > 0 && tt.terminateAt == len(gotPaths):
   218  						return Terminate
   219  					default:
   220  						return nil
   221  					}
   222  				},
   223  				func(p protopath.Values) error {
   224  					gotPath := p.Path[1:].String()
   225  					wantPath := stackPaths[len(stackPaths)-1]
   226  					if wantPath != gotPath {
   227  						t.Errorf("%d: pop path mismatch: got %v, want %v", len(gotPaths), gotPath, wantPath)
   228  					}
   229  					gotValue := p.Index(-1).Value
   230  					wantValue := stackValues[len(stackValues)-1]
   231  					if diff := cmp.Diff(wantValue, gotValue, transformReflectValue, protocmp.Transform()); diff != "" {
   232  						t.Errorf("%d: pop value mismatch (-want +got):\n%v", len(gotValues), diff)
   233  					}
   234  					stackPaths = stackPaths[:len(stackPaths)-1]
   235  					stackValues = stackValues[:len(stackValues)-1]
   236  					return nil
   237  				},
   238  			)
   239  			if n := len(stackPaths) + len(stackValues); n > 0 {
   240  				t.Errorf("stack mismatch: got %d unpopped items", n)
   241  			}
   242  			if diff := cmp.Diff(tt.wantPaths, gotPaths); diff != "" {
   243  				t.Errorf("paths mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
   244  			}
   245  			if diff := cmp.Diff(tt.wantValues, gotValues, transformReflectValue, protocmp.Transform()); diff != "" {
   246  				t.Errorf("values mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
   247  			}
   248  			if !cmp.Equal(gotError, tt.wantError, cmpopts.EquateErrors()) {
   249  				t.Errorf("error mismatch: got %v, want %v", gotError, tt.wantError)
   250  			}
   251  		})
   252  	}
   253  }

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